I need advice Zig Forums, I'm completely lost

I need advice Zig Forums, I'm completely lost.

My motivation is completely sapped. I feel there is no hope that what I write will ever be given credence unless I sell my beliefs down the river, and even then, I know it'd be rejected by future generations.

The only thing I'm good at is writing. And lately I feel like I can't do it anymore. I'd rather die with my beliefs than live a hypocrite, but that idea is unbearable. There is no exposure when I write good works, only bad gets coverage. I'm so winnie the pooh afraid I'll have to give up my dreams and wagecuck for the rest of my life.

Help me Zig Forums, what should I do?

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There is still a niche for conservative books. Think publishers like Arktos or Counter-Currents.

Like…complain about wealth disparity?
Regardless, don't give up just yet, OP.

Sorry to disappoint you, but Hollywood is thoroughly and entirely Jewish.
Put your writing skills to the use to rid the world of Jewry.

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Idea: write a book about a truly repentant homo and the sruggles he needs to overcome to find his way back to God. I would buy it.
It would be all the rage in the media because how dare you.

Maybe acquire a nom de plume. If you don't mind not seeing your own name attached to your work you can get away with writing outrageous things. There is a long tradition of writers subverting normie culture by writing under a false name. You can wield the pen like a tommygun from the hip.

Lol, write this. A gay man who discovers how much of a sinner he is and ends up completely accepting of celibacy. Make him undergo something traumatic and important which brings it home that sex is sinful outside heterosexual marriage.

But be sure to frame it as if you're book is about promoting degeneracy.

Don’t give up, OP. There are Christian publishers too, I’m sure you’ll make it.

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Lucky! I studied for 6 years and then just gave up…

Don't give up, and don't give away your beliefs.
It may be hard now, but a new tide of conservatism it coming up, and with it we will need more cultural content to fill in.
Keep at it and you just might get recognized and become a reference eventually. Eg, none of the big authors began big (without Jewry).

Can you write a graphic novel like Frank Miller/Allen Moore? There's a bit more leeway with marxism. I know some artists if you want more info - [email protected]

Either track down Christian/Conservative film companies and publishers to get involved with, or strike out on your own: as in start a website and build a following with short stories, or even get on a Christian/Conservative writer's group/anthology website. Self-Publish through Amazon or another similar company that offers such a service.. Learn how to market yourself or seek out an agent to this work for you. We live in an age where it's increasingly easier to go around Old Media middlemen and create your own niche on your terms.

Remember: All you need is about 1,000 true fans in order to make a living. Even if you don't ever see your name on a Hollywood big screen, making a decent living as a writer, while staying true to your principles, and utilizing your gift for the Glory of God is a life that, God willing, will get you a "Well done, my good and faithful servant." when you exit this mortal coil. Whereas chasing Hollywood fame and recognition at all costs WILL get you a "Depart from me! I never knew you!"

Painful reality is it then.

I don't know about graphic novels. I don't have very much money to spare and they seem to cost quite a bit to get into production. Any figures on that friend?

No. As in take up your cross and struggle if you want to be a writer. If this is truly the talent God has given you, you are obligated to use it to the best of your ability. Remember the Parable of the Talents?

Honestly, you can do this. Find a conservative publisher, and they will probably support you. What books have you written? I'm sure people here on Zig Forums would support your books, user.

Whatever your final product is, I will pay 20 bucks for it

didn't become an animator for this same reason. i really loved to animate and got really good at it when pivot stickfigure animator was a thing, i considered going to college for animation but realized that i'd have to work for some studio that pushes this same crap and i'd never make my money back from the degree otherwise, so i dropped it and now i'm a union plumber :-)

Just accept it and do it all for the money.

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William Pierce was anti-Christian and his race war views are incompatible with Christianity.

Write stories like Jesus did. Parables. The believers will understand, the unbelievers will have a mystery to try and unfold. When they do some may come to God. That was the point. If you're as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove you'll slip it right under their noses. Eventually you'll get caught and ruined but be happy when you do because the world hated Jesus before they hated you.

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Give up this dream. I did the same, I would have been good at it too. I know it sucks but this area is one million percent compromised, unless you are suicidal and cannot think of a single other thing to spend your life doing, don't do it. Do something that will allow you to have a family.

Food for thought

I'm curious. Why do you say that?