Why are modern christians so cucked and let foreigners(shitskins) participate in their religion and breed their women?
Why are modern christians so cucked and let foreigners(shitskins) participate in their religion and breed their women?
Christianity isn't an inherently White religion. Outside of weird tiny heretic sects, Christians have always recognized that all races of man are called to worship Christ. Even Christians who have believed in the need for races to have their own separate nations, or who have advocated for a racial hierarchy, nevertheless have mostly agreed on this subject.
I agree with you OP. Christianity was better when only jews could partake, opening it to g*yims was the beginning of the end.
modern Christians are cucked not because of Christianity but because of (((leftism)))
There's your problem
Because they don't sage and hide bait threads anymore.
There’s more truth in this then you might realize. Jews were the original Christians, but does that make them any more or less valid then gentiles? In the same way, are black or white Christians supperior to each other? Now that being said, there is a cultural identity shared by all Christians that one person, regardless of race, should submit to.
They forgot that while Christianity ought to be practiced by all, national boundaries existed for a reason.
Because Hitler lost WW2, and every since then the jews rule the world, including the physical manifestation of the church.
Vatican2 was basically the church deciding to get with the times in order to preserve it's standing.
Fatal mistake.
The church should have never appeased the jews. The jews should appease Jesus by converting.
There is no such thing as a christian jew.
Christianity was never jewish. Christianity is by definition, the liberation of the human spirit from judaism and sin.
Heresy. Jesus was the original christian, and the jews rejected him entirely. Again, there is no compatibility between judaism and christianity. It's either a jew or a christian. No middle ground.
There is no overlap between christians and jews. You either reject Christ and you are a jew, or you accept him, and you are a christian.
No middle ground.
Your skin will rot in grave and such subjects won't matter neither in immaterial world nor after resurrection
Just a reminder
1 Timothy 5:8
This includes safety and protection.
Your family comes first, and your nation is your extended family. So yes, these things do matter.
Have you even read OP?
Yes, and as you can see I didn't answer him, I answered someone else…
Good Christians don't let their daughters racemix, but we're under the same propaganda machine as the whole world
The new heaven and new earth are material, and you will still be of your same race
As Saint Thomas Aquinas says, the people of your race are basically your extended family, so you have a responsibility to take care of them first.
Which won't matter. What WILL matter is your spiritual state.
Nevertheless, read church fathers. New bodies shall reflect spiritual state so pious being black or notshall shine as sun while damned being white or not shall cover himself in darkness by rejecting light of God.
Also, read OP. Someone being a shitskin (which he didn't decided to be) Should not be barred from Divine liturgy and Eucharist just because he has skin colour you don't like. (and yes, this IS religious participation at its highest).
Good luck calling people shitskins and expecting to be saved. Even 'tigger' is more acceptable.
That's 19 too many.
And again, have you read OP? (I am the same guy btw).
I maybe forgot quotation marks, but it wont change anything that I have stated there. Though congratulations, you managed to ignore my entire post except for that part. *clap*