Where do you draw the line with magic?

What is the christian idea of this forbidden magic? Is Tai Chi magic? If not is Chi kung magic? If not is Reiki magic? Where do you draw the line with manipulation of your body's energy?

I ask because I was thinking of creating a form of christian mysticism that focused on manipulating "divine energy" for certain effects.

Attached: monkey-awoken.jpeg (190x190, 12.15K)

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I wouldn't try it tbh

About the only thing I share with "magic" believers is a liking for the symbolism of different metals. I like wearing a plain iron cross pendant (not the German symbol). I always liked that passage of Jesus in Revelation where he "rules with a rod of iron" and "out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that shall smite the nations". Iron is symbolically both a symbol of strength and defense. It's both from the heavens (meteors) and an element associated with earth. And in Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, Iron is the greatest metal, for it redeemed mankind through the nails of the cross.

Iron might've been a symbol for Mars once.. or some silly magic warding.. but I think Jesus took it for himself.

Magic as it was understood by Christianity is to gain some boons from demons or dead (necromancy). Its usually about obtaining some information.
Also, divine energy is grace of God and its easy to "manipulate": Do good and be virtuous. Thats about it.

I can't help but explore. I feel very driven to seek out anything of value from this. I was able to quite some birds with some love energy, years later it still comes up in the back of mind. I don't know what else to do about it. I feel like this is my purpose.

Interesting. I'm not big on symbolism myself but I suppose I can understand.

Well, that's not energy.. or magic. It's simply love. And God is love (even when he appears as iron, in my case. Heh).

That's a much clearer definition. Thank you for your advice.

one of the names of the devil, satan, is Pan
Infact "Pan" means "everything"
Pantheism, is the belief that the universe (everything) is god.
Magic, was seen as everything arriving from this belief that there are energies and causal effects that can be harnessed from the universe and directed through our bodies. The belief that we can become posessed by evil forces is part of the belief that pantheism is the enemy of christianity. Pantheism from the worship of pan, the green man, the burning man, the bipedal goat, etc. So tai chi etc would be seen by christians as a form of worship that goes along with ideas born of pantheism

Interesting. I knew Pan was some nature related god, but somehow never drew the relationship to pantheism. Seems obvious now.

Love is an energy though. That's what I mean by energy really. You can feel it.

Is it not also true that god created the world though? Natural ability is God's will as we are his creations. You can't say God didn't intend for the natural world he himself created. Whether he intended humans to live in it is another story entirely, you can't claim God isn't God though.

I can agree on an experiential sense, but I also associate it with the presence of God too (not to say you don't). Not romantic love, but the kind you're talking about.

I could tell you my own story about birds. One time I was on my porch and just appreciating God's earth, kind of mediating in a way.. then suddenly a bird landed on me. I almost didn't think anything of it at first.. it was a beautiful moment.. then my dumb human side freaked out and the bird flew away. People can call me crazy, but I think I was in harmony with God's love for a moment.. and the bird knew it.

I have other crazy stories, but I've said enough.

Nah, that's something people like you added after the fact. People thought the motif was a close enough fit, and so they created a pattern where there was none.

Say more, user.

Magic is a manipulation of the senses, like entertainment or Marxism. Can be used for laughs or for the downfall of the western world. It isn't going to make you live longer and you will only impress the weakest of mind to bend to your will, and that is were the problem lies. Try putting down the edge and be humble and marry a hefty girl who is kind.

I'm kind of embarrassed tbh. Or maybe traumatized from talking about things in real life and getting poor feedback.

I have to wonder though.. if this was what someone like St. Francis was like, fulltime. If so, he was an incredible saint indeed, to stay in that state.. where apparently animals loved being around him.

Real magic sets the hair on the back of my neck on end, but I can't help but wish fantasy-style magic really existed.

I just want to be able to fly and generate a particle cannon from my mind.

Attached: Arsenal.png (2538x1136, 5.2M)

Oh, yes. I live in a Mexican area where some older people are faux Catholics and really Santeria practitioners. A long time ago, a friend's grandma apparently wanted to psychically "read" me or something, and intruded by grabbing my hand. Thank God I had found Christ by this point. I think I wouldn't have had any defenses.. but whatever she was doing made my hair stand as you said.. and I sort of shut down. She struggled, and said I was empty (she apparently read it as a bad thing.. that I was hiding something). Never talked to her again.

After resurrection mankind will have bodies like Christ so here's that.

Already been done

Where did you hear that?

Could you give me the name of it? Is it still practiced today?

Thats the entire point of resurrection?
Also, despite being an Ortho, well, Aquinas goes on that in details

Why not seek out Jesus Christ instead?

Christ is the archetype of the risen (and the archetype in all ways really).. his resurrection is also our own hope.

"But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming." -1 Cor 15:20-23

"And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." (verse 49)

I see.

Please clarify what you mean by that. What of him do I seek? I've only a passing study of the bible really. I mostly studied the moral code of the bible, it seems to be the one most in line with what I find to be moral actions and ideas. I can't seem to commit to it though and live every word of it. Mostly because I'm lazy.

I things like alchemy were the chemistry of the middle ages.

The Bible would view divination or soothsaying with skepticism, in Acts 16:16 literally the maid with a Python spirit.

There's probably nothing deliberately evil with things like qigong breathing exercises though but such practices should be followed with appropriate instruction and caution as some of these are believed to pose serious danger to oneself and health if not. Things like making the blood boil or "turn into lava".

This is not mysticism. Mysticism is the direct, subjective experience of the Divine. It is not some ritual practice that can be utilized or manipulated. It is a great and awesome gift that comes directly from the Lord Himself. It transcends the mortal ability to describe or comprehend. Man does not 'create' mystical experiences any more than man creates God.

I'm sorry I was trying to come up with an apt word. Mysticism is a broad term in the Wikipedia definition. Perhaps you could give a more apt term?

I mean, it sounds like magic to me what you're describing but I'm no expert on magic nor what constitutes it - I cannot say if the Church would view what you wish to achieve as magic or not, though I personally wouldn't attempt it out of caution. I only wanted to clarify your use of the term 'mysticism', as it is a subject that is dear to me and don't want others to be misled. If it matters, I wasn't trying to be rude of condescending. As for as adequate replacement term, perhaps 'spiritual exercise' would be more proper (though less succinct)?

I will also relay the story of Simon the Magician to you. When Simon saw the miracles being performed by the apostles the following exchange occurred:

20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 22 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23 For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”

I think you should manipulate spiritual energies through Christ via prayer, as the apostles did. But again, I'm no expert and am not entirely sure what you desire to do or even what you mean by the manipulation of energies.