Is she /ourgirl/?
Is she /ourgirl/?
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I don't see why not. She is promoting trad wife values and nationalism to young wahmens everywhere.
Sigh. Well, as we on Zig Forums have stated God uses non-Christians for His purposes all the time. I don't agree with her religious beliefs but I won't stop her from promoting trad values, nationalism, and making Zig Forums kevetch.
Pray for her
Why do women make that weird face
Pick one
Wtf I love open borders now! Just winnie the pooh up my nation's sovereignty fam!
God established borders, and not once did he ever say they are to be abolished.
Implying the scripture is positive about nationalism
Is it not the government who kills unborn baby and snatch your wealth to bomb kids in foreign nation in the name of democracy ?
you sell yourself cheap, Zig Forums
you're a disappointment
you've outed yourself, commie filth
that allowed such bullshittery to happen
Little did you know, I'm a hoppean ancap, you're no different from SJW who call everyone who disagree with them a fascist.
Like pottery
It’s the liberal government that does so. The same liberal government that hates the concept of borders.
"I-i swear i-its the libtards !!!!!"
None of that has to do with open borders. Go back to Mexico, nobody likes your stench.
Not an argument
As much a non-argument as anything you posted. Liberals have no self-preservation instincts. That’s why they are big chasers, substance abusers, welcome invaders into their homes, murder their own children, and lack even basic hygiene.
Actually it is. Moving the goal posts because you got outted for the filth that you are won't change that fact that you aren't a Christian.
>>>/reddit/ is where you belong
Jesus is a king, not an (((anarchist))).
Actually, correction.
Jesus isn't a king.
He's the Emperor of the Cosmos
All successful kings bow before Him and submit to His Church in Rome.
He also turned over the tables of the money-changing elite and whipped them. These money-changing elite then had him arrested and executed.
The church is the only authority. Any arguments that Christianity has acknowledged the authority of kings is bunk, because Jesus said to give everything you own to the poor;
No Christian should have more than he needs to live. He must live hand-to-mouth;
There shouldn't be Christian kings to obey - they should have given up their wealth and become poor.
Only the church has to be obeyed.
I bow to Jesus, not a man. No rich person has my respect. No nation is my master.
Unless the Catholic church said it, it's not law to me.
lol … no.
see: Tower of Babel
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Acts 17:26
>Jesus is a king, not an (((anarchist))).
I do not deny that and that is why I'm an anarchist.
Go read the Exodus, then Chronicles and Kings.
God destroyed Babel because man's unity was a cause of pride for us;
Nah thanks m8.
The statement was "God established borders", but that's disingenuous. If God established borders, then which ones did he establish for, oh say, Texas?
Man makes borders. God makes nations.
Nation != Border
Nations must defend their own borders. The land of Israel was given a border, and Israel perished when they failed to drive out other nations as they were commanded.
God did give authority to kings. All power is divinely established by God
This whore of babylon isn't a Christian to start with and basically, you're a horrible person if you support her.
Now calling her a whore is disingenuous. And the Whore of Babylon is the actual city of Jerusalem anyway.
She uses social media, she posts pictures of herself, she tries to get attention, she's an e-whore in every sense of the word.
Ergo it is correct to call her what she is, a whore that doesn't know what she's talking about and a dirty statist who wants God to be replaced by the State.
God and Mammon
God is going to destroy principality;
Jesus said you had to give up your wealth to follow him;
He also told the Apostles to take nothing with them;
How more obvious does the Bible have to make it; Wealth keeps you from Heaven, God promised to destroy all kings, and Jesus told you to walk in his name without scrip;
We only have to obey the church. No one else has any authority on Earth.
That's not anime though.
It was also a rich man who helped bury Jesus. It isn't wealth on it's own that's bad - it's the pride and sense of self-reliance and lack of dependency on God that makes it hard for a rich man to enter heaven (but Jesus didn't say it was impossible either. He said it was hard.. and it's this pride that does many of them in).
You are preaching that every christian must be poor, that is anabaptist heresy.
"Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin."
This is Jesus speaking to Pilate
"let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God"
muh anarchism
I don't think God wants my children to be raped by tiggers and arabs, thanks.
Jesus is also called King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Not King who destroys all kings and Lord who destroys all lords. Barabbas was the rebel the murderers of Jesus wanted. They didn't want the King of the Jews instead.
Going to =/= already has
Yes it is
It's an animation in the Japanese anime style, even if it's from a degenerate cripple sex game
No it's not, it is made in the west ergo it isn't anime.
That's like saying the King James Bible is french because france ruled England once.
Look at pic. Look at it, faggot. This is what "nationalism" does to the Church. This is how ugly your beliefs are.
Nationalism is a detergent the Devil uses to stick greasy heresies in Holy Water.
Useful idiots, every single one of you idolaters.
Rich men (The money-changing Pharisees) delivered Jesus into the hands of another rich man (Pontius Pilate) so he could be killed.
True - it's loving the world that's bad;
You can't be 'of the world' and be a Christian.
No, rich men are just more prone to ADDITIONAL sins like pride, on top of loving the world.
What version are you using? The oldest only mention God;
Romans 12 puts this in context;
You're not even supposed to value your body.
Also these verses;
So, Jesus or his Apostles said;
1: To be perfect, give your wealth to the poor,
2: Blessed are the poor in spirit,
3: Go without scrip (Without money,)
4: A camel can get through the eye of a needle easier than a rich man can get into Heaven.
Have a nice day.
I'll pray for you.
Anime is a style, not a trademark
I pick both.
Yes, the verse still mentions princes. Look i wont argue any further since i reject sola scriptura and accept the interpretation of the church. Meanwhile why havent you given out your computer or phone and live in poverty?
Also the verse clearly talks about political power, and those who are in positions of power, i.e autorities, as to the other things you've said, i've no reason to reason with an anabaptist.
oh yes, please do pray that i may accept the anarchist doctrine and get saved.
When will this meme end ? Try visit Poland instead ?
How deep into Fascism to you have to be to say something as banal and stupid as that?
Sorry but I was not aware of it.
Kek, where are you saving this from? I saw people post CP anime reaction images too thinking it's from a normal anime
Good argument man
Got it from 4chan /ck/ board tbh
>is (((ancap)))
Wow, who could have seen this comming?
I've read it tho
If you have read the Bible, you wouldn't be an (((ancap)))
Neger alstublieft.
The Bible affirms the libertarian idea of the state
Prove it, I want to see your mental gymnastics
Ok, here's the short version
First let's understand that the Bible affirms private property and the NAP in the form of the second greatest commandment, "I love your neighbor as yourself"
Here's what the state is
Rothbard, anatomy of the state
Because the state only exists by imposition, it is a breach of "love your neighbor as yourself". I am coerced to pay tribute to the state under the threat of force, be it property tax, social security, income tax and so on. Jesus famously turns the pharisees's trick back on them in the "render until Caesar" story under the moral premise that Caesar and his regime are an immoral entity that shouldn't be supported. They try to catch him in contradiction with God's word by supporting the Roman state, or catch him in contradiction with the Roman state and so they could presumably get him jailed for treason.
So, coercuon is immoral and unloving. I can not force someone to buy bread from me under the threat of force. The state equally is wrong to use the threat of force against me, if it's going beyond the bounds of keeping me from infringing on the rights of others.
When you reduce or eliminate all the roles of state government, everything is still governed just without this monopoly on force. You no longer have a postmaster general, you have a local president of the UPS or FedEx. You
no longer have a railroad commissioner, you have CEOs of railroad companies. Everyone can use whatever arbitrary method they want to decide any given leader, like voting or a contest or choosing one family to lead every generation like princes.
Pride is one hell of a disease.
Democracy - the state of affairs where money, press and votes hold power. Democracy naturally creates plutocracy which ends up as a reign of mammon.
In order to "protect the right order of things" press is censored from free thought of "anti-democratic" thinking. Therefore press becomes censored, the press determines the votes, money makes law makers outlaw dissenting voices. Thus the current state of things.
Communism makes no bones about "being free". Democracy makes the illusion in order to consolidate power but Communism usurps it immediately. Again censoring press, no votes are allowed just in case and private property is abolished.
Therefore one can easily claim communism is just late stage democracy especially if you consider the ideas of "secularism" and "atheism". etc. In one system Christians are purged outright, in the other they are purged in the name of "social justice", inclusion of sodomites etc. because apparently christians are not progressive enough.
Do you have any argument at all apart from "fascizmz"?
guys I see a pattern here
Wew lad. You clearly convinced me. I am ready to wave the equality flags and open my country to be destroyed by Africans and to spit on the graves of my ancestors by marrying one myself.
Implying it isn't
Implying it condemns nationalism
You mean the same shit system that wants to mix everyone up and destroy nations?
All right mate. you really thought your arguments through.
You came from /r/christianity?
Your post is one hell of a non argument
Facist regimes almost always last under 100 years, monarchies last for thousands.
>implying any facist regimes have been good
The current British monarchy is essentially just a figurehead.
Eh. The whole "white baby challenge" is being fruitful and multiplying but it should also apply to nonwhites because racism isn't Christian. She isn't explicitly against nonwhites reproducing, but why would she specifically promote it solely for whites?
Together we can fight the (((synagogue of satan))) and his vile religion (((communism/socialism/anarchy))).
(tripple doubles)
Because she is a Mormon. She isn't even christian.
So true. Don't forget to say blackies and Mexicans are included too otherwise you're racist. In fact they should be more encouraged to show the lack of racism. We need more starving Africans who can't feed themselves and haitans who eat mud cookies.
First because it should be a white country.
Second because it is whites that are targeted for replacement.
There are 5 people, one of whom is anorexic, the other 4 are eating normally. You encourage the anorexic to eat more, but imagine that whenever you do, people start screaming about how overeating is wrong and unhealthy.
It's almost like they don't want the anorexic to get healthy.
The world hates Christians, but it hates Whites too. Being a Christian doesn't preclude you from recognizing and resisting White Genocide.
Paradise wouldn't be paradise if it was full of bad people. It has to be exclusive to good people to be a good place. I see creating a good nation by keeping out bad people as honoring the same principle.
I think the parable of the master who leaves his servants with some money and expects them to have more when he returns makes it pretty clear that christianity is not about being poor.
Jesus told one specific guy that he needed to give all his things away. Because he specifically, was a rich guy, who just wanted to be able to check off the "Im a good guy" box from his list of achievements to feel pride about, without really sacrificing anything for it. So he basically asked Jesus "What does it cost to buy a good-people-card?", and Jesus responded "everything you have". To be good you have to give yourself completely to God, but that doesn't mean you can't have many assets, all of those assets just have to be put to work for God.
The thing about not carrying any purse or shoes, was also for a specific group of people, not a commandment to all.
Absolutely not. She needs to be evangelized.
It's so weird how I've never met an actual Christian who twists scripture in this way, but every single little leftist atheist faggot that wants Christians to be weak and not resist evil uses these exact same tactics.
Didnt she "used to" be a lesbian?
I really hope no one on this board thinks Mormons are Christians
I think all the Morons-…I mean Mormons stopped bothering us last summer. I hope they don't come back. It's so tiresome explaining to them why Jesus and Satan aren't brothers.
wow….just…WOW….you guys are Christian SJWs. This is why there is so much disunity and infighting between all types of Christians and denominations and exactly the same thing that I see happening with the right and left wing. I thought you were better!
To be fair as you know the second pic is the antichrist and the devil. You know, in the book of revelation there definitely is a Trinity of devils, there are two beasts and the AntiChrist. Malachi Martin apparently said that Lucifer is like the Father, Satan is like the Holy Spirit and the AntiChrist is like Christ. I remember realizing there was an unholy trinity (although they are separate beings instead of one being), and we always hear that the devil tries to ape/imitate go