God Is Ignoring Me Please Help

I'm tired of god ignoring me. I want to get his attention by any means possible because I feel abandoned and literally pray for death every day because of how much I hate my life and how hopeless it is. I feel that in a just world I would have been killed off already rather than having to suffer so much for no good reason. I want health and a wife and to live a decent life but I'll take death if I can't have those things rather than this bullshit life I have. Is it possible for me to sin against god, talk with Satan, or do anything else at all that will make God finally actually give a single winnie the pooh about me that he will intervene? I want to provoke god. Make God kill me or help me or ANYTHING even just acknowledge me.

God never responds and it has been misery like this all my life and I am 26 and just want to finally die already.

I am frustrated and tired and burnt out and I've tried everything to amend my situation, again and again, to no avail.

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And why do you feel entitled about those things?

People don't realize it but this life is just a test for the big thing. God gives you exactly what you need to get in order to grow spiritually. It doesn't matter whether you live in extreme poverty or you're the luckiest undeserving bastard in the world like Jeremy Meeks, the only thing that matters is how you react to those things.

Because once you die, it's game over and you'll be judged according to your actions and thoughts (inb4 faith alone, yeah yeah you got what I meant). There's no point in giving you a wife and health if it doesn't make you grow. God isn't a skydaddy contrary to popular belief. He isn't here to make your life on earth beautiful and happy even thought once your faith reach a high enough level you're always happy (read about the saints, some of these guys were tortured and thrown in jail for decades and never complained)

I know it's harsh user, maybe you're very lonely and you're suffering but don't think God put a blind eye on you. He sees farther than you can imagine. Stay strong.

winnie the pooh you. Seriously, winnie the pooh you. I will just kill myself.

It just doesn't end. Year after year it doesn't get better. I've held out too long. God doesn't care. I just want to die now. I've overstayed my time here on Earth, and since there's just emptiness and despair every day, and I am too dysfunctional to grow and instead just grow weaker and sicker every day, there is no point in prolonging my misery. Man winnie the poohed up the world by making it so hard to die. Every little thing should be met with death and instead here we are stuck in our misery having to life for years and years for no winnie the pooh reason.

In nature the moment sorrow enters into you, you die. The wild animal does not get the chance to be depressed for long. As a man, I have to suffer a lifetime. Just the amount of toxicity in my blood from the depression and anxiety I feel would probably kill most other mammals but humans can accumulate a LOT in the blood without dying.

The human society of today just wants me to be an incel or homosexual or something. It does not want me to have a wife and children. It thinks that asking for the basic necessities of life is too much, that I should not be worth a wife.

My life is for nothing. When I die, it will have all been misery and waste and disappoint. I will have done nothing good in the eyes of men, nothing pleasing of myself, and I greatly doubt that God will care that I tried with all my heart to know him.

I can't. I have intense insomnia where I lay down in bed all winnie the pooh night and don't fall asleep. The sun comes up and finally maybe I fall asleep a short while, and wake up feeling more tired than ever before. I am in a stupor all the time and extremely lethargic and low-energy. Everything is difficult that should be easy.

Maybe you should stop praying for death and God would listen to you. Maybe you should listen to Him and follow His commands. Maybe you should live and act like Jesus Christ.

But I can tell you right now that you've fallen into despair (which is a daughter of sloth). Go to an actual Church (cathodox) and talk to an actual priest. If things really are bad they'll give you an exorcism.

I'll pray for you OP but stop acting this way

You didn't get the meaning of christianity, I think.
You're right, we're not meant to live on this (fallen) earth, this is not our natural state. Everything we do here is a way to escape suffering and the anxiety of death… Earth is the realm of animals. They're happy and serene even with all the violence.

Does that mean that life is empty and meaningless?
Nope. Because everything that you desire and that you lack (love, friendship, health, beauty, etc) are archetypes and essences from God. The world is harsh and disgusting to us because we were spiritual creatures before the fall and we seek things according to our essence.

The whole point of being on earth is to pass a test, to refine your soul so when you die you can finally ascend and rejoice the spiritual world… Until God restores everything as it was meant to be at the ressurection… And you can achieve that by loving Him because He loves you

God's love is not human love.
Human love is a reflection of God's love. A pale reflection just like the moonlight is a pale reflection of sunlight.
The very fact that you're alive, and the very fact God allows things to go against His will (death, evilness, sin, hate, etc) is a proof of that. Being alive means the Creator loved you enough to give you a form and a chance to get back to Him.

This is the only thing that matters in life, so I doubt that.
It seems however that you imagine that God doesn't care about you because he doesn't give you a wife or you don't get a "special feeling"
Religion doesn't work like that, blame prosperity gospel for this nonsense. The most blessed saint were the ones with the most difficulties. Try to let go of material things, I think this is what your current test is about.

God bless you, hang in there

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who cares? You yourself have said that modern society is sick and depraved, your actions should value God and no one else. God still cares and loves you very much. I love you also and i don't want to you give up and die. Life is a miracle and a gift, cherish it! You will regret suicide, and you have value, user.

By let go of material things do you mean starve to death? I feel my life is a burden and don't even like to have go through the daily grind of maintaining my continued living. I hate that I have to eat food and to do so many things.

Not when you have chronic pain, insomnia, brain-fog, lethargy, etc. every day and nothing to compensate for it. The only way I can say it is a gift is that to be tortured every day horrendously is still better than nothing, I suppose. Even if it meant to be in constant agonizing pain with no possibility of relief, it's still better than nothing.

Everyone who loves life has a reason for it. They have a wife, or good parents, or children, or they are involved in some kind of work that feels meaningful, or they're caught up in some kind of struggle where they get to fight valiantly, or they have some hobby they love.

Everything is dead to me.

If god filled me with joy I could do better with my life. If god would send me a guide I could learn to follow him better than merely doing guesswork. Why does god hate marriage so much? Why is he so against us having families?

Calm down you're 26, you're not even 30 yet. When my father was in his mid 30's, he had a bigger reason to kill himself as he had no job and had his whole family being threatened to be homeless. He has a job and apartment now. When my mother was your age, she was homeless and only got the benefit of being able to live in friends and family's houses with the condition she pull her own weight. She also has a job and place of her own now. Do you really want to die user? A person who really wanted to die would just do it without telling anyone. You want help, and we're trying to give you help. But you seem to be rejecting our help. You need to fight hard to change, it's not easy, but when you do, when you listen to the advice people are giving you because they genuinely care, that's the sign the Lord is giving you that he's their for. The Lord does love you, and we do care for you, you just need to open your eyes and see this.

I mean stop caring whether you're poor or you don't have a wife or you're a friendless NEET

And where do you think you are. Don't you know the greatest struggle is inside of you? I've been wanting to kill myself before, feeling like God wasn't here and it was meaningless and now I couldn't be more serene (no, I don't have a gf or a meaningful work, I just beat the things that were holding me back)

Most of the things you're describing, besides chronic pain (I'm sorry for you) seems to be internal demons you must vanquish. Modern society does this to a lot of people, you're not alone

So much this. user, the fight for now, is SPIRITUAL and for your very own soul and eternal fate. Even today, i fought hard against temptation and porn, i felt dizzy afterwards.

I can't sympathize because he had a family and that is reason enough to live. The situation is completely shit but not at least he had a big motivator.

I don't have a reason to live other than fear and anxiety about death and that's not a valid reason to live. A life motivated by fear and not by love is shit.

I don't know what advice you're supposedly giving me other than "accept the situation and wait to die". I wish Christianity was pro-family but it's obviously not. It's anti-life. It just wants me to lay down and die.

Read Job.

Oh, so you don't actually want help. You just want to /r9k/ blog?

…and stare at drywall all day? Day after day? Night after night? Eat, stare, exist, and be empty?

I desperately want help. You and the cold mechanical and uncaring yahweh are unable to provide any actual help.

If you destroy your demon that prevents the grace of God from reaching you not a single day will be meaningless.
Or do you think monks and nuns are living meaningless life and are bored to death?
They're happier than all of us here

Besides what you're suffering from user (I hate to be that person, but have you been to a doctor?), what is it in your life that has you in despair, if I can ask?

Try meeting other people, travel, go out a bit. What do you have to lose? nothing! go out there and find what makes you happy. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain! quit wasting time here!

How do I do that then? The grace of god seems barred from me forever. Either that or I am blind to it because it will not reach me in any perceptible way whatsoever in this life and will only be experienced when I die in which case I am wondering why I am living just waiting to die.

I don't think that.

So in short I should be committing suicide or at least doing something to get myself killed (like that missionary guy who tried to go that island recently).

I've been in and out of hospital a lot.

Above all else the lethargy, pain, and dysfunction that makes me unable to live a meaningful life.

I'm very sorry to hear that. But user, you can't allow those things to get you down. There's plenty of people who suffer from the same and/or worse and live their lives to the fullest. Is your lethargy and pain so severe that you cannot study or work or at least go out into the world and socialize?

How about this as a motivation, the unknown. I thought that it would take years after highschool to find someone I love before highschool, but right before I graduated I met her. She brought new light to my life I didn't know existed. We were both timid, but I had a friend who helped me. He helped me because there was someone else similar to him, but he winnie the poohed up and thought he could never have her again. I asked why he couldn't just go up to her and talk about the good times to revive something, but fear prevented him. Despite this my attempts to be closer to her failed, and I decided to take his older advice and give up. Right before I did that, my friend came to me and said things with his old girl has been revived, and it was thanks to my help. They've been apart for more than 6 years, yet miraculously they're back together. He told me to never give up no matter how bleak things are. I realized I failed because of my fear to make a move, the unknown. Fight that fear, remember what the Lord has done for us, the suffering the martyrs have done for the Lord. Know that you ARE capable, you just need to toss away that fear, walk into the unknown, and have faith. You can do it, I believe in you but more importantly the Lord believes in you.

I don't think you know how depression works user.

I regularly go out and it never quite goes well.

People can see and sense that I am in pain and misery.

Everything is strained and difficult. Some people show pity for awhile and then they give up hope realizing it's a hopeless case and they got to save themselves.

I need divine intervention or to just die. God must not leave me like this.

Literally OP. gtfo this board. Do not reply to him. Hide this thread.

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I can work about one day of the week and that's it and even that is tremendous struggle.

I can not really socialize properly it's always awkward and never goes over well. I try though at least twice a week.

I spend most of my time studying things, reading books, but it's slower and more difficult for me than it should be if I were free of these problems I have… and that's my whole life.

People IRL also mock me for just reading books all the time and "not living".

I must confess that i'm not very educated on the issue..and just trying to help. Ever try travelling to someplace completely new, or making a pilgrimage? All i can really say is that God loves you.

Man up you ungrateful, selfish child. Literally everyone who has existed suffers hardships—often worse than can be comprehended. Your whining reeks of effeminacy and emotional immaturity. It is time to grow up.

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I know you said you've been to hospital countless times but have you exhausted all avenues to alleviate the pain?

You're socializing with us right now. Talking to people is always a challenge if you're an introvert, but if you go in with the mentality that they're judging you/hate you before you even utter a word, you've already lost half the battle.

I wouldn't listen to them. Most of the time their definition of living = degeneracy. I personally find it admirable that you continue to read and study even if it's more difficult for you. You're worth so much more than you think. Act like it.

t. idiot who has never suffered anything substantial in his whole life

God doesn't love everyone only his own people. The rest are children of wrath… and there is nothing that I know of that can be done about it.

Some of us are just made to suffer, die, and perish and never have any joy because god needs to prove he is infinitely wrathful.

I've done everything except for praying to Satan or consorting with demons. That is all I can think of as a last resort and something that hopefully will finally get God to notice me.

Seriously OP, see an exorcist.
A long time exorcist explains what you are going through. Espically the capital vice of sloth:

If you really are desperate for help, go to an actual Church (cathodox) and seek an actual preist.

I was born with considerable deformities and violently abused as a child. The difference between you and I is twofold: firstly, I trust in God's Providence; secondly, I do not believe I am the centre of the universe nor that anyone owes me a damn thing. Masochism is another form of hubris and self-worship, i.e., the very sin that cast Satan into Hell.

You need to man the f*ck up.

That's not true at all. God doesnt want anyone to suffer his wrath or go to hell. Sin and hell are a choice, not a punishment.

Please don't do that user. Consorting with demons is not the answer, ever. God has noticed you. As another user stated read Job. Reading seems to be something you enjoy. Keep doing it. Find other things you enjoy. If you have family, spend more time with them and please, go to church or at most, see a priest.

Absolutely based. Vid related to the thread.

And because I love you OP, i'm going to say a prayer for you and ask St. Joseph (the terror of demons, guardian of the church, pic related) to pray for you too.

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