What's wrong with this guy Zig Forums?

There's either straight up worship of him going on or vile hatred, so what's the problem with him?

Attached: jay_dyer.jpg (900x900, 77.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Simple mistake and I realize most people here are aware of him but, I forgot to actually name him so for those who are not aware.

This is Jay Dyer, a member of laity who's fairly passionate about Christian theology and often debates others on his YouTube channel.


I'm sure he has a good heart, but unfortunately he comes off as prideful. It doesn't help he is also a schismatic.

Zig Forums's problem with him is the same problem this board has with everyone else: he's not Catholic.

Case in point:

He's a vainglorious faggot

Stop trying to flatter me.

He means good but I think he got stuck in prideful larping. It seems politics came first, then theology. I might be wrong however.


this but unironically!

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Orthodox here. I like him, but sometimes he comes off as full of himself. I like his channel though and I learned a lot from it.

My exact thoughts as a Cathodox inquirer basically.

He's an arrogant fool, and his followers are even more arrogant and foolish

Protodox here, he's based.

He causes the western papist to stand there all naked and humiliated and that's even more based, plus quite necessary.

Excuse me?

Must be another term for LARPodox

I only like him when he debates atheists and humiliates them, which he does quite often. I don't much care for anything else he does, thought he does seem like a cool guy.

the absolute state of larpers.muh latins amirite? The reddit spacing says much.

I like him for validating my own conclusions about the occult roots of American culture and western modernity.

He's building a cult of personality surrounding himself. He's a victim of deracination/atomization; the same malaise that gave us LARPaganism, white Buddhists, NEETSocs, etc. Something to identify yourself with - the newest wrinkle, a sub-culture that sets you apart from the hoi polloi. You can saliently see this with people that use the Internet too much, they waft from esoteric interest to interest (or, pseudo-hobby to pseudo-hobby), and when they find a new interest, they identify completely with it, their lives revolve around it, they tell everyone (in their small, insular, online) social circle about it, and then they move on to the next (recondite) interest, forgetting what their last obsession even was. Their knowledege of their fascination indicates genius/heroic mental endurance (or both), but knowlege exhibited by people with other interests are easily learned, and furthermore, useless. Once his shallow sense of mastery is satisfied he ceases to progress because really participating in the interest bores him (as we glean from the lack of charity Jay has, and, (allegedly) how he only was recieved into the Orthodox Church very recently). He will pettifog and kibitz with anyone that disagrees, because he's eager to prove his interest (which has become his entire identity) objectively correct. Since becoming Orthodox Christian, he drank the kool-aid about "Moscow Third Rome" "Holy Russia" "Orthodox Imperium" "Ukraine false nation created by the West" - which is part and parcel of the LARPerdox caricature. It's Christianity without Christ.

God bless Jay Dyer

Butthurt Catholics will always be mad, dude has spent 10 years of his life studying Catholic doctrine, got the winnie the pooh out. Happy I don't have to waste that time in a heretical church because of him.


See how this recent Orthodox Christian convert corrects Roman Catholics on the errors of absolute divine simplicity.

Attached: dunkingonthomists.jpg (608x308, 35.59K)

He was a sedevacantist, nobody can take his time as a Catholic or a Thomist seriously - or shouldn't, unless you want easy rhetoric.

Is Pope Francis the rightful successor to St.Peter, and the ultimate Earthly authority in God's Church user?

Attached: PopeUAE4.jpg (1862x1048, 102.98K)

Of course, there is no other Vicar.

So if God isn't purely actual, who's causing things to happen in the universe right now? Palamitism is basically atheism when you look at its logical conclusion.

Uh well we know entropy is increasing constantly, so maybe God just gave the initial push to the whole system and then let physical laws take over from there? You’re pretty quick to insist that some totally irrelevant minor theological point is atheism.

60acad:"Palamitism is basically atheism when you look at it's logical conclusion."

Jay:"Thomism and absolute divine simplicity ultimately lead to atheism."

It's two sides of the same bloody coin and the coin is probably a forgery that was dropped in dog crap.

Catholic slander. They hate him cause they can't debate him.

Nothing. He's an uncompromising Orthodox Christian, he sticks to the fundamentals and doesn't budge. So he gets a lot of flack from triggered Catholics (just look at this thread). Prots are mostly oblivious to him.
Also more recently pagans are getting triggered as well.

Attached: dyerwave.mp4 (320x180, 3.82M)

Dude, source.

He recently had a debate with a pagan (boglord)

He also got flack from the vegan community for a bit, he tried to debate Vegan Gains but it turned to ab absolute comedic shit-show. Jay kept trying to question their metaphysical foundations for ethics and the vegans wouldn't let him they just wanted to assume some vague notion of "right and wrong" and that "logic is always operative". It was hard to watch, the vegans were really stupid, but the ending was worth it.


Catholics are triggered because he uses the same line of reasoning to argue against their position. (Arguing from authority)
Protestants are oblivious because our first principles are all rooted in biblical exposition above any historical argument.

Christ is the first principle for all early and apostolic Christians.

Where is the divinely inspired table of contents?

You screwing with me right? Bloody Vegan Gainz the /fit/ meme?

I have to see that.

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I don’t know him, quick rundown without too much bias on either sides?

He's an Orthodox boomer with a passion for theology and debating the latter of which earns most attention, he's surprisingly well read usually.

Oooh, that’s why he “triggers “ most people here…eh, I am not sure if I would like his stuff, but I don’t think he would trigger me.

Think this is also worht mentioning btw.

He was also I think a Calvinist first, quickly abandoned that, then spent about 10 years as Roman Catholic during which he actively studied theology from both professional and private sources only to end up then converting to Eastern Orthodoxy.

No. He was a calvinist -> catholic -> sedevacanist -> eastern orthodox -> eastern catholic as of 2008,
in 2019 now he's eastern orthodox (again)

Oh, he's spent time as a mainline Catholic. Even spent time studying in Rome.

Powerhungry Popes in the 1000s twisting the words of the Bible is not theology, you fish emperor is a vicar to NO ONE. Perhaps Francis is a vicar in the sense that he has helped Orthodoxy grow so much.

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That's not what I remember from his journey to Orthodoxy video at all but sure, I watched it a while ago.

Too based for the board.

he's quite clearly a sedevacantist in the pic

if Dyer is trying to pass himself off as legit thomist, there are issues

Attached: dyersede.png (934x871, 83.96K)

Only Peter had the keys and the promise.

That's funny because Palamas argues that ADS will lead to atheism as its logical conclusion which is exactly where the West went.

Peter wasn't some cartoonish God Emperor. In a council in Jerusalem he had no word and respected the other speakers, as a fellow patriarch must do. "Muh keys"

This video elaborates

Neither isn't the Pope. Cephas alone was given the Keys and the promise, you cannot read anything else into Christ's words.

Because he was shown his error and agreed. If "keys" mean nothing to you, then Christ's promise also means nothing to you. The promise wasn't given to the other Apostles.


Regardless of Jay's theological arguments, his attitude and approach is highly uncharitable.
For all the flak his gives Barlaam of Calabria, his acts almost the same way.
Evidently Barlaam was highly intelligent, but also arrogant, acerbic, sarcastic, and overall unpleasant to be around.
If Jay actually wants to follow Christ, it would do well of him to tone down the attitude. Otherwise, he'll just be a Palamite Barlaam.

You could say that the Christian east was also subject to atheisim but unlike the West it wasn't an organic development but rather a direct import from the West.

Which is reaching, you then accuse the West of the sins of others. If the East fell into atheism, then the East is responsible for it. They could have resisted but did not.

Also, to be frank, if the East continues to just pass the buck like Dyer suggests, I don't see any way how the East would even be able to shrug off atheism or nihilism or communism or anything else anti-Christian by just pointing fingers. If the West is truly dying or was anti-Christ from the start, why not just move East?

It's becoming more and more evident that Dyer is a stumbling block for the American Orthodox.

He's definitely importing the Sedevacanist/Calvinist attitude.

Catholicism still believes in God and never supported atheism i don't see how you can blame them for the sins of others that would be fallacious. it would be like blaming orthodoxy for creating catholicism but that would be even less obtuse.

funnily enough Vegan Gains was the voice of reason in that debate (atleast on the vegans side of course).

I can't disagree with this. I hate calling him out in public like this, but then.. he broadcasts publicly and probably views himself as fair game anyhow. I think he could still be very helpful, but yes, he could chill a bit. And at the very least, rejoice that some people believe in Christ at all (even if they're not Orthodox). Maybe I'm not spoiled with Christians everywhere, but I don't like brushing them aside. I see a brother or sister even if we don't always agree. I could have much worse company than this, unfortunately. The Christian life is usually a lonely one, so we should rejoice at what little fellowship we have.

He was Eastern Orthodox at least since 2010:

What made him switch back?

He looks totally gay.

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