Objective truth

One more useful to destroy Christkike cult worshipers is their concept of objective truth.

Objective definition:
Of or having to do with a material object.
Having actual existence or reality.
Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. See Synonyms at fair1.

So when Jesus says "Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep."

Yet, Jesus is not a gate! He's a human being.

Thus from the very beginning of Christianity, there were lies.

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U mad bro?

Nope, just furious like Zeus.

Not all of us are too autistic to understand a figure of speech, Charlie.

Thus it is NOT objective.

Why do you keep coming back? Just start your own Zeus board.

Why do you even give a shit about Z*us, when you don't believe he's objectively real?

Zeus is objectively more real than Jesus since you can see him or his weapons every times there's heavy storm.

Because I want to destroy Christkike myth (yes, it is TRULY myth).

Hey Charlie, do you not know what a metaphor is? Did they not teach you that in commie school? Stop avoiding your ban and stop being a faggot.

and then larpagans claim that they aren't involved in postmodern bullshit

post spurdo before thread gets deleted

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A metaphor is not objectivity since it can be interpreted differently by different subjects.

No, my dear christkike, my thread is that your very Christ engages in postmodern bullshit right on 0AD, he identifies as a winnie the pooh door despite being a man.

But why delete it tho?

rule 4

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This thread is related to the divinity of Christ tho.

How can he be god when he lies?

Actually rule 2 as well

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You wanna talk about objective truth? Ze*s is a literal faggot. You worship a faggot. That makes you a faggot as well.
Checkmate, Charlie. No go cry at your action figures.

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Zeus is a manly man who birthes hero, he can do whatever winnie the pooh he wants.

Meanwhile, Jesus is a winnie the pooh door.

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Oh, so one being that was never believed by the Greeks to be omnipresent is responsible for physically throwing each and every bolt of lightning?
Whoops! Link related

We get it, you wish you can have that boibussy Ganymede like your idol Zeus.

Actually, there are MANY lighting gods, so depend on the region.
In fact, I'm a guy who worships the lightning gods of different nation, Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Indra, Susanoo. They could have been the same god though, just seen different by different races.
An interesting artifact, yet do not prove shit.

If only homo and gays actually act like Zeus and not effiminate faggots.

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So you admit to worshiping an amalgamation of several unrelated gods worshipped by peoples with little to nothing in common.
And try actually reading the whole webpage, unless you’re afraid, of course.

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Yes, I'm somewhat interested in the unified Religion theory where the pagan gods are actually one being, but interpretly differently, which explains why their acts are so similar.

All the storm gods mentioned all fought against a snake like monster and brought peace to the world through a period of chaos.

So you don’t actually believe what the Greeks believed, you’re just picking the parts you like because of the aesthetics.
What an absolute joke.

Nice projection faggot, but I actually like medieval aesthetics best, but pagan religion is better because it makes the most sense (why the winnie the pooh should I venerate foreigners?).

I don’t think you even know what projection means.
And you’re complaining about Christians worshipping a “foreigner”? You literally worship the gods of nations across the globe.

Seriously, you LARPer like Christianity because of crusader aesthetics, it's not new.

Which again, include your own ancestral god, and perhaps other versions of him, seen by different race.

But you? You worship a jew/foreigner, full stop.

I was raised Christian.
You, a literal SLOPE, are worshipping a GREEK god. Full stop.

A lot of people are RAISED Christian, doesn't mean they are Christian.
Just like a lot people are RAISED feminist.

It's a fake religion.