What's the name that EMJ says in this passage?
It sounds like "Ahmed Danajob"
Between 29:17-29:32
(can't embed the video, it's (((Goolaged))) )
Thank you.
Whom is E.Michael Jones talking about here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ahmadinejad, as in former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Why are you like this
Than you very much.
Well, while I'm still at it.
What does Peter says here.
at 52:48-53:00
Does he say "but they kill him because he did take the form of a slave. They did want a Messiah that would take the form of a slave, and become obedient even in the feet of the cross" ?
Did he said that or a misheard? Because it seems to be a contraction itself. I imagine that "Did want", could be "didn't want", but then, it wouldn't make sense either, since the Jews did want Jesus to be obedient to their commands.
He said "but they kill him because he did take on the form of a slave. They didn't want a Messiah that would take the form of a slave, and become obedient on the death, even on the death of the cross"
As you may know the Pharisees are waiting for a Messiah that would take on the form of a king, not a slave; they did want Jesus to be obedient but not because He was the Messiah, but so they could subjugate Him and get rid of Him.
Ah ok, I see it. I understood the "be obedient on the death, even on the death of the cross" as being obedient to the Jews to get down of the Cross, instead of being obedient in the sense of accepting his death, up to the cross.
Thank you.
Ok, two lasts requests on this very video and I'll be done on it. Thank you for your support.
At 25:15 : "It's called dynamic silence, [?] embraced by mister Ginsberg"…
What is the word that he uses? I'm sure it's a synonyme of "used by mister Ginsberg", but I would like the precise word.
And at 55:52
"And it's not the first time, [?] wrote the book in the 1890s…"
What is the name of the man? I can't find him on the internet.
bump ?
There should be a Norman rockwell art about emj.
I'm so sorry to insist like that, but I've just accomplished an integral translation of this video, and I want to get in contact with EMJ as soon as possible. But I just lack this one name.
I really need your help on this especially at 55:22 with the name that I can't understand nor find on google.
Thank you very much. God speed.
I found out.
Georg Ratzinger
Serious question here:
Why does EMJ write in "Libido Dominandi" about "judeo-christian" values.
This subversive term, not used before 20th centure, triest o present judaism as an older brother of christianity. While in fact, "judaism" is a negation of christianity. Considering how educated EMJ is on catholicism and considering that he wrote "jewish revolutionary spirit" why does he write "judeo-christian" while those values are CHRISTIAN?
This is one of few things that annoy me so much about this book.
Probably a mistake or a “change” made by a sleazy editor…
Perhaps. I would be however very interested in finding out whether it actually is a work of editor or it is the original version. How to do it though I got just one edition.
I hope it was a mistake and not a voluntary edit…but after all, we all only human, and even he can make mistakes.
The word is used so much that one uses it without even thinking.
But you can email him and ask why.
Write a youtube comment when he releases a new video on his channel, he probably will answer it.
What is his email? Is it the culturewars email? But is that managed by him ?
Well yeah. But the format of EMJ should realize it's subversive and would avoid the use of such.
Good idea
Too bad I do not have google account, and I do not plan to make one, especially for those purposes.
Email will be better. Or perhaps reading jew. rev spirit will sort the question out.
You can create a youtube account with a third party email if you want…I don't know if it creates a google account then, but you can access youtube without a gmail.
Like I said here you can ask in one of his youtube videos when he uploads, he often answers
And let me share this EMJ video…That's probably the angriest EMJ I've ever seen, after he learned that his mayor was a homosexual. If only we had him as a pope, he could drain the swamp.
Kill his wife and ordain him afterwards.
he also got really mad when they made the people of indiana take their trash out to the curb
really, really mad, it cracked me up
To be fair, he and his wife are elderly and live in a place with lots of snow and ice in the winter. A fall at that age would really mess them up. It was pretty funny though.
What is the personal email of Dr EMJ ?