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Attempted takedown of Chris Pratt
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curtsy of Zig Forums meme gang
Chris Pratt did nothing wrong!
He's our Lot in the Sodom that is Hollywood.
There's a few others (Jim Caviezel has my complete admiration.. despite me not being Catholic). But yeah, these brothers are outnumbered.
What about Mel?
Oh yeah.. although, I heard Jim tell a sad (but kind of funny) story when they filmed the Passion. He was so caught in up the role of our Lord that he overheard Mel take God's name in vain.. and Jim blurted out in front of everyone: "Hey! Don't take my Father's name in vain".. but was seriously stern about it and shut everyone up.
I think Mel's heart is in the right place, but he's a bit troubled.
Oh, I somehow left out the best part. He was trying to say he was still in "costume". But he didn't feel vain about it. He said it made him feel like an even more emboldened Christian. And when they saw him there, looking like Jesus, it shut them all up.
The Chad Pratt vs. The "virgin" Page
This is now a Chris Pratt meme thread.
I'm doing my part!
Flee from that unholy place, Chris! Flee while you still can!
Technically not incorrect though. I still need to actually watch that movie.
I think we missed this because nobody cares, not even Chris Pratt. It's just a cheap shot which incidentally passes through the black hole of the American consciousness. Viz, which is more politically incorrect? religion or progressivism?
The only other question which produces such a standoff in the American mind is which Marvel superhero is best
Chris Pratt is based, saw one of his movies. Pray for him.
Ah yes, the "good Christian" Chris Pratt, who divorced his live and is now living out of wedlock with his new girlfriend. Truly a good rolemodel.
Ah, too bad. Well, he's one of those Hillsong type of Christians. Lord have mercy. We should pray for him.
Jim Caveizel is still based though. Truly intense, actor or not.
Bruh, he plans on marrying pic related's daughter. Calm yourself before you wreck yourself.
that's still adultery, and who should applaud a man for bringing a woman into an adulterous situation?
the adulterer will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven
Sure, but when he gets married it's not adultery. Pratt has a kid, you don't just marry the first gal you see until you know she is good with your kid. He is literally a better rolemodel than 99.99999% of Hollywood.
Then you wait. Marriage is a sacrament designed by God. Done on HIS TIME. Not according to our whims, thinking "I'll get around to it later, but may as well practically consummate it now." It's either fornication or adultery. Just like you're not supposed to have sex before marriage, period.
I'm sorry about the guy, and at this point, don't want to focus on him individually.. so I'm just speaking in the abstract. This is the scriptural teaching that applies to all of us.
FFS, they are already engaged
So get off your moral high horse and leave the man be.
Luke 16:18
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
are you even a Christian?
Are you?
It's really not a high horse. It's Christianity 101. Why do you think some people here are so miserable and just want to get married and have it done with? :D
It's either doing it the right way or being in danger of hell. So they're wise and follow what Christ actually said. Not pretend Gandhi Christ and what we want him to say.
Of course, which is why I am calling Chris Pratt an adulterer.
Who should we listen to? Christ Pratt and some anons, or Jesus Christ?
Mt 7:3-5
I think people are already looking at the speck in their own eye by pointing this out. They are living up to a tough requirement. So it's disappointing when they see someone say that simply following Christ means nothing.. that's all the same no matter what, and they should make role models out of whoever.
At the very least, it's unfair. It's like saying it's OK to just cut in line. While the people who are upset are made out to be the bad ones for simply following the rules. This is ultimately how society's fall apart.. literally. There's no standard. It's just chaos and every man for himself afterwards.
Are you saying that people rebuking adultery are adulterers?
Chris Pratt, an openly unapologetic Christian, who proclaims Christ as King even among the liberal atheists that surround him and what happens? Zig Forums immediately denounces him.
This is why Christians are afraid to be open. You LARPer anons force Christians to stay in the closet.
Be careful with casting them stones, user.
I thought we were saved by faith. I didn't realize we had to do works like "obey the church" to be saved. What happened to John 11:25?
Don't waste your anger on them, my brothers.
Truly they are pure and commit no sin and are so righteous as to judge and condemn others since repentance is too foreign to those who are not sinners like all of us.
No I’m saying they’re worse, probably degenerate tourists from Zig Forums that obsess about daddy Hitlers tiny willy and decided to take a break from their larpagan hobby for a few days
This is Zig Forums, not some monastary up in the mountains
99.9% of the users here are worse Christians than Pratt and only feel good when they try to bring others down
Why would anyone "LARP" about being chaste? It invites more ridicule than anything. Even from other Christians. I'm a 40 year old celibate and barely anyone outside my family knows. I don't care to announce it, but it's hard to talk about to anyone (even now as an user, strangely. I know this will get ridicule here too). I'm literally in the "closet" on this. I have ZERO role models except Christ and his saints. I want to be like they were. Not whatever the world considers good enough. Not because I think I'm better. It simply scares the hell out of me not to.
And for others here who simply want a traditional marriage, they're just as much in the closet. They get laughed at too for being "old fashioned" and not having sex with 20 women before they're in college and simply wanting to follow Christ's prescription on marriage. They fear hell.. and they warn others of it. Listen to them. And if they happen to be "larping", the message is still true. It's what Christ expected of us.
What closet are you afraid of?
Well, I for one am not in some monastery. I'm just some nobody in a nothing town, USA… just trying to get by. But everything I'm saying is from the heart.
Looked it up, and it's true. I am very disappointed by this news. I am sure that Pratt is a sincere Christian with sincere beliefs, but this is showing a poor example to the kids he wants to bring to the faith.
If you're a heretical prot.
How, friend? Going by the Scriptures, he is OBJECTIVELY living in adultery. He has also led his own (true) wife into adultery by this as well.
What's unfair is that you're giving a movie actor license to sin.
Do not condone adultery. Do not condone adultery!
There's no other way to read this but as:
Jesus Christ is wrong! Chris Pratt is right!
Adultery is fine! How dare you!
Except for cause of fornication.
You don't know what went on between him and his wife and any other party involved, only God and the people involved know.
Stop implying, you've already made a fool of yourself and this pseudo-piety of yours is a sham.
So now you accuse his wife of fornication?
Adulterers will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. If you condemn me over the words of Christ, I'm blessed.
Stop blaspheming and hiding under your lame understanding of Christ's words.
How disgusting can you be?
Pratt is literally one of the few bastions of the faith in Hollywood, the man is preaching the good word to the masses already brainwashed masses who despise the word, he's marrying a woman in a rational way and you're going to spew some nonsesne about him going to hell because of a divorce?
What kind of sick pupper are you?
Will you inherit the Kingdom of God?
Go pray for Pratt if you're in any way serious about your faith.
How is calling a sin like adultery…adultery?
I'm Catholic too, fornication isn't even an acceptable cause for re-marriage! Re-marriage has always been banned by the Church.
oh, you're just trolling
I'm trolling, you say?
yes, go back to reddit already. or /tv/, or whatever hole you people crawl out of.
I'll stand by people like Pratt and against idiots like you.
really big fan of marvel movies huh
It's quite possible; I don't know the details of why they divorced, nor do you. That's between them and God.
no, in the eyes of God re-marriage isn't allowed
luke 16:18, as I already told you in that other thread.
Really big fan of reason and forgiveness, and very much against pseudo Christians like you.
Sorry bub, I'm Catholic. The original Christian.
I'm sure you're more Christian that the rest of us with your condemnations and such.
It is amazing how perverse people like you have no problem defending adultery and trashing those who defend virtue.
You condemn what you don't know and claim to possess virtue.
People of true virtue do not condemn, but forgive and guide.
Why are you mad that people rebuke sin like we are commanded to do? Are you so much of a celebrity white knight that you get offended when someone points out the things you want to ignore? People get a free pass if they are popular enough?
Your compromise is disgusting, and the way you attack those who have integrity is even worse. Pratt has not repented. So stop talking about "reason and forgivveness". You are only an enabler who wants people to sht up when your dear celebrities are rightfully rebuked.
What are you rebuking?
He's getting married.
How do you know he didn't?
That is the way Christ taught.
At worst, I'm provoking your own devils to come out and reveal what a hate ridden hypocrite you are.
It is strange that you say that, considering we know very well he lives in adultery.
I claim to possess the virtue of rebuking evvil, something basic that you don't seem to meet. You seem to think that forgiveness is this hippie thing where someone keeps sinning and being evil, but you just ignore it and tell people who point out to shut up. That is not forgiveness, that is you being just as guilty as him, as it is written. Forgiveness requires repentance, we are not talking about some pure soul that has repented and now seeks forgiveness.
You are a weak celebrity lover that has no problems trash talking christians who follow standards, but ignores the sins of celebrities. You are as guilty as him.
You can't marry twice. I tell you to stop talking about "reason and forgiveness" because what you label as such is apathy and a refusal to rebuke someone because he is a celebrity.
We are consistent. We do not live in adultery and we rebuke adultery. You are a hypocrite snake who has no problem spitting every single condemnation you can against actual christians while turning a blind eye to your dear celebrities.
Again. How do you not he did not repent?
How do you have the gall to be so spiteful for a man who's getting married?
I don;t care so much about Pratt as for you idiots who spew your larping virtue signaling like some sjw caught in your own fake superiority.
I will not stop talking about reason and forgiveness and you can marry twice.
One of the happiest couples I know who truly do good deeds, raise great kids and are truly happy are those who cast away their mistakes and did better.
You spew your old testament laws without following them yoursevles. Go stone women and gays and go sacrifice animals if you're so sure about your ideals in marriage.
OH so he did repent? He left the woman he commited adultery with and now lives with his actual wive?
Now any defense of good and rebukal of evil is "larping virtue signaling". You are insane and clearly not a christian, so go away, snake. The teachings of Christ must be like poison to your kind.
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Stop calling me snake and stop claiming to know Christ more than anyone else.
I'm not condemning you, I'm calling you a moron for you high and mightydness, even pharisitic.
You can condemn me to hell for all I care.
More than anyone else I don't know. But more than you, me and pretty much evveryone here.
It seems you hate any opposition to the scanda of your true gods: celebrities.
The look of shock on the Jewess bitch Plaza when he says God is real.
Anna Faris was married to another guy first IIRC. His newest marriage might be even "purer".
well, he'd actually be entering into a legit marriage in that case
More dinosaur memes please
He starts reading from Luke at 50:41.
b-b-but h-h-his m-m-m-m-marriage D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
I'm sorry!
Thoughts on his response to her?
At first glance it looks /r/christianity/ tier. Reading more carefully, it seems likely he does hold traditional Christian views, given how careful some of the wording is. He specifies relationships should be free from 'the judgement of their fellow man' but conspicuously avoids mentioning God's judgement. It seems like something the pope would say in that sense. I can pretty much guarantee you his career in Hollywood would be over had he said anything about homosexuality being a sin. Which is not to say he shouldn't have said it anyway.. people have given their lives for their faith, so sacrificing your career is not so bad by comparison. But I understand why he didn't want to.
I'm sorry, user but this is pretty clear cut. The subject matter is sexual deviancy (LGBTQABCDEFGBBQ), and his statement here is clearly at the very least creating a false equivalency between homosexual "love" and natural man-woman love. I understand the argument that he could lose his career over standing firmly to Christian doctrine on homosexuality, but he's condoning it here, which is entirely different than a cordial "I don't hate anyone, love everyone" letter. He certainly is no Lot in gammora. I'm convinced he has genuine faith but it's dillute and shallow.
It's definitely a 'people-pleasing' statement. It's vague enough that it could placate moderate people on both sides, while still pissing off the more passionate people on both sides. That's why I compared it to something the pope would say.
Hey, I watched this just the other day.
f–king gays. they be all like
>someone told us it's wrong to be gay. awwww, but I like being gay… this is wrong … no, they're wrong … I'm perfectly normal because I want to be gay …
(nsfw pic related)
There's even a website dedicated to them. Producers, editors, production people, costumers and make-up, writers, etc
They're in your Hollywood, making differences
best description of Mel in a while. But then, look at what craziness raised him.
< I-like-where-this-thread-is-going.jpg
I swear I spoilered that pic
Uncomfortable silence would have been better, but I don't suppose his publicist would have endured that for long. The twitterverse abhors a vacuum.
I don't think he's wrong to say they're free to live their own lives, just as others are free to worship the Moloch of their own choice, he's right to note that the Church does have open arms to gays any time they desire … to surrender all their lives to God, and I don't see this being more than a minor blip that he has opportunity to really exploit this in a career-ending explosion of Righteous Indignation a.k.a. a Mel-tdown, but I agree that the third-column last-line is a little too "endorsementy" for my tastes
I wouldn't last long in Hollywood, that's a fact. It's why I don't have any social media. You lot are my subscribers and retweeters.
NOW the spoiler works?!
From your post alone, I feel like if you lived in Downtown LA you would end up going all Jerimiah on the heathens. Which is definitely what a shithole like LA needs. You are too good for that place. Never change, christanon. God loves you.
how do i unsub
Delet system 32 folder
This makes me want to unironically write a movie script based on Lot and his time he and his family spent in the wicked cities. Pratt would make an excellent Lot. He just exudes wholesomeness and innocence in a den of vipers.
Yes, I am my brother's keeper.
Matthew 7:19-20