I feel pretty agitated about how I was basically robbed of a good ending to my dream and the event has incited my desire to take more active control of my dreams. I already pray to St. Raphael every night, asking him to guide my dreams away from nightmares and night terrors. Consequently, my dreams are rarely ever disturbing now and when they are, things are severely toned down compared to before. When the dream is at the peak of what should be terrifying me, I am also at my most lucid and am able to ask God for help. I also feel no fear and will instead, feel a slight inclination to laugh at what's going on. Could I ask for more though? Could I ask to this Saint to help me be lucid in my dream and to remember my goals (i.e. read books)?
Are we as Christians allowed to try and seize control of our dreams? Or are we restricted to praying for the nicest possible dreams and just taking whatever we get?
You're in luck. There is such a video on the internet explaining why it's bad and therfore a no no. Although the guy who explains is a protestant (maybe baptist, idk) he makes a good point. Lucid dreaming is a New Age occult practice which is condemned by the Catholic church. Here's the link for the whole Catolic document from 2004: vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/interelg/documents/rc_pc_interelg_doc_20030203_new-age_en.html
Kayden Harris
what lucid dreaming can be done naturally, lots of people have lucid dreams without any technique or trying at all
Jacob Smith
And to answer your question, What you dream is what you get. Don't fool around with you head. I know a colleague who went deep in this occult practice and now he's stuck with 2 "specters" (i hope that's how it's spelled).
Sebastian Phillips
Lucid dreaming =/= astral projection
Tyler Campbell
You asked for an answer, you got it.
Leo Peterson
Using lucid dreaming you do astral projection. It's like cooking. You use a knife to cut vegetables. All good. But you can also cut your finger. The knife can be both nice and good but also very dangerous. While my example is with something that can be controlled easily, maipulating yoir brain is no simple task. No lucid dreaming for you.
Owen Price
Many of my dreams are already lucid, you really don't know what you are talking about.
Sebastian Baker
How about you just sleep normal? Just like i am going to do in 10 min.
Easton Miller
Uh, yeah? Like I said, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Bentley Rodriguez
As a Christian, you should be trying to surrender more control to God, not trying to wrest it from Him. In Scripture, dreams are very often a medium through which God communicates with His servants; do you think that God is more likely to grant you such experiences while you're rebelliously trying to control your dreams, or while you're surrendering them as is natural? Even supposing God never chooses to directly communicate with you in a dream, even in those dreams shaped by ordinary natural law, it's your brain trying to rest and reorganize after a long day of thinking, and very often the subconscious visualizations that naturally arise from this process can teach you something valuable about yourself. I don't think there's necessarily anything occultic or spiritual about controlling your own dreams, but it's simply not good practice to be trying to subjugate your ubconscious life to your own will when what you should be doing is trying to relenquish your conscious life to God's will.
Michael Lewis
What is it with the /x/-tier threads lately? Did /fringe/ break open and release its drivel?
Kevin Allen
2 years ago I was realy into lucid dreaming so i can tell you one thing : its not going to bring you closer to God. Dont do this trust me , most of my worst, weird,cursed and wicked nightmares happend during lucid dreaming. after waking up I wanted to hang my self, they were so much cursed and I was cursed by them. its going draw you further from God. Do not do this. Lucid dreaming is the Gateway into the occult.stop caring about drams in general ,if they aren't from God they don't matter.
John White
tbh I don't see any reason why people do it. Having control over your dreams actually pretty boring; it happened to me once in my life.
Now, the last time I had a dream was a while ago, like maybe a year or two it feels. I miss my dreams, but then again, some of my dreams temped me sexually. Though wet dreams aren't a sin, in the waking world my mind might try to use the memories of the dream to tempt me.
Alexander Smith
Ehh… kinda bad advice, but I seem to always lucid dream after I ejaculate. I mostly fap once a month. Usually before I fall asleep.
I also find myself lucid dreaming whenever I am doing nofap. Maybe 3 or 4 days into it when the need and want for sex intensifies. The more agitated I'd be that day or before bed, the higher the chance the dream would be vivid. Like, actually seeing clearly what I'm dreaming and even interacting with the dream world itself. Hearing music and sometimes waking up remembering what I heard and wanting to re-create what I heard before it disappears from my mind (I make beats for fun). Girls and women letting me touch them sexually and non sexually and I feel so confident in the dream, not nervous at all like irl. Of course I have self control during this… if I dont then sometimes I'd wake up with wet sheets. I think the sexual dreams are more of a demonic attack than a good thing tho. Which is why I self control during it.
Luis Hill
I’ve had spirits haunting me ever since I was a kid. I didn’t do any occult practice. It started when I first started fapping though so maybe there is something sinister to it.
Luke Davis
I mean that's things that happen normally when sleeping. It's not under my control. It has probably something to do withe the phases of sleep. Now if you're talking about doing that on purpose like astral projection and new age shit then its a sin.
Colton Taylor
I would not actively seek for them, but if they happen, I doubt they should have a negative impact on you. In the last one I had I fainted and hit my head on a corner after my boss fired me in dream land…
Jaxon Ortiz
You say that lucid dreaming is a tool one uses to achieve the goal of a successful astral projection. It sounds like what you're saying is that one could lucid dream without the goal of astral projection. One could just be lucid in their dream and do nothing further.
My interest in lucid dreaming stems from a desire to be more productive. In that sense, your argument could be akin to "Rather than trying to take control of your farm so it yields more crop, you should surrender control of it to God" which is then proceeded by doing nothing about the farm and then not having the sufficient yields to feed your family.
If I am to lucid dream, I am to do so under the supervision of St. Raphael, the Saint that oversees dreams. I'm certain I would not have any bizarre, unusual dreams. Plus, I discovered another trick recently. When I was antagonised in my dream by a character, I threw a rosary around its neck. Then it stopped. I don't think it's written that the rosary has such uses but nonetheless, it seems to work like this too.
Eli Carter
You're all describing involountary lucid dreams. I speak of actively pursuing them.
You believe that deliberate that deliberate lucid dreaming is a sin. Alright. Just to clarify, I have no intention of astral projection. I don't want to go on some journey and meet "spirits" (read: demons) or anything of that sort. I just want to make use of my time asleep and read books.
I appreciate the advice. Thanks.
Zachary Parker
That's silly. Productivity is a condition that can only really exist in the waking world. Assuming that you aren't attempting to influence the waking world in your sleep, ie by astral projection, nothing you do in your sleep will affect your workload in the waking world.
To a certain extent, God would expect you to surrender control of your farm to Him if you owned one. Not to the extreme of doing nothing with it, but in trusting in Him and not worrying about the future. There's a Scriptural example of this in Christ's parable of the man who stored more grain than he needed. That action did stem largely from a lack of charity, but it also implied a lack of trust that God would provide enough grain for him in the future. I also suppose that if you trusted in God to continue ensuring that your labors provided enough food for you, you wouldn't endeavor to lucid dream just so you can fret over the next harvest in your sleep.
Gabriel Harris
I don’t get it. Why is everyone saying not to pursue lucid dreams? How is it any different from imagination?
Julian Ward
You shall know a tree by its fruits. People who get involved in lucid dreaming tend to get involved in occult practices. Lucid dreaming may not be an unlawful occult practice in and of itself, but the fact that you can't join a lucid dreaming community without having to deal with occultists should demonstrate that, at the very least, it's not a gateway into anything good. And if it's not a gateway into anything good, why bother with it?
I had some ideas: One was to ask St. Raphael to bring a copy of my "Piano for Dummies" book into the dream so I resume reading it in the dream. Naturally, the progress I make reading it in the dream would carry on into reality. Another was to conjure up a grand piano and then ask St. Cecilia to help me learn the instrument. The progress I make in learning the instrument in my dream would (in theory) carry over into reality. I'd form good pianist habits, faster, I think? It's just a theory I wanted to explore. My prediction was that by playing perfectly and consciously in the dream, it would rewire my brain so when I wake up in reality, I would have a strong "intuitive sense" for what the "right" thing to do is as I play so I would get better, faster. There is one more but unfortunately, I do not think the Catholic Church approves of psychedelics.
Luis Lewis
I just want to clarify: I think you're right. I should just entrust my dreams to God and leave it be. In the end, I think I just wanted an excuse to pursue the experiments I was forced to abandon when I abandoned /fringe/ and repented.
Xavier Bailey
If its possible to use lucid dreaming to pray all night while you sleep, maybe. I don't think anyone has ever tried.