I'm a homo. Ask me anything.
I'm a homo. Ask me anything
What does it feel like when you are getting plugged by Jamal?
So when are you going to repent for your sinful deathstyle?
God's mercy and love is infinite.
And so is his justice and wrath.
Please repent.
those who trade shame for pleasure will go to hell. You are more dignified than that, and to degrade yourself with your shameful degenerate fetishes is both disgusting and damning.
stop wishing to eat the cobs given to the pigs, return to your father.
God thing hell doesn't exist then.
What denom are you?
but integrity does. You will never find peace in this life. Find forgivess and you will find integrity and authenticity. Find that, and you will find peace - but you will never find forgiveness without God, and you will never find God without rejecting your sinful ways.
But I don't feel bad about it.
Except it doesn't. Please throw more bible verses at me.
yes you do - pay attention next time. You have always felt ashamed of masturbating, because it is an intrinsically shameful and emasculating thing to do. You will only find pride in physical pleasure when it is done with your wife whom you are married to, from which sublime and meaning is derived. From masturbation and deviant emasculating cuck fetishes like homosexuality, there is only shame. Is selling your dignity as a man to go against your very nature worth it? The likely meager pleasure?
Repent and believe in the gospel. You aren't born gay or with fetishes - degeneracy is a result of conditioning that you and the world has given to yourself. There are mountains of evidence of people who were otherwise normal that became sexual degenerates after porn. You can quit. Stop exposing yourself to so many erotic things and it will become easier.
Homosexuality doesn't exist, they're just homo-erotic tendecies and you've succumbed your entire being to a degenerate behavior, congradulations.
Except it does, please go back to >>>/reddit/
you aren't welcome here.
You don't have to let the fact that your uncle touched you and you sickly enjoyed it ruin you. You don't have to continue to pursue pleasure over dignity. With God's intervention you can make it.
Except it doesn't.
You agree, Christianity has standards yes? By our God we value everything else.
When you leave the natural order of things you sin, homosexuality is a perversion of strictly the flesh.
I don't understand why you're trying to start shit on a Christian board, we obviously believe you to be wrong and nothing will change that.
Do you like being riled up? Is your entire purpose of life to cause disarray?
So why are you even here? You clearly don't want to be a Christian. Here to be smug about your degenerate deathstyle?
Why did you start insulting yourself?
your destiny is in your hands. You make the choice and you can do it.
when you expose yourself to erotic things, you weaken your willpower over time. You need to rest, reduce exposure to recover. Picture the monk who lives alone separated from society - he does this because it makes it easier to resist temptations. Likewise isolate yourself from porn and fornication to whatever degree is necessary. Be serious about it, and don't take risks.
eventually it gets easier. I truly hope you follow my advice. Whether you believe it or not, under my view if you die as an unrepentant homosexual, you will be sentenced to an unending death for your sins. You are so much more valuable than that. Please, for your own salvation reject this unnatural thing that makes you ashamed of yourself, you are so much more than your fetish makes you out to be.
I agree that Christianity has positive aspects, but there's also a lot of bullshit to the type Christianity you preach here.
Congratulations, you have wasted yours and our time. When you get AIDS or your anus prolapses don't beg for God’s mercy, it's too late for a reprobate like you.
We're done here.
Oh? How do you know we preach lies if you do not even know Christ?
Realize Christ IS the way, the truth and the light. We are all sinners, we all are.
But we embrace how fallen we are, unlike you.
What purpose does being gay have?
I haven't wasted my time, I'm having a great time.
Because the entirety of Christianity is bullshit, but I respect those who don't take it too seriously.
But you have no basis for this.
< Inb4 Athiesm.
God sent his Son to man to redeem man from Sin. That means you may be redeemed user, and he really does weep for your soul, he wants you to love him as he loves you. But you won't be able to do that unless you stop blaming him.
hehe, nothing serious bro
What kind of mentality is that? You applaud people who do not have genuine faith?
I do, though.
Because I like people.
Plenty of evidence for it fam, if you actually decided to learn about it instead of pretending to know.
So you know God?
What evidence?
Why do you think this is Reddit?
Also, why do you think we get sodomites in here so rarely it warrants a new thread? People like you come by almost daily, either asking for attention or trying to repent. If you want to repent, go ask for help in some other threads and if you want attention, ask your parents.
Let's fix that sage of yours.
You're really a special snowflake.
I'll pray for your soul user.
For starters that Jesus did exist. Look into that and go from there. Come back after some time if you change your mind.
Ok. I hope you enjoy your life.
Yeah, he might have. Your point?
Meant for:
I'm so glad you asked
One must believe in reality. Most believe in science, because science to most simply means "reality". Most deny the divine, because they don't see it as any sort of reality. But the religious are not arguing for an un-real abstract divine realm, but a real existing divine reality, usually outside of space-time of this universe (ie it literally doesn't exist within physical reality, but "outside" of it).
Do not give me a "muh no proof" tier argument, there is tons of philosophical proof, including even scientific facts established by experiment that near inescapably suggest there is a reality beyond nature, the most obvious of all of these being that there wasn't anything physically there to create the universe, meaning it must have been created by some non-physical thing outside the universe. The list of things that aren't physical that exist are very short; abstract numbers and God - and abstract numbers cannot do anything. In the end, the best option is God.
However of all the proofs of God's existence, my favorite is probably the historical evidence of the Resurrection. If you were wise, which I know you are not (you sound like an edgy teenager who's bitter in losing an argument) I might use it on you, but you're probably too Jewish and will just waste time slipping around whatever I say. To keep it simple; each and every one of the 11 apostles were martyred. If they made up the Resurrection, it is insane to think they would martyr themselves for something they know is a lie, and can expose the lie to save themselves. Multisensory hallucinations are exceedingly rare, and this would need to happen several times in low stress situations in a non-comforting way (all of which utterly destroy any chance of the hallucination theory working). And the early creeds tell the basic story of Jesus that he was resurrected from the very start, meaning it wasn't just made up later. The best theory to explain the ressurection of Jesus is that he really did rise from the dead. Also worth mentioning that the evidence that Jesus was indeed crucified is incredible, and most historians do in fact believe they did see post-mortum appearances of Jesus somehow.
Really the simplest evidence, is that this was eye-witness testimony split over 4 apostles that tell the same story of Jesus Christ. When you think 4 independent sources coming together and all dieing for the truth, what can be a better pattern of truth than that? Their actions and the very rise of Christianity can simply only make sense unless they were really telling the truth.