Daily reminder NEETdome is not compatible with Christianity

If you're a NEET, then get off this board and go find a job or go back to school. If not, you are a loser. It's a hard truth but it is the truth.

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But like I don't know how to! I have no social skills. No one knows what it's like to be the bad man… to be the sad man…

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The guys who wrote that weren't NEETs.

If you clean the house and cook the meals, you are working. Nothing in there says "get a job".

Women are exempt from working outside the house if they have a husband. That isn't NEETdome that is just being a loving pious wife. Men are the breadwinners. This thread is for males, specifically betas who still live in their parents basement to grow some balls and go work or at least go back to school. Jesus was a carpenter, so it would be best to get into a trade of some kind.

Then I guess you're going to hell man unless you pick your life up and stop being lazy.


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But everything is so unfair! I just cannot do it I cannot interact and it's not fair! You don't understand! Nobody does… :(

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I don't know how it happened, but I became a normalfag over 2018

Jesus spent the last years of his life as a minister. You cannot apply your modern notion of "wake up, punch clock, work 8 hours, punch clock" nor can you apply your modern notion of "woman clean, man drink beer watch game" to Jesus.

Men clean.
Men cook.
Men change diapers.
Get over it,

You need a cake for that pity party?

Because Jesus is the Son of God and had a ministry. A ministry is a job. Heck, Jesus didn't even get payed for preaching the Kingdom of God, he did it for free. He wasn't some loser who sat around afraid to go preach. Do you really think Jesus was some kind of loser beta male who lived with his parents all his life or who cucked to a feminist modern whore of a wife? Now you are openly blaspheming him by even venturing to compare his ministry with that shit. Repent. Now. Either that or go back to Zig Forums.

But you didn't mention that, did you. You only mentioned his carpenter job.
I will pray that you never have a child.

So what? He was a carpenter, he was also a pastor. He had jobs. He wasn't a cuck.

Nice straw man you got there.

Confirmation that you hate the family. I bet you support fag marriage, don't you? Seriously go back to Zig Forums or repent.

Like stealing grain? Mark 2:23
Good job.
No, I hate YOUR notion of the family because Christ hates your notion of the family. I bet you're the kind who believes that helping your wife with the dishes is only for beta male cucks.
How about you go back to /mgtow/.

Does a part-time job count if it’s enoigh to pay the bills?

You don't have to be paid for it to be a job. Just do something good for your community.

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I’m a part-time mailman, so I’d like to think I’m doing something good for the community

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Great sermon.

Wow so you accuse Jesus of being a sinner now, huh? You are not Christian.

Christ approves my notion of the family. He did through St. Paul.

Men are the heads of the household (1 Corinthians 11:3). Men must provide for their own, they must work as the verse above in 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12.

Christ hates YOUR notion of the family because you actually promote something worse than unbelief! You are a heretic and going to hell unless you recant!

I have actually fulfilled the natural order of God's plan by finding a loving caring wife. You, on the other hand, don't seem to have followed God's law.. By all indication in your posts you seem to really hate God. Please repent or go back to Zig Forums.

The opposite here.
I was a neet for several years after university and felt awful, now I finally have a job and I’m a lot happier

Have you thought about seminary?

Your entire thread is stupid and you should feel stupid. You can't sit here and make a thread where you lash out about the speck in your brother's eye while ignoring the mote in your own. You need to repent your pride. Now.

Similar situation except after getting a job I eventually wished for a return to NEEThood and now are just as bored as before, I'm looking for work of course but getting employed seems to be a nightmare
I just want a Job were I don't have to speak to normals, its so tiring

That's all fine and good, but I'd prefer this board to be lively as possible. The ratio of bad threads isn't even that bad either. It's active and often a decent way to spend time.
Also, never let one sin be the hell you die on. You'll end up kicking around otherwise decent people, but then fellating some pedophile, simply because he has a job.

No, seriously.


Don't tell me what to do, faggot.

Well, this thread turned out great …

So trying to motivate people is judgmental and hypocritical now?

I don't think so. But why here? Zig Forums? Really?

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Because why not? All the NEETs flock here.


I see only one of the two actually professing Christ. You know who claims Jesus allowed his Apostles to steal grain: Muslims.'

Nothing says "motivate" like insulting people and denigrating them, right?

Hey I'm just trying to help defeat sin by cleaning up this board.

No, you're a beta whining faggot who can't handle people disagreeing with you. So you run to mommy.

Never insulted anyone. Telling the truth. Was Jesus insulting the Pharisees when he call them vipers and hypocrites? No, instead he was shoving the truth right in their face to motivate them to come to the Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, like the little pussies they were, they got Pilate to crucify him. Are you going to do the same to me now?


son…o boy

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I wouldn't be here if I couldn't handle people disagreeing with me.

Is there really a need to clean up the board? I barely see any "shitposts". Lots of disagreement, yes, but it's genuine theological discussion most of the time. Not trolling or bad threads all over the place.

Keep lurking.

God forbid my existence is so horrifying to OP's eyes. I should bow down to OP's true wisdom and do exactly what he says! Surely he is Christ returned and is sinless since he clearly doesn't mind throwing stones.

Been here off and on for awhile. I honestly don't see it. And when it happens, it doesn't seem to be Zig Forums (but Zig Forums or some paganlarper or atheist or all of the above).


You're not preaching the gospel. You're using it as an excuse to be an asshole.

The Gospel is specifically the "good news". You're teaching ethics, which is cool.. but slightly different.

its implied that the singer knows the nobody as the general other, the listener and the singer being the individual who knows what its like to be the bad/sad man; they werent neets because they were professional musicians but the lyrics suggest they once were neets

Pete Townsend was/is a pedo. Even if he is a rich rockstar.

Also forgot to mention that I have school debt to repay and I'd feel guilty leaving/changing education at this point when my family helped me afford this education.

I had at one point, though now I'm concerned with if I'm in the right denomination and have to figure that out, and then it would be a while before I could think about seminary again. Also I'd have to pay off debt from my current education first.

I'm not too sure anyone in The Who was ever a NEET, considering where and when they grew up.

Those lyrics don't mean what you think they mean.

society hates us
women hate us
now god… being an honest neet is sure difficult these days

John 15:18-25
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[a] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’

God doesn't hate you. You're still alive at least.

Also, that passage has a larger context about Apostles and other ministers specifically. Paul always made a point to show he would take nothing from these churches, unlike some opportunists who were leading them. He even got himself a little job making tents for travelers, so as "not be a burden" to anyone. He only asked that the churches give their money to help out the persecuted church in Jerusalem especially, and collected for that purpose only. But he felt bad even as an Apostle to ask for payment.

So while this passage about work applies to everyone, it applies to the one "whom much has been given" MOST OF ALL. And yet many of the preachers who use it don't have jobs themselves. They're not nearly as important as Paul or ANY Apostle, and yet they still accept salaries and consider preaching the gospel "a job". It's a copout, according to him. And not only that, many beyond mere comfort off of their congregations.

And then in the same breath, these people insult Catholic or Orthodox, who often do try to find a simple life, and to live up to this. I've seen nuns who clump together in a small house and share an old car.. or just live in a convent.. then teach at schools or make products of some kind. I've known Orthodox priests who've had sidejobs, or even their wife worked if he needed time to study.. they don't just live well solely doing religious work.

Too bad it's not compatible with sanity.
t. neet
Don't do it, kids.

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if ur delivering spam then no

That sounds pretty interesting, user

Sit down and calm down, stop browsing Zig Forums and stop projecting so hard.

This is your mind on modernism

Someone DOES have to stop working when children arrive.
It is wrong for both parents to work full-time when they have kids.

Seriously, just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

Its true kids, neet past 30 here, it doesn't get easier, if you have troubles maintaining a job the problem might be within you.
Desperately seeking a job a now, but since I've been such as slob for the longest time its being extremely hard to join my career of choice.

But is question of mine, what about pointless wageslaving, most of people just put themselves like that, busybodies just so they don't get a glimpse of their sad existence. Should one still pursue employment if they're just wasting time?

Anyway, I've been seeking a job at least in a area that is less insufferable to me, going to a interview today bros, wish me luck.

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I'll have to agree with him though, when kids come they need their parent's support and education, nothing worse comes from the lack of motherly affection and a fatherly figure. These can lead to deep rooted psychological issues later on. eg I've been there

So on the topic, I'm needing to cast off my current neetdom and searching for a job.
Today I went to a job interview at Outback restaurant as a waiter, I've worked there some years ago, while it was fine and a good way to earn some money. Its something very demanding and usually consumes every chance a decent social life, because you have to work through literally weekends and spare time. This became more apparent today when an manager acquaintance interviewed me, she seemed stressed and worked out, we are coming out of a economic crisis in my country but the situation is still pretty winnie the pooh bad, with a lot of people going on for the chance of a single job.

I wouldn't mind the time occupation, but I do mind the tremendous wageslaving, I still need to study and improve myself on the hopes of finding a proper job in the area I want, which is aircraft maintenance, and that could pose a real trouble, not to mention keeping me from the search of community, going to church, working out, reading and etc.

While I do think working is necessary, I think there is a line there. No point in wasting your time, healthy and sanity if you're not improving yourself, and it personally felt, since I am returning a job a long left behind, that its somehow retrogression. After work is precisely that, exchanging your life's time for money. But it can be worth it depending on how you do it. So I ask you fellow Zig Forumss, what do you think? Should I go for it just to get myself occupied, or pray and in the hopes for that a job more suitable comes my way?

Granted, the job market is rigged for max hours and the least pay, at least at the low score jobs.
I live in eastern europe which is poor because of communism and rampant corruption since its fall.
Honestly, a lot, and I mean a lot of people who have those low score jobs are even more depressed than many neets. The situation is improving with the years in passing, but it's still a slog of economic recovery.

School wasn't the missing link of the chain in the first place - pay was.

NEET is just newspeak for unemployed, and someone who applies his best efforts in non-professional capacity is still unemployed. Mass unemployment is a product of globalism and is here to stay until either an entire new form of employment is invented or society undoes the past 40 years of 'progress.'

Why not both? Get a job to earn some cash, but still keeping a lookout for a better job along the way. I had to do something similar with a job that also ate my weekends and kept me there until early morning. No job is worth your sanity though, especially if you come to dread working there each day.

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