Christian hobbies

What are some virtuous hobbies for a Christian? I spend way too much time on a computer, in front of a screen, and have no idea how to spend my time in a positive way other than praying or reading about the faith. I tend to burn myself out spiritually, and I'm either only focused on God or completely shutting him out with entertainment

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Read books

Christian hobbies?
1. Being betrayed by the highest ranking members of your inner sect as you are absolutely slaughtered in battle because of said betrayal.
2. Vowing revenge after somehow surviving by purging a corrupt order that has clearly been infiltrated by (((evil)))
3. Realizing that everyone is absolutely corrupted and swallowing the Death Pill so that you can work to destroy all life on The Earth as you Purity Spiral out into and insane rage and lust for nothing but destruction.
4. Believing in The Anti-Christ and spilling the blood of the wicked in order to give him enough energy to take corporeal form in this dimension.
5. The Apocalypse begins.
6. The Christ-figure returns in order to create balance in a void.
7. The Savior and Destroyer fight until stalemate.
8. Ultimately they come to understand one another, 'shake hands', and combine as one.
9. Pure chaos is created and The World and all life upon it is completely annihilated.
10. Death.


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muh sides

sounds like it could have came from a cool T.V show that the producers banked on only getting a single season aired so when it actually explodes in popularity they scramble to shoehorn in some "deep" meaning and mysteries to pad out the story, but tragically ends up running around in circles until they winnie it up like Lost and have a completely retarded ending.

These two things, plus anything else that builds community. But really you can make almost anything you enjoy in to a Christian hobby so long as you do it for the Glory of God and not your own.

Find a talent or gift that God has given you and use it to the Glory of God. For instance art, writing, music, building something out of wood. Lot's of craft projects are really fun tbh. Stuff like leatherworking to make bible covers or put Bible verses on, or wood burning. Anything like that.

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cooking is also a fun hobby

Figure out what talents you have then get more involved at your church.

Bird watching as a way to appreciate God's creation and His glory, plus it gets you outside and walking around.

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These plus writing, drawing, and gardening.

Allah Ackbar?

Translation: Christians are big pussies and are easy prey. Gotta kill em' all! :DDDDDDD


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how about making your own operating system?

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Play some sacred music

hobbies are slavery

Gregorian chant, learning to chant the psalms, memorizing the psalms

Can I make it as ugly as possible and completely useless?


Gonna have to third gardening. Leaving aside the Adam and Eve thing it's too easy for modern people to spend all their time inside and lose appreciation for the growing things.