So I finally confessed my sins today after God knows how many years. I will be taking communion tomorrow and will be reunited with my church. The mass today was your typical Catholic affair, the elderly come to Christ and only a couple of children were present (likely dragged by their families and not of their own volition). So this had me thinking, if a literal meme 30-year-old Doomer like me can see the Truth, the Way and the Life, why is it that most of my generation ignores such an obvious, obvious thing? And this is the question that I humbly submit to my fellow christanons: never before in the history of mankind was it easier to access and accept Our Lord and Saviour, why is the church failing?
I'd actually disagree on that. Societies in the past were built around a church, you were often forced to go (or outright shamed if you didn't), it was probably just a short walk away as most people lived in less populated areas.. and last but not least: there weren't a bajillion denominations to fry the human mind, like it can today.
Well, I do believe that the Catholic and Orthodox churches have apostolic succession and for the most part preach sound theology. The Dogmas of the Catholic Church in particular are put in place to protect one's spiritual life, hence the historical shaming, hence the coercion, hence the "you don't need to read the Bible uguu~ :3" meme, etc. I do feel for my Protestant brethren even if most of all I fear for my own church and the heresies of the recent Popes. Extreme zealousness is perhaps unpleasant to the Lord Our God as He would rather prefer us to willingly and lovingly submit to Him, in fact I think that the technology we have at our disposal and the freedom we enjoy makes this easier than it was ever before in the history of mankind, why is my generation a failed one? I ask this in good faith, I want to be reunited with my friends in the Kingdom of Heaven but every time I speak of being born again they dismiss it a crazy talk or, worse, "I thought you were an intelligent person". What is going on?
Many of us grew up in matriarchys, committed grotesque sexual sin at an early age (few ternagers have not viewed porn, most have oral sex in high school and junior high), and didn’t have parents that put in the effort to teach us the faith in the household.
Our school system, newsmedia, and Hollywood worked collectively to teach us that religion, church, and uneccessary was bad and unessecary and that individualism is good. Media was especially vicious in turning society pagan
Ultimately and worst of all, baby boomers were grotesquely self serving and were terrible politicians, parents, and church leaders.
Americans evagelism repainted the image of Christians as selfish, hypocritical, holier-than though frauds. They bore fruit was so horrificly rotten that they embarassed believers and turned unbelievers against us
All united into a wicked storm againat the church
On second thought, I don't really have an answer.. and I regret that my post sounded a little like an excuse. I just wish we had those simpler times. But you're right, there are some things better about the here and now too. I mean, I love the freedom I have in Christ as well. But freedom in general is a double edged sword that's also led to confusion and postmodern indifference.
Literally me user, I'm turning 32 this month and just recently hit the bottom of barrel with a hellish end of year. So I came back to church, confessed my sins, felt like about to burst in tears and then felt a huge load being lifted of my shoulders.
Been going there since but still have much to ask forgiveness to.
And that answer it as well, I think many fail to see its purpose until hitting the wall and being exhausted for swimming against the current of the holy truth.
My church, much like most around, are like that, majority senior citizens, a handful of married couples with young kids, and very little real youth.
But all in all, I feel there's a change in tides, just like politics worldwide are tending to conservationism, the failure of capitalist economy, the fall of feminism and SJWism, and finally a tendency for people to seek faith.
I'm a lad a bit younger than ye, I am being called to a vocation in the church and recently I had a precious discourse with an older gal. She was nearing 80 and she told me to wait to join the catholic Church because of all the media around the issues, and I simply responded to the madam saying my Faith is not bound by mans judgement.
It was a peculiar momment for me when I realized most people really do only think of religion as a school
'Why go to Harvard when you could go to Stanford their campus is so much prettier!'
'Why become Catholic when the media has shown such nasty things, become Presbyterian!!'
They really have no incling of any spiritual life, no drive for any inner substance. Most people run only on things that are shown to them and never once taking a second to find what finding God means.
Oh sure, they'll believe in God but they have no idea that God doesn't just want that, the have no desire to seriously create that divine relationship especially if it ruins their world image they have fabricated to live in.
Sorry for the rant
Try not to judge too harshly. Someday you will drag your kids to church and further down the line you'll be the old guy that some whipper snapper will be posting about on #chan.
Exactly because everything is "easier". Most Christian parents and other authority figures demand nothing from their children, nor do many priests instruct proper reverence whilst at Mass or administer serious enough penances for the few who go to receive reconciliation. There's also almost no good mainstream Catholic education – how many Catholic school-goers tell stories about how they were taught sex is evil or something equally broad and stupid. Even most RCIA courses are a joke ran by women and liberal boomers who, for fear of offending anyone, do not teach proper theology or ethics (as was my experience in the south of England – were I not already a Christian by mind and heart I would not have been convinced by those who instructed me).
Take note of this: the vast, vast majority of converted young men since the 1980s – no matter the denomination – are hardline traditionalists with an often rigorous understanding of theology, philosophy and church history. It is only a matter of time until the 1960s-taught generation, i.e., those who came into the Church in the 70s and 80s, die off. The next fifty years will mark a profound change in the attitude of the Church, generally speaking.
Pretty great summation and I wholeheartedly subscribe to your assessment. Unfortunately, I am like yourself and am able only to make such observations. I thirst for answers, user, I want to save my generation and I want to pray for the salvation of the Protestant churches.
Thank you kindly, it warms my heart to hear that someone reciprocates these pitiful feelings of mine and mirrors my own spiritual journey. God bless and please stay strong.
You're quite a bit more hopeful than I am. Today I prayed for the salvation of my generation because I see us growing apart from the Lord.
Do fear for the Catholic Church, brother. The church is our mother and all but the masonic infiltration of the church is a very real thing and heresies have been spoken in Saint Peter's Basilica for a great number of years now. Having said that, it is good that you see past the lies of the media and you're adamant about your faith, the paedophilia meme is just another alinkian tactic of accusing others of one's own misdeeds.
I am aware of my judgemental nature but I'm afraid I am unable to overcome it. Thankfully the Lord is our eternal corrector and all will be made good and just when the Lord's Day comes and I'm certain my penance will be greater than most.
Birthing pains are a nasty thing brother
Because modern society presents more attractive alternatives to Christ and the Church refuses to accept them.
Its the combination of two factor.
Attacking the Church saying only retards flal for religion, the inquisition was bad, every single priest is a rapist, the Mary Magdalene meme, saying the Church doctrine is against modern science….
And by telling people there is no hell or heaven they can do wtv they want and winnie the pooh whomever they want. And this is certainly attractive to our fallen state.
So most people think why bother being chaste if there's no heaven/"God" just wants you to be happy?
ye, millennials were a special case, something of a lost generation, we experienced first hand the new world, the rise of internet, degeneracy, and political correctness. With each day I fail to connect more and more with my kin.
Good luck to you too brother, pray with me so I can overcome this bad time, and strength to you too not to stray from your path.
I was a failure as a teen damn it.
Let's be honest now. When that happened everyone in the entire country would find out (I live in Portugal. Not the biggest country, but not that small).
And I only remember 3 such cases in my lifetime. One of them was in my school.
Anyway is that shit so common in the USA (I suppose)?
Even Peter denied the Lord three times and He built our church on him. If don't lack intellectual fibre, you won't deny the Lord. The sheer volume of doctrine, relics, academic resources makes this nigh impossible. I will pray for you tomorrow so that you don't falter and you overcome all the trials in your life, but if you ever have to sin, then let your sin be pride in your convictions and the traditions of our church fathers. Our generation is a cursed one and I'm afraid that all we can do for them is to pray for the miracle of Jonah. Even China has a growing Christian community despite the best efforts of the state to suppress it; this at the very least gives me comfort and hope.
Bem-haja. Estamos à tua espera no, irmão.
Nah this is utterly false.
We have more distractions and addictions then ever before.
We have a culture that is actively and parasitically abusing the foundations that it was built upon, and people expect you to conform.
It's weird but it's edgy and rebellious to be Christian now. You have to go against the Jews and the spirit of this age.
Já ouvi falar desse cancro. Há algum board cristão ou é tudo /b/ tier?
Não é exatamente português, mas temos o >>>/27ch/ se quiserem.
Big no
Evangelicals have always lived the faith better than the others and focused on the gospel
I can see why that image is important but
What are yo ua pharisee
The post I'm replying to used inane evangelical bashing as an explanation to the OPs problem, the survey is just one example to argue against him
What do you think pharisaism means?
Here’s the thing though: Baptist’s usually bring their own bibles to church, and the sermon often revolves around study of that particular passage (assuming it’s not a feel good megachurch type deal)
Cathodox on the other hand have the scripture read to them, and a shorter sermon to make room for the Eucharistic service. It’s not that they don’t understand the word, it’s that the focus isn’t just on reading the word but also consuming Him in the image of bread and wine.
Reading the bible more can make you less hypocritical and selfish, but you've certainly seen many examples where that wasn't true by now.
I said that in reference to Luke 11:39
I think the implication of the survey question was reading on your own time, but that's a good consideration
Despite this urgency to attend and consume his literal flesh every week, attendance is lower in Catholicism and orthodoxy (only us data)
You accused me of pharisaism for sharing statistics and this was unwarranted
I'm surprised that 54% isn't higher considering the amount of Orthodox churches seems to be a bit on the lower side.
that's as a percentage of self-identified orthodox members, not related to total orthodox presence in the US
The answer is locked inside this verse:
< For many are called, but few are chosen. (Mt 22:14)
(read parable?)
But, all the while, praise God that by Grace alone were your eyes opened to see.
Há um maninho que cria um fio "Domingo do Senhor" todas as semanas, mas é um antro de ateus. Sugeri o sítio porque é Português e isso é agradável à sua maneira. E necessário também. Primeiro temos que ter a nossa casa em ordem. O Vaticano fica a meio continente de distância de nós, e por muito evidentemente próximos que os problemas da Santa Sé sejam de nós, mais próximo é o problema da crescente pobreza de espírito da nossa nação. O ptchan não é o melhor sítio e não é sequer um bom sítio, mas é um lugar onde podes trazer as tuas convicções e imperar a tua moralidade. Isto tenho dito.
Thank you kindly for you words. I will read Mathew and meditate on His word.
Yep eu entendo.
Tens razão nisso. Quem viu este país antes da queda do Dr. Salazar e quem o vê agora depois do 25 de Abril.
Agora até nos infantários não se podem pôr decorações de natal referentes a igreja como o menino Jesus e até sininhos. Ao cúmulo a que chegámos.
My friend, the Catholic church is not “failing” - it’s growing worldwide, and with the influx of Mexican immigrants there will soon be more Catholics in America than Protestants
>implying Mexicans aren't lukewarm and some even idolatrous santa muerte
Haha o wow sick burn my guy
but hey, at least we hate fags
Oh, the criticisms are valid. Catholics have a horrible track record. At least 80% of self-identified Catholics are probably going to Hell, and that's a generous estimate. But just because evangelicals read scriptures, doesn't mean they comprehend it or understand it. It's all a bunch of personal interpretations.
American think everything is a democracy lol.
Gentleman, please, I understand I brought up the topic of the Catholic Church but let us not make this Catholicism vs Protestantism. There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, this is our dogma, but please understand that we are not the judges of the universe, salvation is Our Lord's to give, when our Protestant brethren are saved we understand that this happens despite them not being Catholic.
Also, to my Catholic brothers, please understand the heresies of our church and the apostasy of our Popes. We shouldn't throw rocks when we have glass ceilings. All we can do is congregate with our fellow brothers in Christ and correct the heresies that are professed among ourselves.
I made this topic to express my deep concern about my generation and how I personally do not want to fall for the trap of resignation like so many of our pious brothers often do. Praying for salvation probably isn't enough, my will does not supersede the Lord's. But it is my selfish desire and determination to help my brothers and to evangelise them. I do not understand why this is happening when never before was it easier to understand the Lord's Word.
Nowhere did I allege that Catholic doctrine is pro fag
Then why using you pic as an argument?
Most people from Latinamerica don't really give two poops about religion
t. latino
I go to a traditional Latin mass and it is full of young white family's.
To rebut the assertion that Baptists don't read and understand scripture as compared to catholics
But doesn't mean you understand it as well.