How should we feel about female pastors? I know the Bible is clear about women in church and their role in society...

How should we feel about female pastors? I know the Bible is clear about women in church and their role in society, and I agree, but I don't want my views to stem from the fact that I'm a misogynistic incel. In other words, why should I feel strongly about female leadership in the church when I'm struggling with my own sin that's bigger? I'm naturally bitter towards the female condition to some extent and I don't want my religious stances shaped by my own faults.
Also, for those of you who agree with me on this, shouldn't women also keep their heads covered in church beyond just their hair? If we adopt one verse from 1 Corinthians 11 we can't just ignore the next.

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Well actually not, they are just random people saying hsit they know nothing about.
If they really tried to be ordinated then yes it would be sacrilegious.

Let's see what St. Paul has to say:

>1 Timothy 3:2 - A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

From here we can deduce that St. Paul is hecking based and an ebil sexist. But in all seriousness, a preist is supposed to be a living icon of Jesus Christ and his bride is the Church. Having a woman be the icon of Jesus inverts who Jesus is literally satanic, sorry not sorry prots and having her being married to the Church which is always reffered to as Christ's bride is lesbian and sinful.

So, wahmens, please read your bibles and respect your Lord's commands.

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It depends on the conotation you mean by heresy. I think false teaching is just as bad if sanctioned officially by the Church or not. On a very operational level, it disgusts young men to be told what to do by cool wine aunts.
I think 90% of the lay teachers on roman catholic schools are women, so no wonder young men think Christianity is gay.

I was raised in a protestant church, though I'm now looking into other denominations. At one point they had a female interim pastor, and sometimes they've had other women speak for certain parts of service.

What about females teaching informally? Gonna go about into my own story to explain my questions, sorry if I go off topic.

Growing up I was very lukewarm. I only prayed to ask for my own safety or selfish things like finding a gf. Yet because I went to this Church I was invited to a non-denominational Christian youth group. I admit the first time I went it was to look for a gf. But going caused me to become more genuinely interested in Christianity and I kept going for that reason. The youth group was run by a family that since left that Church for some reasons, possibly because the Church started allowing same-sex marriages. (The pastor said he would not do them himself, but he will allow them to take place within the Church building and the former interim female pastor will handle them. I don't think any have actually taken place though) Anyways this youth group did not strike me as modernist except for singing "modern Christian music", the guy used the parts from Romans about homosexuality for example. On the other hand, a few times his wife would be the one teaching the youth group, I don't think she enjoyed doing it that much but she was popular for being very anti"just feel good" Christianity. Nowadays I don't know what to think, yet if I had not gone to this youth group when I was younger I don't know if I would have ever been genuinely interested in Christianity and theology or if I would still be lukewarm or worse.

The church I grew up in also has had women teach the children's service that goes on separate from the regular service. I will admit that when I got older I started assisting with the children's service myself. I now have misgivings about children being separate from the main service and if having the children's service be taught by women then I'm worried.

Another cause for alarm is that during last week's service they did a thing where their pastor switched Churches with another pastor for a week. The guest pastor was a women. She had all the children get some water and flick it at everyone their telling us to remember our baptisms. Given what says I'm even more worried.

I'm concerned for the children, and I'm terrified that I either let something wrong happen or that I participated in it by assisting in a female-run children's service. Please pray for the kids, and the teachers, and the rest of the church, and for me.

Paul was bigoted and Jesus was open to everyone. Women can be pastors just like anyone else.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

See, this is what I'm talking about. I agree that women shouldn't hold offices in the church, but I want to believe this out of faith, not out of edginess or bitterness like this fellow

There are other similar things that we are willing to ignore, like women having their heads covered. If you don't agree that women should wear hats or scarves to church, then you aren't really being logically consistent.

You go sister! You know who else eas a bigot? That Jesus guy! I mean, what kind of Holy Man resorts to so much anti-Semitism?:

Seriously, what. Bigot! We should just remove this Jesus guy all together so we can write in a female lead. This will teach that young girls can be empowered anywhere, and no ebil, biggoted, sexist, anti-Semitic, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, biggoted patriarchal society can ever ruin our utopia ever again.

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If you don't want to be a "misogynistic incel", then don't allow secular culture to shape your views and instead follow what the Bible says.

If you can't have faith in the Word of God (which was kindly shared with you by that "edgy fellow"), then we can't help you further. Meditate on the verses posted in this thread, attend some churches led by female pastors, and see if you have a change of heart.

That's only natural… the most convincing argument against sin is witnessing its detrimental effects. The closest I've come to attending a church with a female pastor was a modernist non-denom church with an effeminate male pastor and half a dozen female "Directors" (which, at that point, might as well have had a female pastor)… never again.

Seeing as what he said doesn't show anything wrong, I'm going to have to correct your statement.

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I could be mistaken but I had heard that that was Paul’s personal opinion, so that could teachincally mean that wahmen pastors are perfectly okayin Jesus’s eye. Again, I could be wrong, so I’m not gonna bother debating it

This is unironically why single mothers fail at raising children

They should never be allowed at all. Most of them are social types take the path of least resistance by following what the world likes as to opposed to doctrine. They frequently endorse anti-Christian beliefs like abortion, child drag queens, and sodomy because theyr'e scared of losing facebook friends. The Garden of Eden should have proven this when Eve ate the forbidden fruit because someone else told her to.

Are you implying that Jesus made the wrong choice when he chose Paul as his disciple? You haven't internalized his scriptures then.

No, read Genesis. Men serve God, women serve men. It's our position in Creation.

This is one of those verses I think was almost certainly added by a later writer. It appears in different places in different manuscripts, and every other thing Paul ever wrote was against the law yet suddenly here's a line promoting the law.

Oh man, you mean the monks that copied bibles by hand may have accidentally put a passage in 1 Corinthians in the wrong place? The absolute HORROR! I guess we should just disregard everything St. Paul wrote ever.
Even horrible and biggoted 1 Tim 3:
>2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

>5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

>6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

>7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

>11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.

>12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

I'm so glad I have a woman like you to listen to. Nothing ever bad happened by listening to a woman.

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I'm talking specifically about keeping silent in church, not who rules the household. In multiple other places he applauds women teaching children (such as Timothy's mother and grandmother), and saying they should prophecy with their heads covered (1.Cor.11:5) is saying they should prophecy. It's not even about whether they can be pastors, but says they should be completely silent in church - which is straight up what happens in the synagogues.
You completely ignored the "saith the law" part, which again is completely out of character for Paul.

The biggoted passages I posted are about the vocation and duty of the bishop and how it is like raising a family. He is a father figure for his laity. If a man can't raise a family, how is he supposed to raise a family for God? Ergo, a woman cannot be a pastor because a woman cannot be a father figure. Women much like Eve are trusting and can be easily influenced by bad actors. Hence why God calls women to submit to their men.

God's law was not abolished. It was fullfilled.

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If its in the bible its divinely inspired and God told the apostles/prophets/writers to write it down there, mate. Who even told you that?

I don't care about any pastors, male or female. It's a job of a presbyter/priest. And his function is to mirror our High Priest in heaven.

You ruin the whole idea when it simply becomes the "pastor" or preacher. But this is started with Protestantism, which kind of downplayed sacraments to begin with. So they get what they asked for.. this is just the newest phase of what was already implicated to begin with.

Strange, my family's church has never done this.

Literally not all prot denoms, but having wahmen pastors is a strictly Prot/Heretic phenomena. Why? Maybe they are satanic, maybe they are desperate to keep their denom alive, maybe they just don't know any better and have been lied to all their lives. Who knows, all I know is they need the healing power of Jesus in their lives.
I'm glad to hear your brand of protestantism hasn't completely fallen to modernism. I'll keep praying for you and your family's church

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Essentially, I left the Methodist church over female pastors. Not because I was an angry neckbeard who hates women, but because the final straw was a sermon I sat through wherein the pastor was being hypocritical throughout it, almost swearing in front of the altar, and trying to score political points. It was not the first such sermon like that I had heard in my time as a Methodist, but it was the most extreme and the last I would suffer through.

exactly the woemans must respect the Law but have no say… giving women power does not seem to end well.

Yeah I completely agree.

Also, what about female teachers outside of Church? Like teaching in public schools/higher education?
Or informal teaching, like children's service or about Christianity but outside the Church, not acting as a pastor?
Or about those women's study groups?

Yeah and my church never abused me so I guess everyone should take back all those millions of catholic pedo jokes…
oh wait, forgot, only prots get to avoid shared responsibility.

1 Corinthians 14:34

Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.

1 Timothy 2:12

I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

That's Right Sista!!, to hell with that Jesus Guy, sounds like a bigot. We also need to get rid of those silly stories in the old testament, i mean walking talking snakes what a joke!!. Ok Sista, i'll see you at spring Break!!! Spring Break Foreva!!!

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how to spot a false church 101


Oh no doubt, any denomination is doomed once it ordains female clergy.

I'm literally not responsible for the actions of others. Nor are the majority of Catholics responsible for Luciferian infiltration into the Church.

maleanon here. I'm mad God hasn't called me to bear children.

bumping my own question
