Curse of Ham

Why are black people so dumb?

I used to believe that everyone was equal, that there were no differences between the races, but after spending over three years at my uni I've come to the realization that this can't be true. My freshman year many of my friends were Asians who were engineers and deeply dedicated to achieving high scores and having a successful future. My fellow whites on the other hand ranged from the nerdy intellectuals in stem to the well intentioned but not that bright party animals. Noticing these differences brought me to the book titled the "Bell Curve" which claims Asians have a median iq of 110 as a race, whites have a median iq of 100, and blacks have a median iq of 85 which is also the iq level most prevalent in criminals.

To be honest, i've noticed that the blacks are a different stock here at university. Sure, there are higher iq blacks here as well, but most seem to have been helped by affirmative action and are athletes. They seem very dumb not to be rude, they love dancing and are very body-movement oriented. They can break out and dance anywhere, dining halls or classrooms. They're also a bit too loud, complain a lot, expect preferential treatment from the professor to get away with borderline cheating, and they hardly pay attention in class/just watch Netflix or listen to rap. During my talks with them, they seem to blame everyone but themselves for their race's downfall throughout history, and have many theory's from their African history professors of different socio-economic factors which are keeping them from success.

I don't want to become a racist, because its not good according to the Bible, but its also hard to believe that black people act the way they do and commit so much crime simply because they grew up in bad environments. I feel unsafe around young black men yet I could walk around a trailer park in Appalachia and feel as if I wouldn't be robbed. I think poor whites are more respectful and less violent then poor blacks. I've heard they do better on the SAT's and commit less crime then even RICH African Americans.

Can anyone here inform me about why God might have made certain races smarter than others? Is there any Biblical basis that might explain this phenomenon? I heard the curse of Ham has been used in the past but its fairly bogus from my understanding.

I know the Bible is silent on racial mixing, but is there any indication against it? Many people of each group seem to have an in-gut reaction to seeing women of their own race with men of another race, and in my opinion this tends to be a sign of something God doesn't condone. Just like how abortion and other various sins tend to get a gut reaction out of us.

Please, I just want answers to these things i've noticed, I understand we're all Gods children but why are we so different in IQ? I'm a Catholic so i'd prefer answers that aren't kooky protestant theories, perhaps stuff that was more mainstream thought decades or centuries past.

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The fact that some races are dumber than others doesn't make them less loved by God. This is like asking why God made different races have different athletic ability. That's just how it is, different groups of people are different.

I am highly opposed to race-mixing and multi-ethnic societies, though. God specifically endorses tribes and borders in the Bible. He does not want us all to mix together.

An iq average doesn’t mean that one race is smarter/better than the other

You're grossly misrepresenting a majority of people on earth, regardless, basis to those whom we're to preach the gospel to and to display love towards is not determined by their intellect. Otherwise St.Peter would never have been allowed to joined the discipleship.
Love others since God loved us first.

Yes it does. It means, on average, some races are dumber than others.

There are averages for everything user, it does not mean that you view reality through a mathmatical concept.
We do not live in a world of absolutes.

I never claimed that we shouldn't love those who are less intelligent. I suppose I was prodding the question of is it better for each race to live separate on their own respective continents? If we have data to support the claim that black people are more likely to commit violent crime or under perform in white collar positions, do we have a responsibilty to allow different people into our countries that might not bring any benefits but actually hurt us? I mean look at Detroit, look at Compton, look at Atlanta, look at Baltimore. What is there to gain especially when Asia isn't doing their fair share of allowing the poor into their nations? Can't we help black people in Africa rather than importing them to Europe?

As a Catholic well read in the Bible who has at least a surface level understanding of Aquinas, I have to say you have some VERY strange ideas of what God does and doesn’t believe. This isn’t even normie tier ignorance. My intuition tells me your faith is nearly butchered. God blessing and cursing certain tribes more than others is nothing new. He always has good reason for doing it though. Maybe blacks were criminals before they were dumb so God punished them by decreasing their IQ. The dumb poor killing the smart rich happened once in Russia but happens almost every day in Africa. The Bible isn’t silent on racemixing. The Tower of Babel is clearly ethnonationalist and there are at bare minimum a few dozen single verses that say no racemixing like Tobit 4:12. I will pray that you come closer to understanding God. Please I beg of you, read your Bible and Aquinas. The NABRE has many of the books taken out by Luther put back in.

Not sure that's particularly clear dude.
Tobit's comments on racemixing summarize the rationale behind the Israelite's order not to do so; that it was a matter of protecting the bloodline of the prophets. John the Baptist specifically rebuked pride over said bloodline, and he was able to do so precisely because he knew that that bloodline had fulfilled it's purpose and thus, from Jesus onward, was common. This clear and case-specific reasoning behind the policy for Israel is one that I never see addressed by this board's weird strain of anti-racemixers. The pros and cons of racemixing need to be assessed on a case by case basis, but quite frankly the Church never got around to forming a binding opinion on the matter for a reason.
As for ethnonationalism, Christians need to realize that the modern concept of the nation is very different from that of previous eras. Enlightenment philosophers considered nationalism to be a tool for statecraft, and Rousseau even went so far to posit that nationalism should be a "state religion" to supplant religion proper. Sometimes this is more overt, in the case of the original fascist movements, yet today globalism has supplanted nationalism in this role for the worse. All of this is simply to say that the tendency to make an idol out of race is just as dangerous for those who cling to tradition as the idol of equality is the norm for everyone else, particularly given that John the Baptist specifically condemned the Jews for precisely such an attitude. Whatever opinions you have on the subject, it is ultimately a concern of the world, and we will all share one kingdom in the next.

I agree with a lot of what you said. At the same time, I feel like were living in end days because of the signs of times. Immoral behavior like homosexuality, pre-marital sex, drug use, and lack of belief in God is promoted by Hollywood movies and tv shows. However, race mixing is also promoted in movies, shows, and commercials. Is it just a coincidence that its promoted during an era of decadence or is there perhaps more behind it?


Can you actually find something wrong with race mixing to begin with? The idea that liberalism is so toxic that anything pushed by it is automatically bad is a toxic mentality in and of itself because it trains you to equate kneejerk reactions with genuine insight. If your only reason for opposing race mixing were to be "liberals promote it," then be honest, nobody but the worst kinds of conservatives would agree with you.

But we are now citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven (Philippians 3:20) and we are all one body in Christ (Ephesians 4:16). There is no race in Cristendom. Truthfully there is no race scientifically. I am not saying there aren't differences between different groups of humans. There are. Russians do not have the same culture as the Irish for example. But in the body of Christ these things should disappear. "Race" is one of those things.

Really racism and racial ideology are 19th and 20th century nationalisitc concepts which the ancients had no bearing of. Again, not saying the ancients were color blind, nor am I saying mixing with people was common. But remember there was geography and also culture and people also tended to marry close within their immediate family anyway mamy times with cousins. If there was any hostitly it was usually based on culture and tribal mentality rather than actual race or genetics or stupid shit like that. Modern racism really arose out of European colonialism and the kind of psuedo-scientific eugenics that came out of European nationalism. Anyhow, racism is a sin. Believing race mixing is bad is a sin and against Church teaching. The Church fought for the rights of whites and blacks to marry in the United States when the law did not allow it at the time. In 1921, Fr. James Coyle was murdered by the KKK for doing inter-racial marriages. So if you are racist, please go back to Zig Forums you Nazi scum. Your ideology isn't compatible with Christianity.

(Pic related is a Catholic interracial couple married in 1950).

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Dude, why do you have to be so aggressive from just asking questions? Is intellectual curiosity now forbidden? I’m just saying that people who certainly aren’t our allies are pushing for racial mixing, alongside tranny drugs for infants. Also, I’d say God seems like he’s for what’s natural. Seeing interracial marriage has been taboo for thousands of years and only accepted the past few decades it’s certainly suspect. Interracial marriages are statistically more likely to fail. Also biracial children are far more likely to commit suicide because they don’t belong fully to any groups. I’m skeptical that God condones this and I’m just looking for answers. Also, naming one or two priests who did this or that doesn’t really prove much. For instance, father James Martin is a degenerate, there’s always bad priests. Leave, ad hominem attack’s alone for now.

I believe it has to do with the different environments of the world. We're all descendants from Adam and Eve and yet different regions of the world have people with different skin colors and IQ. Considering that the world is ~6-8 thousand years old, it would make sense (to me at least) that different environments create different nations. HOWEVER, a high IQ is good, but wisdom is unmatched in its worth.

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Lol go back to leftypol

Africans are only *some* of Ham's descendants. The curse went "Cursed be Ham, and cursed be Canaan". It was a prophecy of the strife that would exist between Israel and Canaan.

Question is, how can we make sure its not related to education and culture in general?
For example, asians in general have a tendency to have tighter tradition and education, sense of moral and service in their uprising, specially those good enough to have migrated and achieved making to uni.
A good example of this are the whites you mentioned, some will be bright some will not, but whats the difference in their upbringing? Some could have come for more traditional families and restrict in their education, while other could have come from really bad places.
This also holds true to black americans at least, since they an evident story of racial segregatio, most of them will come from the urban hoods they were restricted to, while most whites will generally come from some sort of chill suburb. There's a clear difference of culture there.

Not true.
Israel serves as an example that the rest of the nations are supposed to emulate (Deuteronomy 4:5-7)
Tobit 4:12 is perfectly valid today for every single nation on earth.

The Bible is very clear with the concept of "nation": a large group of people with the same religion, descent, history, culture, and language, inhabiting a specific territory.
You only need to read Genesis to see why common descent is so important, and why it is the second most obvious trait of any nation.

Not yet. We know this not until our last breath, but we can make an effort to while we still draw breath.

Then why are Caucasians and Asians earwax are vastly different (waxy vs flaky). Why do we see colour slightly different from each other. Why cannot white man eat seaweed raw from the sea without serious illness. Why southern Chinese bad with products from cow (beef, milk). Why our physiology are vastly different.

You are mixing up racism with acknowledging that God created tribes and families, and between them the differences.

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Israel serves as an example that the rest of the nations are supposed to emulate (Deuteronomy 4:5-7)
Yes but that does not mean that every nation is supposed to follow Deuteronomy to the letter. Jesus and Paul are quite clear on which moral precepts of the law are applicible to Christians. Racemixing isn't mentioned, and John the Baptist goes so far as to rebuke the rationalle that the policy on racemixing was grounded in vis a vis Tobit precisely because Jesus fulfilled that rationalle. If the New Testament's only comments on the policy are to undermine it, and, more importantly, if the Church does not condemn racemixing, then racemixing should not be condemned.

Jesus said not the smallest part of the law shall pass away. He also said we are called to surpass the holy men in righteousness, not live up to the bare minimum they set for us.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:17-20‬ ‭

Until all things are accomplished, yes. The law has been fulfilled. Just as the Church doesn't have us abstaining from shellfish or segregating women after their periods, it dosen't forbid racemixing, and I've already pointed out the scriptural reasons for that decision. This is pretty basic Pauline theology.

Right, but again, scripture makes clear that race-mixing was forbidden for the jews for pragmatic reasons, not absolute ones, and that those reasons are, as of the coming of Jesus, obsolete, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.

Romans 10:12 KJV
1 Corinthians 12:12

This is where your mental gymnastics have led you.

So are you going to address John the Baptist on this one or just leave it at that?

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