And why is anti-natalism being pushed so hard by media and pop culture?
What is the most effective counter to anti natalist propaganda?
They worship themselves, that's why. Freedom is the end all, be all.
OTOH, maybe it's slightly better than Boomers. They worshipped themselves too, but were stupid enough to have kids and torture them with their presence anyways.. or traumatize them with divorce. At least these new generations don't put kids through that.
Neither is great, but I'm trying to find the silverlining here.
It's been this way since the 1960s.
Secular Humanism.
No, seriously, look at their manifestos, and you can see a ideological shift regarding value of life, that has infected the West, once Christianity and God gets removed from the zeitgest.
The same disease infects most of the nasty stuff we complain about in the West.
It's a change from seeing life as a gift, and an undeniable right based off our dignity as children of God, to something that is only worth if you can maintain a semi-hedonistic state of lack of hardship.
a)people should be killed(euthanasia) if their quality of life isnt comfy;
b)people should kill themselves if they feel they aren't enjoying life enough;
c)babies should get killed(abortion) if you can't provide an awesome life from them(queue inflated stats on how kids cost a million dollars to raise);
d)you shouldn't do anything with your life that might cause your life quality to decrease;
e)basically any other subject with vague appeals to "suffering", for humans or animals;
It's actually terrifying to contemplate, and we are just starting to see the rot getting to the surface..
And in societies with such a retarded worldview, where sacrifice is the ultimate sin, how can children be anything but a nuisance for the egotistic, self-sulfilled atomised individual?
Oh well, their loss.
Our offspring will inherit the Earth, while they realize too late their mindless consumerism and hobbyism has brought them nothing in their old age.
Tbh, childfree fags are actually a really small but vocal minority, that shout loud to convince themselves they are right, especially when bothered by us seeing the wisdom in the traditional ways.
pen0r in vegana
To genocide European descended peoples.
I am always thinking about how I want to make as many babies as possible.
Human advancement and technological achievement happened in lock step with our population growth. Larger population means more specialization and economies of scale meaning each individual's work is more efficient and there's more people doing work, so it compounds.
Ultimately, these movements are fine. The political left, mgtow, feminism are self destructive ideologies. Making it impossible to reproduce, killing your kids, and choosing a life of hedonism means only ideologies that promote natalism will exist in a few generations.
Because religion is a crock and life is more suffering than it's worth? I find it funny that the same people who disagree with this view point are the same ones who say they find life underwhelming and boring. Also the one who hate working their whole lives just to retire and die. I am an Antinatalist and am not a jew. It's not a jewish movement. That is ridiculous. Just because you can't think outside the box (literally, the box of life) that you are stuck and were forced in to doesn't mean that it's not a valid view point. The best view point in my opinion. Antinatalism and Athiesm.
Despair is the ultimate impatience, nihilism the ultimate irresponsibility.
Contains zero proof of a god. Try again religious boomer.
Why? Because your small brain can't comprehend it.
I hope I have 100 grandchildren.
Atheists would rather believe we live in a simulated reality than believe in God. Atheists are atheists not because they’re smart, but because they don’t like the responsibility of following a moral code that’s more than “muh conscience”.
The only way we’ll regain christendom is by outbreeding these degenerates, get to work if you’re not having 5+ children you’re not doing your part.
i disagree and i find life to be wonderful and worth living.
If you're not having ANY children you're reducing any chance of suffering.. therefore doing a great deed for mankind.
Who says if you're atheist you don't have morals? I'm atheist and I have MORALS. I have never hurt anybody or stolen anything. I am a good person through and through. I don't need some fairy tale book to teach me my morals. Those are obvious. How are we small minded when you were the one who is TOLD by OTHERS that there is a god and that the bible is not a FAIRY TALE. That's about as small minded as it can get. You're a winnie the pooh imbecile with inability to think for yourself.
That's good. I enjoy it too. But many people don't. That's why suicide is the 2nd cause of death among people 18-35 in the US and over 30 million people in America are depressed. There's some numbers for you.
I'm not Jewish
I really hope you’re trying to bait and this isn’t actually how you view the world because otherwise you’re a complete letard and should pooh off to reddit. If you are baiting you’re horrible at it.
What a deluded way to think. Let's just throw ourselves on the enemy's sword so it'll be over? Let's just abort the baby and never give it a shot at life because in the net we'll be saving it pain and suffering?
The act of creation is holy and sacred. There is no comparison of being with not being, which all the antinatalists believe since they're all atheists.
Suffering hurts but it makes stronger men. Western civilization became weak from bread and circuses. Now it want to kill itself to stop the meaninglessness. We lost our meaning.
Almost all white women should be having children. As for us men… it's a bit different. Some of us can be contributing in different ways. Without monastics, Western civilization would have died.
Throw ourselves on the enemy's sword? Lmao. The enemy isn't any human on earth. It's Nature. It doesn't care about humans in any way shape or form. Whether you're suffering or in good health. What the winnie the pooh are you talking about? Typical Zig Forums cuck to discount any view he can't understand.
I'm not baiting. This is how I view it. I really hope you're not a religious pro-life retard who views life as all sunshine and rainbows. if so, kill yourself now to spare the future you any suffering.
Life has suffering. Now are you going to be a man and take the suffering for what it’s worth, or are you gonna be a little pussy and cry everytime life throws a hurdle your way?
Go back to reddit, baby murderer!
No one wants (you) here
Go back to reddit, you amoral retard. "MUH ATHEIST AND HAVE MORALS DUR" yeah right, and then the next second tell them to kill themselves. You're the cancer that rots our society, you're the exact culmination and the endgame. Get out or repent
Never told you to kill yourself. My view is that it's better to have never been born.
Try again.
No one wants you, period. Is that why you're upset? And thanks I had an abortion three months ago. She and I decided it was stupid to sentence some one to a life sentence of work and misery.
If you’re not going to repent the next best thing you can do right now is practice what you preach and eat a bullet.
LOL. Say that when you get dementia later in life and kill yourself because you can't take what nature has given you. Is that picture of fake jesus supposed to mean something? You do know there is ZERO proof that jesus ever existed? Only third hand accounts by people who told stories about him like 50 years AFTER his supposed life was over. There is NO man that ever existed that walked on water. You gotta be a winnie the pooh retard to believe that shit. You must think Horton hears a who was a true story as well?
"You do know there is ZERO proof that jesus ever existed? Only third hand accounts by people who told stories about him like 50 years AFTER his supposed life was over. There is NO man that ever existed that walked on water. You gotta be a winnie the pooh retard to believe that shit. You must think Horton hears a who was a true story as well?"
Try again. MORON.
you = religious moron
okay fornicating baby-murdering redditor enjoy your eternity in hellfire
Oh I WILL! especially since it doesn't exist. LMAO. Typical religious moron. Advocates violence on here and promotes white supremacist killers but expects not to burn in hell.
Zig Forums isn’t Zig Forums retard
eh. apples and oranges.
Especially if hell is never ending eternal torment, you're eliminating any chance of that happening to your descendents. Really makes you think.
Lol right. Believing in hell is just as stupid as believing god.
Because they hate us.
Next question?
Pray to saint Adolf Hitler for the re-emergence of the European race and pump out babies with your wife. The best propaganda is to live out your values.
Your error will be deleted.
But good news!
The board >>>/christianity/ has no censorship and would be more than happy to hear about your obsession with Schmadolf Hortler
That is hardly an effective counter, since contraception is so ubiquitous nowadays.
Heaven and hell are the same place but experienced differently by different kinds of people. If you accept God freely you will not be in eternal anguish. God the father wants to save man.
As opposed to the Son and Holy Spirit right?
Our father, who art in heaven, hallow be thy name.
not american. Why are boomers bad?
just a global plan for population control.