Some of the most senior clerics in the Roman Catholic church who have vociferously attacked homosexuality are themselves gay, according to a book to be published next week.
Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active, it is claimed in the book, In the Closet of the Vatican.
The 570-page book, which the French journalist and author Frédéric Martel spent four years researching, is a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican”, according to its British publisher Bloomsbury.
It is being published in eight languages across 20 countries next Wednesday, coinciding with the opening day of a conference at the Vatican on sexual abuse, to which bishops from all over the world have been summoned.
Martel, a former adviser to the French government, conducted 1,500 interviews while researching the book, including with 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and monsignors, 45 papal ambassadors or diplomatic officials, 11 Swiss guards and more than 200 priests and seminarians, according to a report on the Catholic website the Tablet.
Many spoke of an unspoken code of the “closet”, with one rule of thumb being that the more homophobic a cleric was, the more likely he was to be gay.
Martel alleges that one Colombian cardinal, the late Alfonso López Trujillo, who held a senior Vatican position, was an arch-defender of church teaching on homosexuality and contraception while using male prostitutes, the Tablet said.
The author found that some gay priests accepted their sexuality and a few maintained discreet relationships, but others sought high-risk casual encounters. Some were in denial about their sexuality.
Is it that obvious? I almost find that number unbelievable..and want to defend Catholics a bit (not one myself). 80% sounds absurd, but I'm curious how he arrived at the number.
David Bell
Hellenistic pagan here, and christians DARE to say that pagans are gay.
Christians are the epitome of sodomy, tbh, secretive, all-men, butt-sex having gays.
Elijah Morgan
Alright, that seems reasonable considering the population and demographics of Vatican City, but how do we arrive at the 4/5 number? OOOOH! That old gem. Into the trash it goes.
Ian Foster
I'm not even Catholic, but wew lad.
Daniel Carter
Considering you worship a god that had sex with several of his daughters, you're not really in a position to put down other religions.
Gabriel Ortiz
tigger, the jew god literally rips Zeus off by impreganting Mary, who is of David's line, who is of Adam's line, who is made of God's image.
Also, Adam and Eve and their descendants reproduce via incest (Eve being his sister), there's literally nothing wrong with it.
Jaxon Gomez
He didn't merely "impregnate" her. He entered her womb. Jesus is God himself. And then left her virgin after.. because he's God. And can.
Tyler Davis
So Zeus didn't winnie the pooh his daughters because he's a god and can.
Camden Martin
Zeus is just a god of lightning at best. And not even that.
Gabriel Wright
Zeus is a faggot that committed sodomy with men. By extension you are a faggot for worshiping him. Zeus also raped his daughters. So by extension you are a faggot-rapist.
Don't keep trying to evade your ban, Charlie you faggot gook.
Zeus is not a faggot, he birth multiple heroes, faggot cannot do that.
My god is not a god who collects foreskins, no.
Jack Butler
Your god collects fecal matter in his foreskin.
Brody Anderson
The winnie the pooh?
Jose Williams
You keep trying to not embarrass yourself and you fail spectacularly every time. Your idols are nothing. Your false god couldn't even get his own people to keep it's religion and now it's memory is kept alive by some dog-eating gook.
I don't even know if I should laugh at you or pity you, Charlie. Stop being a fag and repent already .
Oh look at that winnie the pooher, he cuts a tree, how brave. I wonder what will he says when he tries that with a man.
They are living gods, your desert demon is literally an evil spirit. LOL, people know of Zeus worldwide, in fact, it's arguable that your god stole Zeus's image. Actually, it's you who should repent for spending ANY years worshiping a foreign mass-murdering deity.
Christian Evans
So, is the claim that this can be projected out to the entire cathbro clergy or do all the gay priests just coalesce in Rome?
I wouldn't doubt it. Though Martel … he's the guy that misquoted Frank (pic related) to make him sound this way or that, right?
But, if it WERE true … shouldn't rates of HIV amongst clergy be astronomical?
Of course he doesn't. He's just a larping atheist. But all the people God told the Israelites to kill were Middle Eastern. Are you against sand tiggers being killed?
Juan Cox
Proof? Except all the first born egyptians, which also destroys the current egyptian regime.
Where? Faggots are all over in Christian land, its highest concentration, the church. My thought exactly, the Church is sinful!
Elijah Richardson
But pagans ARE gay by default. A gay Christian is a contradiction, that's why it's so taboo.
Ian Gomez
Francis is most straight guy ever! Based pope
Angel Scott
Where did this pagans are gay come from?
Pagans actually bog and kill gays.
Christians put gays into church and say they are "cured".
Austin Martinez
Homosexuality was fundamental for ancient pagan myths. It is in the holy texts in other worlds. > Modern pagans, regardless their political affiliation also promote homosexuality (pic related). The fact that in Christianity, in contrast to paganism, homosexuality is something that needs to be cured speak for itself.
Where is the homo at? Nice cherrypicking, there are shitton more gay christians. Paganism just straight out kill gays instead of putting them into their holy temple and say they are "cured".
Easton Bell
You know that wine-pourer is a polite way to say winnie the pooh toy right? Only women serve the men wine in ancient societies. I don't think so. But then again you'll hardly find any anti-LGBT pagan Imagine if you took a census in one of the biggest pagan festivals, hardly anyone will be against sodomy Says who? The only pagan tradition that is alive today is totally pro-gay
Asher Johnson
Your joking right? Let me count the ways -The greeks are infamous for their pedastry (man-boy sodomy) it was in their art. -Zeus was a faggot that abducted and boinked Ganymede. -Apollo was also lover to Macedonian Prince Hyakinthos. -Best known as the Greek god of wine, Dionysus was also the god of intersex and transgender people. -vikangz would sodomize people weaker than them as a show of dominance -oogabooga tribes out in the south east asia tell their boys that drinking semen makes you a man -Molochians (cannanites) were rabid faggots that tried to gang rape Lot in the book of Genesis.
I believe that's wrong and we have prostitutes for that. Most pagan are anti-gay, anti-tranny, anti-judaism, unless you count the liberal/degenerate new age cult wiccan. What? Hellenism, Odinism are all alive, as well as Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism in the east, none of them are "pro-gay".
Alexander Martin
Overstated and there's civil law against pedastry in Sparta and Athens. Zeus was a god, he can do whatever the winnie the pooh he wants. Same as above. Again, made by bullshit by actual trannies in modern age. Again, sound like total bullshit. Destroyed and rooted out by pagan chinks and vietnamese. Moloch cult does worse than that, and is pretty much universally agreed to be semitic evil cult even by other pagans (Roman).
Hudson Smith
Male prostitution is a thing you know. But anyway you can't deny that the notion of transgenderism and 3rd gender is an entirely pagan idea. You know that Kybele priests were all trannies? And don't let me start with Japan and shinto, since you brought that up, and the male geishas. I can find countess of examples if you like. Liberals and wiccans take up 99% of modern pagans. You can't boast about the "return of paganism" in Europe on the one hand and then reject the majority of modern pagans on the others. And afaik, the only right wing pagan group are wolves of vinland (also pro-gay with gay members). Where's the anti-gay pagans? Hellenism and Odinism were resurrected by New Agers in the 60's, they are not a native pagan tradition. But you said that you reject the New Age. About shintoism, look at male geishas. Buddhism is hardly paganism and more like a philosophy.
James Sanders
And it is a service like all other. The notion of gender at all is a anglo idea, we are counting sex and there are only 02, in ALL Pagan religions. Geisha are not ALL prostitutes. Wiccans are "neopagans" and have no tradition to be found upon, just random ass concept (Mother Goddess) and cult (muh feminist witches). We follow our ancestor gods. We have Odinistic group, pagan community in Russia and Scandinavia, none of them are pro-gay (specifically). Hellenism and Odinism have always survived in Europe and passed over to America, it's a lie to say it's just reinvented in the 1960s. Various sects of Buddhism does believe in godlike entities/deities like Kannon or Jinzo so yes it is paganism by Christian definition.
Evan Jenkins Also pic related, teleturgical self castration tools. Part of the worship of Magna Mater The males certainly were. Just take a look in Japanese art, it's not that they were hiding it. And then we also have shudo. All these are accepted practises in Shinto Like all neopagans You probably follow what little info you can find about paganism in books writen by Christian monks. It's not like your father passed you on any pagan tradition. Ah and whatever nonsense Varg made out of his mond this week. Maybe, but it's still a fringe minority in neopaganism. Do we have any examples of 16th century Odinists? Or Greek pagans (except for that one philosopher, i speak about communities)
>(((unnamed sources))) Obvious slander is obvious.
Jack Torres
Joseph Smith
Sound like demented prostitutes of the lowest class. NOT widespread and again, only as a demented fetish. You mean pagans who disguise themselves as christian monks in order to preserve their ancient faith, or would like to burn all these books? We are pagans, not (((neopagan))). 16th century was the era of the Christian wars in Europe, I don't think you can find any outright pagan community because they fear judeo-christians oppression.
Why are christians so winnie the pooh gay?
Juan Bennett
I wish I could look into your head to watch the surrealsitic movie-worthy delusion you have created to justify your plastic LARPing "paganism" that has nothing to do with the extinct paganism.
Evan Gomez
So extinct that they are actually recorded and worshiped.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Church and Orthodox are literally LARPing to get money and converts.
Brody Ramirez
Forget to add, while the protestant church whores themselves out.
Meanwhile the internet christians post crusader memes and shout DEUS VULT (Deus = Zeus) behind the scene.
Yet the christians have the balls to call pagans "LARPing".
Eli Anderson
Such as?
Jayden Scott
What is recorded are the practices that have nothing to do with what is done today, and which were required by the nature of the "gods" (lol).
You worship gods as much as I worship ice cream when I comment how tasty it is.
Ryder Adams
Jacob Grimm and Lorri Sturlurson. Bill Shakespeare.
No they aren't, unlike semitic religion, rituals do not make you a worshiper, having a bloodline does. I don't think you understand the word "worship".
Lucas Perry
You dont understand neither what worship is, nor what divinity is, nor what paganism is. Go study some basic theology before you start talking again about how the gods flow through your veins.
Tyler Bennett
What? And read about your 03 semitic cult? Buddhism, shintoism, taoism do not follow your money whoring rules.
And no, divinity is godhood, which Zeus belongs to, and the greeks are children of Zeus.
Luis Thomas
Those religions either have more in common with Christianity seriously, or are a theological failure, which is why their own adherents don't take them seriously beyond some cultural curiosity. There is no apologist from any of those even trying to argue against christians in debates or similar arguments. And it's better for them that way, because the ridicule would be amazing. Their fundamentals were already destroyed with arguments 2000 years ago, which is why they are touristic attractions.
Wow how smart you are. Precisely I am saying you have no idea what godhood is. Protip: it is not being the object of made up stories about some man, nor being old, nor being some random person's ancestor.
Even you admited that you worshipped just whoever was more or less high in whatever family tree. What you call worship is just "holding dear in memory".
Alexander Thompson
Carson Ward
Who justify their faggotry by the authority of paganism and pagan myths. They are social outcasts only because humans deep inside know that pagan teachings are wrong. Justified under the authority of paganism again. This time shinto "Shinto gods, especially Hachiman, Myoshin, Shinmei and Tenjin, "came to be seen as guardian deities of nanshoku" (male–male love)" Citation needed
Evan Bailey
Isn't this common knowledge already? What's the problem?
Brayden Carter
/thread What happened to this place?
Ryan Lopez
While I'm convinced that a good portion of clerics in the vatican are sodomites, I'm skeptical of the 4/5 number. Also, the fact that the journalist is implying that preaching against sodomy means the person is a sodomite is laughable although not improbable, certain individuals have been proven to have done so. I think a more reasonable number would be around 1/4 or even 1/5. So my RC neighbors, while the "study" may be an exaggeration, there are still sodomites in your ranks that need to be cleared out posthaste.
The Third Conclusion, sorrowful to hear, is: That the law of continence annexed to priesthood, that in prejudice of women was first ordained, induces sodomy in Holy Church; but we excuse us by the Bible, for the suspect decree that says we should not name it. Reason and experience prove this conclusion. For delicious meats and drinks of men of Holy Church will have needful purgation or worse. Experience for the privy assay of such men is that they like not women. The corollary of this conclusion is that the private religions. beginners of this sin, were most worthy to be annulled but God, for his might, of privy sin send open vengeance.
And these retarda publish books? Damn in the middle ages 100% of catholics were gay.
Kevin Wood
Yet there was a time the pharaoh didn't exist and now he is dust like everyone who died. What a great god. He didn't even created existence. Btw you're larping to the max.
Henry Barnes
How come? If someone likes girls we will never like to winnie the pooh dudes. Even if a priest can't hold his libido (why becoming one I wonder) all he needs to do is take off the collar and go to the nearest whore house or pick up chicks at some random pub. That's the propaganda the media are spreading trying to end celibacy on the Latin church.
Aaron Kelly
These images are especially cathartic.
Grayson Allen
Explain taking them seriously. Buddhists/Taoist/Pagan can reach spiritual enlightenment/close connection to their ancestor gods without ever going to the Church or donate money to the Church, or do you think donating money and saying I believe in Christ means you are taking it seriously? Godhood is defined by a person's deed, various roman emperors and egyptian pharaoh are gods and deservedly so. Worship is exactly that.
You mistake worship for SUBMITTING. winnie the pooh semitic faggot.
Dylan Reed
Well, it's true and I admit that, only greeks can worship Zeus. They justify their faggotry by tradition, which is pretty much how the Catholic church does it, except they are treated like shit, unlike the Catholic clerge. Quote the whole thing: Yes, you are supposed to grow out of it, and you will still winnie the pooh and marry women afterward. That's half the reason why paganism survived.
tigger, your "god" has not even form it's fire without smoke, and nobody can prove its existence. He existed. Yes he did, his paternal Great Father, Ra, created the universe.
Grayson Richardson
They don't really believe in anything beyond following some fancy customs. They don't seek the truth, they are not interested in God. There are no missions, nor theological tradition, nor apologists, etc.
No, that is called being a celebrity, a mundane thing
No, that is calling hilding dear in memory, a mundane thing.
I just refer to actual worship when I say worship. Only God, the actual God, deserves worship. This is basic theology, so it is not surprising that LARPagans do not even reach that point.
What does that mean? That you can't touch some kind of "God" particle? Thatyou can't see light reflecting on God? Please, don't make me laugh. I can't see Zeus either by the way.
Many people have done so. Aquinas, for example.
I exist too. I have a more virtuous life than your incestuous zoophilic "gods", so I expect you to worhip me.
Alexander Cruz
No, that's the catholic clergy. There are some corrupted as winnie the pooh buddhist monks and taoist priests but nothing compare to the extravaganza of the christian priests who openly winnie the pooh, openly eat meat and commit sins while saying they believe in god. They already know the truth, Christian impose their God on other people and call it truth, delusional. Those do not make a religion make, when your religion is about converting other people, it becomes a political entity. Nope, someone's deeds are not a mundane things, especially if they win wars, create kingdoms and protect their people. Or in some case reach enlightenment. And I too, but you do not worship, you submit, like the semitic cuckold you are. Why? Because some jews told you so? Nope. That your god is a demon without form, smoke without fire, an unnatural existence. You can see his lightning bolt. Then you can do so? What kingdom have you created?
Thomas Ortiz
It's the contrary, you can see endless writtings, apologetics and missions from christian priests, in which you, in your fedora madness, think are only catholic. While in the other religions you can only see a couple retards paying pretend, with no actual conviction, no real interest in God beyond "energies n' stuff lmao".
Ah, I guess they should only eat soy like you
It is almost as if humans sinned and were not perfect.
It was the contrary. Christians were persecuted by the jews and strongly by the pagans, who wanted to force them to pay tribute to their gods.
Can you tell us what drugs leads you to say this? Any religion that takes itself seriously will do its best to share what it claims to be the truth. Whoever doesn't try to convert others has no actual convictions.
Cooper Davis
So brainwashing conversion is "believing in something"? I disagree. They are paid to do so. I eat meat mostly but I'm no priest or monk Humans should redempt their actual sins and work to better the world instead of "submitting to god". On the contrary, jews convert to Christianity and infest the Church while they jail pagans for simply for having a goddess statue. No drug at all but an actual understanding of religion, which is about worship of gods, NOT actually converting people. This is why Christianity is a fake religion, it's meant to spread, and nobody have actual belief.
Isaac Stewart
They are a mundane thing. They are just petty celebrities. Some days ago I finished painting a great miniature. I guess I'm a "god" now. It iseems it is you who considers a god any important politician.
I submit to God, like anyone who has a basic knowledge about theology.
Because worship is the only eternal, perfect, omnipotent thing there is, and as such is the only object of worship, not some glorified politician or soldier.
Your materialistic understanding of divinity is kind of pathetic
I can link you to Aquinas' argument or huge corpus of theological writtings, along with the other many Christian fathers of the Churhc and doctors, who wrote at length debunking your bagan silliness which is dead by now.
Well, the kingdom of not being an incestuous zoophilic retard to begin with. I would also like to know what kingdom was created by, for example, the philosophers and governors who were considered gods and therefore had their own temples.
Oh yes? Who paid the apostles, who refused money and went to terrible deaths for their preaching? This is the difference between the now extinct pagans and christians: ones convictions led them to terrible deaths for what they saw. The others got a bunch of orgies out of some theatre.
Humans are in no position to redeem their sins, because no matter what they do they aren't good, they sin. You can't buy "goodness", nor do you deserve it. That is a delusion of pride.
The first things jews do when they convert is to denounce jews, as you can see in the many writtings of the earlies Church fathers. However the pagans were allies of the jews. It is by the order of the jews that the pagans murdered Christ. They also were great allies of Julian the apostate. Overall, they shared their hatred towards Christ and therefore Christianity.
Pagans burned christians alive, or threw them to the beasts of the barbaric circus, or nailed them to crosses, or murdered them in endless ways for not worshipping their gods, that is, for not performing what you, in your ignorance, call "mere rituals". Well, it turns out the actual pagans killed those who refused to partake in those "mere rituals".
Yes, an actual understanding of religion as some kind of celebrity cult that brags about not having the slighest idea about theology.
Any actual religion is meant to spread, because it has an actual belief in something important, unlike some decrepit celebrities, half of them fictional people from old theatres.
Julian Morgan
No, they justify it by paganism. Shiva (or insert pagan deity here ___) was androgynous ==> tranny priests. Random godess castrated someone ===> tranny priests Same with modern pagans. Mother Godess worship ==> faggotry, pederasty, feminist, soyboyism, drugs etc. Honestly, paganism is just a way to justify your passions and sins. Some just call it "being free" Catholics don't justify it. The ones who are doing such things are hiding it exactly because it isn't compatible with Christianity, unlike paganism which is the norm as we already saw. Be honest if you want to talk. Exactly like in ancient Greece. If it doesn't look like a man, then it's not a man. Also exactly like modern paganism and liberalism, if you wear woman clothes you are a woman etc. I.e: the practises that Christianity put an end to (and modern pagans are trying to bring back) Again, sitation needed.
Colton Johnson
Yeah, creating a kingdom, protecting your kingdom, defending your people, just petty acts. Please. So again, submission, not worshiping. Wrong, there's no requirement that you need to worship only the eternal and perfect, Hephaestus/Vulcan was lame yet he's still worshiped. Divinity without form, that is a daemon i.e. evil spirit. Then do so? I dare you. Where is said kingdom? Hmm? And be honest, have you created it? Brainwashed cuckolds. Their conviction is evil act, trying to convert and brainwash other people, which deservedly deserve death. Disagree. If he can sin, he can redeem their sin. And they lie. Jews denounce jews, yet they still are jews, this is why Christianity is a fake religion, it challenges truth. Christ was a heretical criminal of the jewish sect, the romans just do the act, as the jewish community wants to. The romans should have killed massacred both Jesus and jews tbh. Christians do the same, christians jail and kill pagans, burn their books, destroy their temple, force them to accept foreigners into their country as "christian brethern". LOL, it's not me who tries to convert people into believing YOUR celebrity cult. Wrong a religion is confined by border and people. No tigger can be shinto, no tigger can be odinist. What you are describing is a political entity masking as a religion.
Zachary Rodriguez
Shiva priests or Shiva warriors were not tranny. Also treated as the lowest of the low due to the loss of manhood. Just like modern christians, am I right? Hiding in plain sight is worse than being frank and honest, and no, faggotry is not the mainstream in ANY pagan culture. Ancient Greece doesn't say a boy is not a male, but a boy is not a man regardless due to his age. No man and woman under Jesus Christ. Modern pagans are less gay than christians. Beowulf.
Camden Wilson
Hijras are, stop playing hide and seek Or becoming Cybele's tranny priests. Unless if you have no respect for your religious authorities (and in reality, people actually didn't). No, all the above are considered sins in Christianity. With some being grave sins. Unlike paganism where they are justified by myths of Gods doing the same things. Hiding means you're ashamed and also that what you're doing contradicts your what you believe. Unlike in paganism again where there nothing to be ashamed of because your Gods did worse. And thus it can become a fcktoy. Like in Buddhism and Shinto and literally in every pagan society ever. Don't play with the words, no man or woman under Christ means that you're both equally Gods creation and you'll be judged the same after death. Not that a man can take the role of a woman and the opposite which is strictly forbidden (again, unlike in paganism where Gods take the role of women all the time) doubt Beowulf was a pagan that pretend to be a Christian monk so that he could write down and preserve the pagan literature? Man the more you speak the more i think you have no idea about neither Christianity nor paganism and also about history whatsoever.
Julian Turner
They were NOT priests of Shiva, they used Shiva merging with Parvati as an excuse, when it has jackshit to do with that. Cybele is a foreign god, and the people did not respect their self-castrated priests, and Augustus employed a dick-having man as the high priest of that cult. Where is the punishment for these sins? Pagans actually kill gays, and muslims. While modern christians protect them. Also, find me one pagan god who prances around like a faggot like the lesbian bishop in Sweden. So you approve of crimes in secret? Wow. And no, while I detest homo, an open homo is easier to kill than a secret homo. It's not a winnie the poohtoy, you are projecting your sick catholic clergy sins into heathenry. All of the "homo" pagans end up having families and birthing children. But we are not born equally, man is not equal to woman and vice versa, no man and woman under Jesus Christ is a denial of reality. Pagan Japan still has less gay than most christian countries. Beowulf was a direct example of pagan literature surviving because a disguised pagan tried to christianize it and let it live instead of letting christians burn it down.