Anger after Cardinal blames homosexuality, not Catholic church, for cleric sex abuse…

Anger after Cardinal blames homosexuality, not Catholic church, for cleric sex abuse…
A German cardinal has sought to blame homosexuality for abuse in the church even as Pope Francis urges bishops to end cover-ups

A German cardinal on Friday provoked anger and controversy when he claimed the Catholic church was not responsible for sexual abuse by its clerics, and instead sought to pin the blame on homosexuality. “What has happened in the church is no different from what is happening in society as a whole,” Cardinal Walter Brandmüller said. “The real scandal is that the Catholic church hasn’t distinguished itself from the rest of society.” A study commissioned by the German Bishops Conference and published last year found that more than 3,600 children were sexually abused by Catholic clergy in Germany between 1946 and 2014. But Cardinal Brandmüller claimed that only a “vanishingly small number” of clergy had committed abuses. He said the real problem was homosexuality and claimed it is “statistically proven” that there is a link between homosexuality and abuse. Society “forgets or covers up the fact that 80 per cent of cases of sexual assault in the church involved male youths not children,” he told Germany’s DPA news agency in an interview a few days ahead of his 90th birthday.

Cardinal Brandmüller’s outburst comes days after the Pope urged Catholic bishops in the US to confront the “sins and crimes” of sexual abuse by the clergy and “the efforts made to deny or conceal them”. “Everything we do risks being tainted by self-referentiality, self-preservation and defensiveness, and thus doomed from the start,” Pope Francis wrote in a letter to American bishops ahead of a spiritual retreat to reflect on the issue. “As we know, the mentality that would cover things up, far from helping to resolve conflicts, enabled them to fester and cause even greater harm to the network of relationships that today we are called to heal and restore.” Cardinal Brandmüller has been one of Pope Francis’ most outspoken critics within the Catholic church, and is one of four cardinals who have repeatedly challenged the Pope’s teachings on love and family life. The cardinal’s comments were swiftly condemned on social media and by leading German commentators. “What a shameful way for the Catholic Church to relativise guilt and defame homosexuals. Disgraceful,” Ulf Poschardt, the editor of Welt newspaper, wrote on Twitter.

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So knowingly hiding, protecting and shuffling them around different churches is a blameless activity ?
We already know homosex is a sin and leads to bad behavior…

Done by other homosexuals

He's right tho.

Who was tolerant enough to allow them into the Church in the first place?

Who was modernist enough to not automatically defrock the sodomites and keep them in the clergy?

The Catholic Church has noone to blame but themselves for this.

didn't the church allow faggot clergy in the church circa 1960s? Vat2?

Didn't the roman church recently have a little witch hunt against a priest who let his parishioners burn a LGBT flag outside his church?

Idk about that but, if true, big mistake
It's better not to provoce those who are possessed by demons. The church's mission is to heal.

In defense of the church we only realised the fags we had once this scandals come to the surface. And that was too late.
Every seminar in the US was already controled by gays.

It never stopped them tbh as far as I know. Faggotry wasn't even a widespread thing, only the scum of society were faggots and were seen as low as prostitutes. But fags didn't realise that the world would like them, meaning they would join the priesthood having faith in Christ.
Roman Church =/= Bishop involved in scandals.
If you read story about that priest the Bishop was literally the head of the local mob. The guy was fearing for his life.

Some clergy did, "The Church" has maintained and restated several times, Pope Francis has restated it at least twice I believe, that people with deeply seated homosexual tendencies are not to be permitted into seminary. The problem is in individual bishops or leaders who for various reasons, some well intentioned others not, are letting people slip through the cracks. It's taken decades for the ramifications to really come out and it will take decades before it can fully be healed, but reform is always slow. And it's especially slow nowadays because there is a shortage of prospective priests in many places, so some bishops are reluctant to clamp down harder on who is allowed into seminary for fear of having even less priests to work with.

Although I like Brandmüller he's a bit wrong.
The church (not the Church) is also responsible for covering it up, but then again this was mostly done by the gays themselves.
Hmm…I guess he was right then.

Malarkey! It is even in the Catholic catechism to accept them no matter what:

The Church has been letting them in since the 1960s. Thinking if they can be forced to be chaste it will change them. Instead of banning them or telling them they can't identify as a faggot the Church accepted them anyway. Several decades later now we have to deal with rapists and pedophiles.

This is absolutely 100% the Roman Church's fault.

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Who would have know like that we pray for their repentance?

You can thank the first gay bishops who sneaked their way into the Church.
Its like saying the Church was responsable for the spread of arianism because Arians were bishops of the church as well.
You also forgot to quote this my friend

And yet they are approved anyway because they "promise" to be chaste. Than when they break their promise they get shuffled around and not de-frocked.

Maybe if they were never allowed in the first place there wouldn't be such problems with the Roman Church.

God instituted Leviticus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 23:17 for a good reason. Now the Romans have discarded that reason and look what fruits it has brought into this world.

What the hell are you saying?
Do you think the church ever asked novices if they liked women or not?
We still condemn faggotry wtf lad?

Sauce: Human Sexuality: A Catholic Perspective for Education and Lifelong Learning, 1991, p. 55

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They are as of now. The guys who runs the seminars are to pay attention to any suspicious behaviour that might indicate the dude is a faggot.
When the dudes in high places are faggots as well I don't see how can that be made other then wait for them to be dead

It's kind of interesting how stalwartly traditional Catholics were even at the turn of the 20th century. I was perusing Haydock's commentaries, and it was funny how he even called the Protestants of the 19th century "modernists" (which they were). These very scholars are seen as conservative now though.. but it shows just oldschool traditional Catholic teaching was. They even viewed Calvin and Luther in a similar light, and slammed on this streak of individualism in Trent.

Once Catholics dropped their guard, they became even more faggy and modernist than the Protestant counterparts they had railed against for centuries. I'm coming from an Orthodox perspective, but it saddens me to see.

Hopefully that isn't too far off topic. It just reminded me of what I was reading earlier. Really put the era of V2 in perspective.

You aren't wrong lad.
t. Catholic

So the best solution is to just wait it out? Meanwhile said sodomites are free to spread their filth and heresy and entrench themselves even deeper in the Church. What could go wrong?

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I know it's sad. But if the pope tried to excommunicate the faggot the one would would carry on the sentence would be a faggot as well and wouldn't do it.
Either the pope calls to his side guys like Burke or Sarah and goes full medieval inquisitor mode or nothing remains to us than to wait, that is implying that if the pope did that he wouldn't die mysteriously next day.


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Wait, what should they look for?
I mean, someone who's very flamboyant is a dead ringer, but the most common sign someone is gay is not being interested in women.

Which, given this is an RC seminary, is…yeah.

What is this sentence even supposed to mean? The media's Orwellian doublespeak drives me nuts.
The Cardinal is helping to end cover-ups of sexual abuse by exposing why over 80% of the abuse happens.

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Also implying the next pope isn't full modernist. The obvious solution is to remove Vat II, change the catechism, and be vocally agianst sodomites again. so much that heretics like Fr Martin have to resign or go into a self exile

Easy, allow the preists to marry. The Orthodox have been doing it since forever and they don't have sodomite problems.

Now that I think about it more, Rome should just admit they were wrong and come back to the Orthodoxy already.

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Absolutely debatable, but still absolutely wrong

Why? Celibacy worked fine for centuries. Only the modern world tries to destroy it.
Besides implying faggots like women.
They rape young boys not young girls. Be aus eif they did rape girls then yeah I'd agree.
Besides Eastern catholic priests can marry.