Has God ever spoken to you?

I don't mean divine intuition, or signs, but literal words. What did he say? Why does he only speak to some but not others?

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He doesn't speak to anyone, the canon is closed. Special revelation has ceased. Anyone claiming to have additional words of God should be tested against the standards of the prophets in the Old Testament, which included executing him if anything proved to be untrue.

You sound jealous and angry. You shouldn't let those feelings guide you or your actions.

My position is completely a theological stance that my seminary president told my class, including the OT part

But I didn't ask anons if they were prophets, I asked them if God had spoken to them.

God doesn’t talk to me but demons and angels do.

That's what prophecy is

A prophecy is a foretelling, or a prediction.

That's the usual secular definition, but in the Bible prophecy is any utterance from the Lord.

… A prophet is not just someone whom God talks to with words. A prophet is someone who relays the will of God to the people, who predicts future events, and who functions as a "watcher", to warn the people of God that it is straying away from His covenant.

God speaks to us directly through the scriptures.
God also has spoken to several saints, through angels or even other saints.
Of course, anyone who hears a voice should be extremely wary of this voice being God's, out of humility and to prevent the devil from having influence over oneself.
Even in the case where it is truly God speaking to someone, we must keep in mind that the Holy Spirit does not bring new revelation, He only reminds us of what Jesus has already revealed once and for all to the disciples.

Wait, do you deny that the gift of prophecy exists at all?

yes, cessationism

What if I told you that God told me to read the Bible? :) I don't see myself as any different than Sts. Justin or Augustine who heard "Take and read."

No special revelation here. I'm just a sinner called out of the world.. and I've never heard about any grand mission (despite fantasizing about it at times) or claim to have words for anyone else. It seems that God just
wanted to introduce himself and save me. In retrospect, I think I just slipped by the wayside and it took the Holy Spirit to directly knock me out of the my stupor. That illustrates the poor state I was in rather than any miracle. So lost that no man could have done it maybe.

The only thing near a revelation that I have is precisely that: That the Holy Spirit's grace isn't confined to his Church. He works outside of it, in order to bring some of us into it. And really, this should be obvious to everyone anyways - not everyone has the benefit of baptism at birth or an upbringing in a Christian culture/family. They are extremely blessed and people SHOULD be raised with that knowledge, but the Holy Spirit himself is not confined to it. He will work in all of the other ways that man can not in telling us the Good News of Christ.

G-d used to talk to me EVERY DAY but then i had to go to a special doctor and he gave me medicine that makes me tired and G-d doesn't talk to me anymore why did he leave me user why did he abandon me?


But user He talked to me EVERY DAY. He told me all kinds of things. He made me promise to kill the vile people. I'm guessing He meant killers, drug addicts, and women who commit bestiality by having sex with black

You don't belong to the same Church as that of the New Testament if you're a cessationist.
What is the reasoning behind cessationism anyway? I know a couple of people who believe that too.

because I'm not pentecostal or inconsistent

No, I am unworthy.

He makes two points that I strongly disagree with:
- The Bible is sufficient
- If there are still spiritual gifts today, that means that a prophet or apostle is needed beside the Bible
So I assume he is a Protestant, and you are as well.

How are Orthodox and Catholics inconsistent?

By "inconsistent" I'm really referring to most evangelicals, I have no idea for catholic and eastern orthodox doctrine
The sufficiency of scripture is based on 2 Tim 3

Here's a polemic for it

and yes, I am a baptist and MacArthur is a reformed baptist

the second point logically follows from the first: If God is speaking, that means he has more to say, and I need to know it, so I'm not dependent on receiving that gift through the alleged prophet.

Not everything is for you (or I) or supposed to be some big Sinai moment. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is throughout the whole life of the church, both collectively and personally.

I agree, I'm not rejecting the presence of the spirit. I am rejecting those spiritual gifts which I believe ceased in the apostolic age.

Angels do as they are his messenger.


I think I’m onto something…

Once in a dream. I was at a low point, very sick for years, and one night in this dream He approached me and the most amazing feeling of peace and love filled me. You know how sometimes in dreams you just know things, I knew it wasn't how he really looked (an elderly man) but just a form my mind could comprehend, but the feeling was so overwhelming. We sat and talked, but the sad thing is I couldn't remember a word of it- and yet in some ways that's fine, I don't think it was about anything important, it was about comfort and love.
But even to this day, many years later and greatly faded, when I think of it I still get overwhelmed with that feeling of peace and love, and I know whatever happens He's there.

Public revelation is finished. Private is a different matter entirely.

I had a similar thing happen, not really in a dream though. I was just about to fall asleep and my mind was just thinking of random things as usual. Suddenly I felt this sense of my finite lifetime, it was like I was looking at a timeline constantly expanding out to infinity, but my little spec remained where it was. Yet despite this I felt okay with it, I accepted that that little spec was mine, and it was mine because of Him. I felt loved, and I just started crying. I can't remember exactly what images came to my mind or how it all looked, but I remember the feeling it gave me, it was indescribably wonderful.

Find one example of private revelation in the entire Bible, that wasn't shared widely.

No wonder God had to give you a talking to.

Public revelation itself attests that God will pour out his Spirit on all types of people.

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions." -Joel 2:28

And Jesus told you himself that he will send the Spirit to guide us in all truth.

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." -John 16:13

All these riches for the Church at your disposal, and yet you would prefer to live in a state that puts up a barrier, as the Jews did with the Temple and Levites. You interpret blessings told to you in scripture in the most dry manner possible. Because you never lived them. And wish others not to as well.

It also explains why so many Protestants (and other likeminded quenchers of the Spirit) are a-historical and hate thinking about church history.. because they can't stand hearing about the Spirit of Christ working ALL OF THIS TIME. They scoff at all great movements of God through the Church's life, and ascribe it to stupid conspiracies (such as "Constantine created the medieval church", rather than see it for the revelatory and triumphant working of the Spirit that it actually was). They're like farmers who rejoice at the sight of famine, and warriors who take pride in defeat.

he called me by my name, he repeated it. I was too shit scared to answer so i prayed that he would go away and come back in the morning when i was eating breakfast. I was 7. I regret it to this day tbqh.

The challenge was

I believe God has given me a mission for my final days.

No such thing as private matters. Man is a Church being.

Abraham being told to sacrifice his son? Abraham kept it to himself until after he had done as God said. "Shared widely" is kinda vague though, everything written in the Bible is shared widely by definition, so you can't really make your argument;

Not words, but I was an angry atheist who went to a church I had no respect for and when the youth minister asked everyone to stand up, I felt my heart blossom and lighten, like all the anger and hurt left my soul. I went home and read the Bible and for the first time I could understand it, the scales had fallen from my eyes. Is this unusual? Anyone else have a similar experience? I don’t talk about it much IRL, because I think it sounds boastful.

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Yeah, something like that happened to me too, but it was the sign of peace. I knew then that my anti-Catholicism needed to be re-examined.

Not boastful at all brother, this is a gift given to you by God that you can use to bring non-believers to him. The story of the militant atheist/antitheist seeing God and accepting Him is a beautiful thing that often grows into more people coming to know Him.