ITT Discussion of Miscegenation from a Christian point of view
I'm really creating this thread for opinions on my current romantic situation, however any discussion regarding race mixing is encouraged.
Please help me with this problem, Zig Forums; I'm rather confused and this is the only place where I know I'll get relatively unbiased and faith-based advice. This girl has a perfect personality she acts almost like a white girl, minus anything that's normally cringy/weird/annoying about most white girls, she's rather intelligent, we click personally, I appreciate the fact that she has pure ancestry and I'm somewhat interested in her culture, and I'm physically attracted to her she's rather cute, well endowed, and I'm personally attracted to black women, as I said before In terms of faith, which is obviously one of the most important things to find in a woman, I'd say she's likely the best I can find at the moment considering I'm an Orthodox Christian convert who lives in Dixie: Her mother's family is apparently Muslim, although her father who left before she was born but still visits from time to time; inb4 "[insert black father leaving joke]" apparently comes from a Christian family, and her mother doesn't really seem to have any deep religious beliefs.The woman I'm planning to go out with seems to share her mother's sentiment, although she claims to be a Christian whenever I inquire. She definitely seems to be open to attending Divine Liturgy with me, though, so this seems to be an advantage over all of the Protties, Catholic carpetbaggers, and spiritual-but-not-religious women in my area.
Overall this would seem perfect for me if it weren't for the fact that I won't be able to have children with her if things get to the point of marriage, as I'm unwavering in my position on miscegenation due to its impacts on the children who are a product of it, as well as society. I'm a pretty lustful person as well, which would be we would definitely be having intercourse after marriage without the purpose of procreation. Sorry for the rant-y text wall, I'm quite tired in addition to being pretty stressed over this whole thing. I'll probably end up continuing to date her, but I'd still like to know y'all's opinions.
tl;dr Pure white Orthodox guy starts dating pure black girl who's open to Orthodoxy in an area where there's little to no Orthodox Christians, in addition to this everything about them clicks except for the fact that they're different races. Wat do?
sex without being open to children is a no no in cathodoxy
Adrian Clark
"Be fruitful and multiply." I have a few questions for you, christanon. How well are Anglo-Germanics following this commandment? Is miscegenation a fulfillment of this commandment? Is the existence of our people and a future for our children secured?
First, a few warning signs. -Muslim family - sounds like her parents are not serious about their religion. This is usually transmitted and she might just say she will follow orthodoxy because religion isn’t too serious for her family.
-As a married Christanon, I will tell you that “open to religion” is a terrible foundation for marriage. Orthodoxy is difficult at best for most white Americans due to the ethnic component. If she won’t go of her own volition she might be interested, but it won’t last. If somehow she becomes Christian, again of her own volition, it might work. You can find devout women who increase your faith. A wife is one of the greatest blessings you will have in your life, don’t become unequally yoked and walk through life with a handicap.
-You can definitely do better, don’t settle for a woman who “might” be a believer. It’s hard in the states for most orthodox but if I can be a near autist and get a devout orthodox woman you can do it too. You might have to go online and work on your Russian/Bulgarian/Arabic but it’s worth it in the end to know that your wife is on board with Orthodox spirituality and will submit to your authority as a husband.
I dated an atheist for years hoping to change her - no way did that work out and I paid dearly in terms of time.
You can find a beautiful orthodox women, there are millions in Russia where I used to live. Now you are just under the sway of a woman who you think is hot. If you like darker women there are many darker women even in Russia and Romania. Do not be led by physical attraction because it gets old fast. If you are wise you will take this to heart.
Saying you can’t do better is sinful loser speak. You deserve the best, OP.
Jaxson Evans
Well first of all, so much of what you say here is about your physical attraction to her that I don't see how this isn't greatly lust. Sexual fetishization of black people is not a valid reason to marry one and have babies with her.
Now, scripture tells us that God created all the nations, and he also told us to go be fruitful and multiply. These two things put together seem to imply that God wants nations to exist and to sustain themselves by being fruitful.
Nowhere does the bible anywhere condemn staying within your own race. However there are parts of it that at the very least imply that racemixing is wrong.
Also, you shouldn't be with anyone you're not open to having kids with. If you are with her purely out of physical attraction, you're better off breaking this off as soon as possible.
Also "open to christianity" means "I'm going to pretend to be okay with it as long as I find you attractive"
Henry Gutierrez
Marrying outside your race isn't inherently a sin (though the practical problems with it are a perfectly valid reason to avoid it), but marrying and then intentionally never having children is a complete betrayal of the purpose of marriage. If you're not willing to have kids with her, just move on and find a girl you would be willing to have kids with.
For women, it's very easy for that kind of "pretending" to shift into actual belief. Women are led by men.
Brody Sanders
You should chill out on racialism, btw. Adds to the taboo factor in your head, which makes the forbidden fruit all the sweeter.
Gavin Fisher
Don't date if you're not going to marry Don't marry if you're not going to procreate
Samuel Thomas
Stop taking the Zig Forums koolaid and love your neighbor
Thomas Murphy
There is no problem at all regarding religion. But there are tons of social problems and even biological.
Asher Howard
Take her with you to Divine Liturgy and see how she feels about it. Remember we are only voices on a screen. Best advice would be from God and your spiritual father.
Zachary Long
I try to make the case from a simply Aristotelian angle that miscegenation is sinful. I hold that it is sinful because it does not promote the good of anyone involved. Statistics show that miscegenation causes less marital satisfaction, increased instances of divorce, higher likelihood of domestic abuse, the children are born as a unique mutt breed so that they can't identify with *anyone* in the world because nobody looks like them, the children have an increased chance of alcohol and drug abuse, and they have a higher suicide rate. There's really no argument to be had for miscegenation being morally good or even morally neutral. The statistics do not lie - additionally, there are occasions in the Bible that would suggest that God does not approve of miscegenation. I.e the descendents of Abraham being constantly instructed to find wives within their tribe, the Lord purposefully creating the nations and the peoples of them, and in the book of Tobit it is even more explicit.
I would also modify my position to state that two ethnicities within a single race miscegenating is less detrimental and therefore less sinful than interracial miscegenation, because ethnic groups within the same race are more similar in many respects and therefore reduce the risks.
Jackson Flores
For you, OP, you have a case of lust. You do not love her, you merely fetishise her. You cannot marry someone you fetishise, especially since you understand the statistical consequences. Also, a marriage is invalid if you're purposefully going to not have kids and especially immoral if you use contraceptives to do so.
David Russell
You didn't establish how it is sinful. You may disapprove of it, but you will need try a little harder to show how it is inherently sinful.
Asher Martinez
Did you even read the post? Anything that is degenerative or is not ordered towards the good of man is a sin.
Colton Gonzalez
You primarily mentioned statistics like someone raised on Zig Forums would. Yet without sourcing those statistics. Again you have not demonstrated how it is sinful. Statistics alone do not indicate sin.
Easton Lopez
Go find the girl you want to have children with.
Jose Edwards
Great posts by most people. Just wanted to give you credit
His argument flows from natural law. I would add onto it by claiming that it also is adultery (to make worse) since the specific act of coveting another man's wife is mentioned in thou shalt not covet. Where adultery comes from the base word adulterate which is to mix materials like Iron and clay together.
OP, if you loved her you wouldn't give a shit about what we have to say or make this thread. We all have demons that plague our minds with lust and whatnot. Know them however and their effect on you so you can counter it.
This is a really pastoral question, OP. You should just ask your priest this, instead of asking strangers online (most of whom aren't even Orthodox).
Asher Gonzalez
Would you say this if it were his cousin?
Matthew Cox
Sorry you're not in the know, user, I'm not going to spoon-feed you the statistics find it out for yourself. Also is correct.
Liam Jones
OP like we all should, loves God above that girl and wants to know if there's any problem with God that she is of another race. There isn't a problem obviously on religious grounds, only in social and biological ones. But if he really loves her with a Christian love it isn't biology that's gonna stop him.
Noah Morales
I'm part Mennonite so I'd say if it was his first cousin he should "probably" not, but third is ideal lol.
My point was that true love is forever and doesn't care for what others have to say. Hence he doesn't have it. Like I love the Lord my God now and forever even if atheists say what they say. OP is having a conflict between his rational mind and his emotional one, and he is using us as encouragement to triumph over emotion, or in this case lust. Pic related is help for OP.
The problem isn't race mixing, and there's nothing wrong with being biracial. The problem is men marrying based on sexual fetishes instead of spiritual compatibility. How many beta white guys date asian girls because they're easy and exotic? Then have kids and raise them to become mentally ill because there was no genuine love in that family. I would say that the majority of families in general fail, it's not because of race but because of a lack of love