This is the only place I could unironically tell people that UNIRONIC SATANISTS ARE DOING SHIT IN MY HOMETOWN

This is the only place I could unironically tell people that UNIRONIC SATANISTS ARE DOING SHIT IN MY HOMETOWN
Look I know this sounds stupid, but I can prove it. Over the last 8 hours of piecing shit together it got really scary. I live in Santa Clarita it's already going to be a winnie the pooh give away. Look I work in one of the schools, and at this point I DO NOT winnie the pooh CARE HOW THE INFORMATION GETS OUT. It's worse than you could think. "music" teachers lacing their instruments with semen
People openly signaling to each other with signs to "signal there's children",our fence purposely is jumpable so when our school gets shot up they can enter through the front which is always unlocked;we have a balcony which overlops the play area so when whoever comes in comes in they shoot me,the staff watching the children, and the children. The children are encouraged to hug the staff, and I have found people from the staff site posting toddlers in very revealing clothing. It gets worse they are literal rot tier satanists who believe they're pulling a tikkumn olam by sacrificing us all to satan, and then using our "tragedy" to virtue signal to normies, and have them do literal luciferian agendas without them even winnie the pooh realizing it. I'm freaking the winnie the pooh out;I've worked here 6 months. I'm essentially a yard supervisor. I deal with 500-600 kids every hour for 3, and a half hours. Our vice-principle was out, and about(he's israeli)at Northpark Elementary same year during the shooting;which was only two years ago, and has been the vice principle ever since. When I first got here I thought he was gay, and I still believe he is;I believe he lied to my face that he has a family;worse they haven't made me part of the websites staff so when they kill me off I'm memory holed, and everyone else gets memory holed that gets offed. All of this is happening, because of a board director who is an Iranian non-ironic terrorist working with mossad at synagogues who fund him when he's not giving back in winnie the poohed up ways. I started going through his facebook page for keks, and shit, but it got really weird. Santa Clarita has a Massage Parlor prostitution problem, LIKE really bad. Ended up finding he liked, and reviewed one of the places that got busted, but also he was visiting weird eastern slavic milfs using massage therapy as a cover up for very expensive soapy handjobs(all of their clientele are older men with a lot of money constantly, and ABSOLUTELY rec'ing about specific "services to get" one literal tigger is just winnie the pooh straight up about it says she will straighten your knots, and you'll come back for more;dig further to find the sandtigger kike liked some obscure weird obscure "movie" about kids being sold as commodity in every day work environments. Steve Hill literally winnie the pooh ministers at the church of satan, and has now SUCCESSFULLY gotten satanic clubs, on Santa Clarita public school grounds. Same guy is aiding illegals into getting faux citizenships, and through the aid of the police department. By the way OUR SCHOOL HAS NO FIRE EXIT, AND YOU HAVE TO DONUT INSIDE WITH YOUR CAR TO ESCAPE WHICH MEANS TWO CARS CAN BLOCK YOUR ESCAPE. I'm typing all this out, because I love Jesus Christ, and believe he's the truth. I will delve into complete details, and show everything if I can talk to someone who isn't a winnie the pooh kike, and can give me a throwaway form of communication in which I can aid the destruction of this literal SATANIC shit this would have been something Ted Gunderson would have delved on. HALP IT'S SO winnie the pooh BAD THAT THEY ARE NOW OPENLY FLAUNTING IT ON NETFLIX. I have no idea who to talk to when your own sheriff department is winnie the pooh compromised.

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Other urls found in this thread:,dlC-R-R&eid=ARB9BFU8anopd0Imdvc0j9XxpHsKmk4PTwUhBg_EyQ5Spu4jvgUolvX23YgqZmuhMhzaASHUAlwgj4UW&hc_ref=ARSx_4rhkZ8TqzNzrnuTgpRyjjvxKDIzyVD1nGChshNxOd4-HjfvfWwq5c-ElwSXX2k,0,2016670.story


I think you're currently experiencing a psychotic break. Please seek mental help.

Please pray to God, and maybe talk to a priest about this.

yo if any of you are legit cops please I would like to get into contact with SOMEONE I cannot make a local call or I will literally get two to the back of my winnie the pooh head

You are suffering from extreme paranoia. You might also be having a psychotic break. Pray for God's mercy and seek psychiatric care.

Sweet Jesus, OP isn't crazy.

They have open satanists running for Congress.

Thankfully satanist related only got 11% of the vote for Cali's 21st district, but the audacity to run as a proponent of pure evil is astounding.

OP, I'm praying for you. Please stay safe and contact a cop you can trust. Do what is right, christanon. If you ever feel like it is hopeless, just remember that God is on your side, and through Him all things are possible.


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I don't know who the winnie the pooh to talk to about this you guys literally don't get how winnie the poohed this is

jesus was right there would be a time where people would call you mad,pure despair would reign upon you, and all those proclaiming to be your brother in spirit would turn a blind eye

I wonder if I'm crazy for finding it plausible.

Just because the OP is writing in a frantic way doesn't mean there isn't some truth to it.

Friend I wish I could help but what could I possibly do? Your well being currently is more important to me than the politics in your land. I hate to say it, but political powers are going to get worse and worse. You said there was deman laced on the flutes while the article simply said he possessed child pornography.

You are writing in a manner that mimics mania.
full on investigation was launched at the school. I've been having a panic attack for the last 7 hours. I am thinking of pulling a co-worker aside after I document everything into a folder specifically to accuse the board member who is performing RICO acts. Yes I know this all sounds insane, but I am unironically willing to be ostracized. This guy is unironically evil, and is also a COACH grooming CHILDREN I forgot to emphasize that, because I was not thinking straight during my panic attackign which I feel I'm relapsing back into. He has taught for TEN YEARS as a COACH, is in a SYNAGOGUE when he's not JEWISH, and is regularly denouncing god while causing havoc through weird extremist groups, and let kids get HURT like that.

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winnie the pooh LOOK

I'm sure there's some truth to it. But we need to remember this world is not our home. Politics are driving the OP insane clearly. He's paranoid and writing in a schizophrenic way.

There's nothing anyone on this board can do. OP, please take care of yourself and seek solace in the fact that Jesus Christ will judge all His enemies. Take solace in the fact that with each passing day the returning of our Lord draws nearer.

do not say anything if you want to peep on him do it he's actually scary look at his fb likes that aren't media related>>760851
don't go look



I looked and also archived it.

I don't see anything serious. Sure, the guy is overweight and effeminate, but he's American so that's to be expected.

No buddy wait let me link his fb look at his likes but not the media related ones just please give me a moment to pull it up,dlC-R-R&eid=ARB9BFU8anopd0Imdvc0j9XxpHsKmk4PTwUhBg_EyQ5Spu4jvgUolvX23YgqZmuhMhzaASHUAlwgj4UW&hc_ref=ARSx_4rhkZ8TqzNzrnuTgpRyjjvxKDIzyVD1nGChshNxOd4-HjfvfWwq5c-ElwSXX2k

I also looked at this page. It looks like the authorities are handling it OP. Why so upset?

NO take a look at his fb page scan it then reread everything i said, and understand why i'm having a panic attack

Take screenshots of what has so offended you on the FB page. I'm not scanning through hundreds of posts. I can tell he's politically left leaning. That doesn't make him a pedophile or a Satanist.

Next time post on Zig Forums. Get out of the system (capitalism), get as many people out as possible, especially the ones with children, prepare for survival, prepare for war. What you're experiencing is happening all across the globe in more or less severe forms. It's by design and with full intend to create as much chaos and violence as possible. The jewish usury scheme is about to collapse the world economy and they are staging global wars to introduce a new system that will enslave all of mankind under jewish rule. This system is based on cash-less currency (end of money), universal income (total state dependency) and social credit system (full blown competitive slavery).

dude just go on his fb in his like search bar he likes this page explain this

bro it has nothing to do with winnie the pooh politics this tigger is a degenerate piece of shit what the winnie the pooh is wrong with you winnie the poohs this isn't about politics i'm showing you digital prints

So he likes the page of some silly indie movie. Who cares?

Also please stop swearing so much it makes your posts difficult to read.

If you have proof this man, "Coach Dave" has committed a crime, calm down, gather evidence, and report him in a way that doesn't come off as a psychotic break to every sane person in the room.

he is literally following and liked the church of satan explain that as a christian

The father, and jesus christ the chance on the off chance someone is culling one of his flock.

i've been on this too long, and the fury of this attack, and the lack of sleep is actually winnie the pooh with my head. I'm sorry I sound like a lunatic I need sleep so I can spend all of tomorrow archiving.

This is an art project for some ones thesis

Stop swearing, bad optics. Also everything has to do with politics. This is about power, about money, about committing evil deeds so that they can stand in good lights with their perceived masters (who are nothing but jews using them to overthrow and destroy nations like they did for thousands of years). Child abuse specifically is massively widespread in wealth circles and spearheaded by jews….not only for their own "delight" but as a blackmail scheme to enslave their followers under them. The satanists you see today are enslaved under their own evil deeds and blackmailed into pushing forward in full blown self destructive behaviors. Again this is not new and the catholic church was once the counterweight to the jewish evil on this world, until they got corrupted and filled with sodomites. You want to stick to Christianity, then uphold morality and fight for it. Otherwise save as many as you can and prepare for war.

Godspeed user, i hope you can bring down the satanic hold on your comunity. California is pretty lost.

Great … just great. First, I can't order pizza and now you want to take away my flute?

During the 1960s, Alamo and his wife, Susan, founded a Christian organization in Los Angeles. They bused school dropouts and drug users into their shelters and provided food and anti-Catholic, anti-government religious lectures. The street preaching became a multimillion-dollar empire through a television show, events and merchandise cheaply manufactured by their adherents.,0,2016670.story

>>>/qresearch/ is surely interested.

stopped reading right there

Is that the one where Cartman discovered the brown note?

do this / btw. Do eet. With haste.

pick one.

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Atheists are satanists. Change my mind.
you can't

The article you linked does not support that.
Maybe this isn't good but it doesn't sound sinister.
Context? Their own kids, relatives, school kids? Most likely this is innocent. I mean real perverts wouldn't post using the staff site, or using the same e-mail from the staff site or however you found them. They don't want to be caught. And the world's standards on what is considered revealing are probably looser than yours.
You can't really tell just from talking to someone if they're gay, there've been times I thought someone had very stereotypically gay mannerisms and later I met their normal family.
It could be either that your job is too minor for them to bother (I'm not clear on what you do), or, frankly, if you give off a paranoid erratic vibe to them they may not plan to keep you on staff much longer.
Frequenting adult female prostitutes is a sin, but a pretty common one, nothing Illuminati tier or even worth mentioning about that since it doesn't support your case.
Would be easier to judge this if you named the movie. Sounds like it could be either a horror movie or a documentary. And again, why would a real conspirator like something like this on Facebook. It doesn't make sense. They would be trying to keep this stuff hush hush.
Okay but what does this have to do with the school? There are Church of Satan members all over the US. Mostly they are edgier objectivists/atheists who try to trigger people like us.

I have to side with the other anons and say you should seek psychiatric treatment. You seem to be connecting a lot of unconnected dots.

Most Satanists are either atheists, agnostics or deists. LaVey's church views Satan more as a symbol of rebellion than an intervening deity to be prayed to and worshipped. Most atheists aren't Satanists, except if you mean in the sense that all non-Christians serve Satan.

Yes I do mean in that sense. satan is the hebrew word for adversary. They openly reject and oppose the good Christianity has on society and try to pervert society in their own image. Basically, atheists are the useful idiots of satanism.


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Stop concern trolling

It's a student film. Literally tried and failed to raise $3000.
It's supposed to raise issues about isolation and technology. It's probably dumb artsy crap but nothing to do with pizzagate. The Illuminati are not making $3000 student films.

That is one fact that is probably worthy of it's own thread, but I don't see what it has to do with his school or the other 'evidence' he posted, which seems pretty sketchy.

Okay OP, this actually seems like proof of what you claimed about the flutes. Why did you not post that in the OP? You are posting in a sort of frantic stream of consciousness style, where you make one claim and then move on to something else the next sentence without backing up what you just said. Try to present the evidence in a more reasoned manner, explain one topic fully giving all available evidence, screencaps (preferably with identifying information blocked as we don't want to dox anyone unjustly), links, etc., before moving on to the next thing.
I believe there could be Satanists and perverts operating at high places but I need evidence of specifics first, I'm not gonna engage in witch hunts.
Things you gave evidence for:
-A pervert music teacher contaminated some flutes years ago
I don't know how this relates to the other stuff about your school; do you have reason to believe they sent flutes to your school? Even if so, it wouldn't mean people from your school knew about these crimes or were involved.
-A Satanist unsuccessfully ran for Senate
-Your school's board director liked a low budget student film
Things you didn't prove:
-Staff are lewding children
-The vice principal is gay
-He was at another school during a shooting (not that this would prove anything)
-The board director is an Iranian terrorist funded by Mossad at synagogues
-Steve Hill is helping get illegals fake citizenship through the police department
My judgement is still that you have taken a few facts and let your paranoia run wild with them. I'm open minded enough to look at any evidence you have but I still think this is mostly in your head.


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Is this the board director or the vice principal? Weren't those two different people? But the pictures say he's a coach and a lawyer. I dunno man, all I see is a left wing Jew who possibly frequents a massage parlor and 'likes' a Satanic church on Facebook, probably to thumb his nose at the Christian right. He seems like a crappy person but I definitely don't see any evidence of conspiracy or abuse.

this is the board directors they're two different people i cannot post the vice or it will give me away i stick out

Seek the Lord's guidance first and foremost. Second, assuming everything you say is correct, weaponizing the autism of 8ch/pol/ might be a good plan. If authorities can't be trusted, then your hope is to make it known to the public. Definitely don't trust the police (pic related). Gather all the evidence you can find, save it, back it up, archive it, and lay it out as clearly as you can on Zig Forums for further investigation. And if the school violates safety guidelines by not having a fire-exit (and possibly other things), and if there is any authority that might actually listen, then report this anonymously to them. Tho, make sure that God is with you in all of this. God's ways are not our ways, He might want you to deal with this in an entirely different way.

Also, I know I'm a little late to the thread and that a lot of "damage has already been done", but don't let this eat you up. These things happen, and I can imagine that it's a lot more stressful when you're in the middle of it yourself than it would be otherwise, but put your trust in God (Romans 8:31), everything has it's purpose (Romans 8:28). Most importantly (especially if you're potentially in danger), make sure that you're right with God; that you're born-again, that there's no unforgiveness in your heart, and that you have a good conscience towards Him.

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And that, my friends, is why I don't believe in "whiteness": it goes deeper than mere skin colour. We are Europeans or of European descent and not merely "white". We need to change the word or drop it.

Uh, that guy looks like a true kyke. I advise moving post-haste from a town where the police force wears the anti-Christ 666 star of David as a badge. I bet it has the pedophile triangle symbol in the star points too.

seriously, are you stupid, move the winnie the pooh out of there. They'll kill you man. They're not human.

Adds up

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11 out of 100 people voted for a satanist. It's only going to get worse.

OP, you need to calm down. Is there any actual proof the Coach is involved in CP. He's a satanist, so he probably is, but you'll need at least some modicum of evidence.