I think like i'm not fit anywhere, but here I feel good

Hi everyone i am lurking for a while and even writing something since few days i think i like this place, despite a lot of banning and problems with different statement of denominations. But I think is almost healthly discusion here, pls respect more yourself guys, we are from difrent worldview and must traing to understand and love ouerself . I am wrriting becous I have problem with denominations. My father was catholic, my mather orthodox. They conver to protestantism, and marriage in local church and I was growing up in protestan local church. They are in that church until now and claims that this is true faith. I have 20 years and fed up with protestantism i agree with a lot of it but i read saint Augustin and a do resarch of history and theology and I have a need for depth and truth. Protos want good but its is a circus sometimes and deception. I also dont see myself as catholic becous i dont belive in sinless Mary, and don't pray to saints and see that catholic is corupted. I don't know much about orthodox, seems legit but I think it's like catholics there is a lot tradition and less spirit . Also my mother critisite it a lot and says that its like catholicism, Mary worshiper. Its not all about Mary but it one of the topic, infant baptism is also a problem for me.

TL;DR So I feel like I don't fit anywhere… every denomination has something that I can not take with my clear conscience. I feel bad without a community, but I do not know where to go… also think that there is one universal church in the sense that in every denomination they are truly Christians
can you direct me, what can I do and bless me?

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I honestly recommend reading great theological works from all sides, going to their church and thus checking out the local communities and see for yourself.

To me it sounds like you have somewhat of a general idea of these complex theological teachings but you haven't delved deeply into them beyond that, why are they a thing, what's the justification for it etc.

I say that as someone who was similiary indecisive so I read works like the Summa, City of God, the CCC, Orthodox study Bible, The Way of a Pilgrim, Orthodox Psychotherapy etc.

It's easy to judge ideas as unappealing or say that it doesn't really makes sense for us but often times there's a lot more to said ideas than just the general concept we have in our mind from osmosis.

I also think that you haven't researched too deply just yet by your last statement, unitarian churches are exactly for people like your current self, mostly casual Christians who haven't studied the several branches just yet in depth, so I would recommend doing that and eventually it will become clear to you who are really legitimate and who are not in their teachings.

i readed the way of pilgrim and st.Augustine de doctrina christiana and confessions and will read more church fathers surely
thank for your answer

Just follow the Law God gave you that was clarified through His son, Jesus Christ:

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No problem glad to help stay vigilant friend, the truth is out there be sure to read aplenty and have a good one.

Polite sage for double posting
Please don't be offended when I tell you this because it comes from a place of love but work on your English friend.

Much like your faith in God, the more you excersize it the better you will get at :)

I will try but it is not my native language, i'm dyslexic and use translator but i'm happy to mostly understand you guys and be part of this community

Uh, no. Unitarian churches accept homosexuality and transgenderism, and even allow homosexuals and trannies to be pastors. It is not a church for people who are trying to decide what denomination is best for them, it's a church that is demonically corrupted and should be avoided.

Welcome user, I know how you feel, I'm in a similar situation with regards to finding a local church for attendance. I also have the same reservations about Catholicism. I don't have a lot of advice at present with regards to choosing a church (except the note about Unitarian churches above), but keep keep praying and the Lord will be sure to guide you.

Perhaps in America, I was speaking from my experience as a rural Central European, Unitarian Churches here are filled to the brim with apologetics and casual feel-good diet coke Christians (and those kind of "Christians" can indeed be just actively hedonistic homosexuals and trans while also Christian in their mind)

You have to remember your desires and your impulses are often worldly. We are sinners, we have to come to accept Christ, not find a way to make Christ conform to our mislead desires.

As for this idea of Marian worship, I don't know why you believe anyone is worshiping the Blessed Mother. Neither Catholics, nor the Orthodox worship Mary. I don't know where this protestant notion comes from.

The thing about praying the rosary is you're contemplating the life Christ. You are not praying to Mary as in worshiping her like you do with God, but instead you are making a request. She is a saint, she is in Heaven, and God distributes graces through the saints. You are asking for her prayers, and the grace FROM GOD. All the while, in the real meat of the rosary, you're contemplating Christ. There is no Marian worship to be found in this, There is the worship of God.

Good luck finding your place, and also practicing that English.

Yes, but in other places too. They perform gay marriages in Canada, and probably other countries as well. Allowing homosexual and transgender people to become clergy is an official doctrine of the Unitarian church across all countries, and their first "transgender" clergy member was ordained all the way back in 1988.

Unitarian Universalism is an anti-Christ doctrine. They:

This "church" should be and will be destroyed.

thanks for warning i don't want such thing in my life and church, but i don't mean unitarian church but concept that only true christians are part of The Church and i think ther are catolics, orthodox and protestants and other denomination

It's how many start in their search, I'll be going now but again, just read more and pray friend until you are convinced (setting a deadline of 3 years also helped me since I was more dedicated to read more) and then narrowing down all the branches just comes naturally using the knowledge you have accumulated.

I understand the concept but not going on to practice myself. Jesus is may only broker and way to Father .

Yeah, I didn't think you were trying to describe Unitarianism, I was just responding to the user who suggested you attend a Unitarian "church".

Where does it say in the bible that we should ask the deceased to pray for us, or that God distributes graces through saints in heaven? Where does it say in the bible that those who have died and gone to heaven become omniscient and can hear the prayers of people on Earth?

Read Aldous Huxley's Perennial Philosophy.
It helps to put things in proper order when it comes to denominational wars.


What is your native language? Maybe somebody here speaks your language and can help you translate

I speak Polish. Is anyone from Poland here?

Not one myself, but here's a comment from Hungary, cheers to our friendship brother.

Your bible alone arguements do not work with Orthodox or Catholics friend

Can't wait for another cancerous sola scriptura "debate" to derail this thread.

OP here

if you really think so you should repent,
the protestants did very much evil in their arrogance, sola scriptura works only with original tekst and context. it is insane how far from point goes somthing what supose to fix corupted church and be good.

What? Repent for what?

I'm sorry, I did not understand what he meant