So if Christ is fully Man and fully God, does He worship Himself in his prayers?

So if Christ is fully Man and fully God, does He worship Himself in his prayers?

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The Son gives the Father his entire being in love and the Father gives the Son his entire being in love and the result of this reciprocity of love is the Holy Spirit

No, the Divine and Human nature are unified to the one person of the Son. Natures do not worship natures so it's odd to say that the human nature worshiped the God nature.

Are most non-trinitarian this ignorant?

Wew, getting a little heretical in here.

Then what's john 13:32 all about?

God is God so worshiping himself wouldn't be idolatry especially if the subject is another person of the Trinity like the Father or Spirit.

The Son is not the Father and the Father is not the Son. This verse is an internal event and happening within the God head and how the two persons glorify each other.

So are glorification and worship different or something. Is the Our Father in Heaven prayer a worship prayer or a glorification prayer?

Who does Allah pray to?
To Jesus?

Glory is different to worship in that glory is the incidental effect of worship. When we worship or do things for the sake of God we glorify him in that act. When we say the our Father prayer we are praying and our prayers glorifies God.

please get out with this cancer.

Hi reddit.

jesus is conduit for god, thats why he is god and so he worships god, you are thinking too hard about not so complicated things really

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Seriously how could you not like someone so BASED like David Wood!

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I do like him user.

Now can you answer the question, who does allah pray to?

Muslim Allah or Christian Allah?

Already starting with the Tawriya?
That was fast.

You know what, maybe David Wood is the tranny for you. I'll pray that Jesus opens your eyes user.

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You can dodge the question.
You can try to muddy the waters of what the question means.
You can us islamic double speak.
You can even call me names.

But the question still remains.

Who does allah pray to?

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You might want to search an Arabic Bible. Obviously you won't find "Allah" in an English version of the Bible. Just sayin' …

The autism is real.

Sauce related shows you that in Arabic,
Allah = God

So again, answer my question so I can answer yours:
Islamic Allah or Christian Allah?

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Are we having an english conversation right now or an arabic conversation right now?
Any english speaker using the word allah, is going to be referring to the islamic conception.

But you already knew that.

Except in my area I have christian arabic friends that refer to God as Allah shocker I know. So yes I had to specify in order to give you accurate information.

But to finally answer the question you had to make more complicated than nesscary, Islamic Allah does pray:

Here is a verse from the Quran:

And here is a relevant hadiths:

Are you satisfied?

All of this ridiculous build up, and you still haven't answered the core question.

"WHO" does allah pray "TO"?

Who does allah think will grant these prayers of his?

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Try actually reading my post before you get emotional, friend.

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Allah prays to the God of clarity who means what he says and says what he means. Unlike Allah who means baraka when he says he "prays" and is unclear and mistaken.

Your verse doesn't answer my question.

It answers who allah is praying for.
It answers what is being prayed for.

It doesn't answer who will be granting allah the ability to put mercy first. Something that he is praying for.

If I pray that my patience precede my anger, who will grant it to it to me? Will I bless myself by granting my own prayer?

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Why don't you go over to >>>/islam/ and ask them? It should be pretty obvious Allah is praying to himself, but ask the experts if you are not certain.

Im trying to show you that the god of islam, is no god.

If I dont have a potato, and I pray to myself for a potato. How will I ever grant this prayer? I'm asking myself for the very thing I lack to begin with.

Its circular and doesn't work. Unless allah is praying to someone else. Someone who can give him what he lacks. This means allah is not god.

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Just got to the bottom of this thread.

My God am I ever confused whenever I see the discourses of other Christians.

Sometimes I wonder if it is better for me to just study the bible alone rather than let so much confusion enter into me.

Except our Christian God prays to Himself as well. So your logic doesn't follow. not that I care to do islamic apologetics anyway

You are better off going to a Church and talking to a preist tbh. Trying to interpret the Bible yourself ends up in heresy eventually.

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That's a fair point.

I would say that I don't know of any verses where the father prays to the father though. Or where Jesus prays to Jesus. Its always one person of the trinity to another person.

But Jesus does pray to the Father for supplications, so I concede to you on that. :)

*with supplications

the self of the father is not the self of the son or self of the spirit.
they are one being, but three persons (selves)

Christ isn't man he is god in the flesh

1 Timothy 2:5 KJV — For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

He's fully American

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That is monomericanist heresy, reported

Atta boy! Thank you for standing up for the One True Jesus!

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