I have a couple good friends who are Shia Muslims from Iran. Sunnis (Wahabists in particular) are not receptive to Christianity at all; I had someone threaten to beat me if I kept speaking… Shia Muslims seem to be the only willing to hear about the faith. I'll share my largest hurdle:
They claim to already recognize Christ and Our Lady as a sinless virgins, thus they insist that they already are "Christian" but believe that the text we follow was corrupted. My instinct is to point out that, if Our Lady and Christ are sinless, then how are they "less" than Muhammad, a worldly man that fought wars and had a harem? Of course, anther problem I have is not being inflammatory… but it's frustrating how obstinate they are. I'd like your help, Zig Forums. Please share your experiences.
Converting Muslims
Other urls found in this thread:
Most muslims are completely unreceptive. They will repeat arguments theyve heard before without underatanding it, then when you show how wrong that argument is, theyll ignore it and move to the next
It doesn't help that their families will hunt them down and murder them in the streets for leaving Islam.
Alright, great.
I would ask them to show me evidence for this supposed corruption. If they say that Allah said so in the Qur'an, I would ask them how I could trust him. I would ask them how "Issa" did such a crappy job in his time on Earth preaching to the people to "revert" them to Islam. What kind of great prophet does such a bad job that a) His disciples get the message COMPLETELY wrong, b) start a different religion with different creeds, traditions, etc, and c) an entirety of people follow this religion instead of what "Issa' preached.
They might say that the Bible was corrupted and that a different "Islamic Bible", or a Bible that is more in line with Islamic teachings at the time of Jesus, existed. I would ask them to show me evidence for this supposed text that dates to the 1st century.
I've dealt with Muslims before, brother, and it is difficult. They have these non arguments and completely falsified information hammered into their heads that they can no longer see what is in front of them. If you show them a verse that shows how Jesus is God, they wouldn't believe, and would just go back to the textual corruption "argument". You need to persevere and find ways around their arguments. One example is the following:
I'm sure you've had Muslims tell you: "Show me in the Bible where Jesus says 'I am God. Worship Me.'" Jesus said no such statement (in those lines/words), true, where they'll then respond with a "Hah, Jesus isn't God. Become a Muslim." The way to get around this is to respond with a question of the same type: "Show me in the Bible where Jesus says 'I'm just a prophet, don't worship Me.'" They can't, and you're past this argument. This "exact criterion" they demand of us is nonsensical. I hope I helped.
I would ask them how "Issa" did such a crappy job in his time on Earth preaching to the people to "revert" them to Islam. What kind of great prophet does such a bad job that a) His disciples get the message COMPLETELY wrong, b) start a different religion with different creeds, traditions, etc, and c) an entirety of people follow this religion instead of what "Issa' preached.
If anyone wants a good overview of the general tone of Islamic nonsense, then I recommend you read this thread.
tl:dr everything is Paul's fault according to them, to the point where this guy specifically thinks that St. James and the church at Jerusalem excommunicated Paul in acts.
I don't have any experience (yet) in talking to Muslims about these things, but I have prepared myself a little, just in case. Here are a few things that might be good to bring up in a discussion with Muslims:
For more on Islam, you might want to check the following links:
They love claiming that the Qur'an has been the same throughout all the centuries. I would proceed to show them the Sanaa Manuscript, which was an early Qur'an that is widely different from the one we have today.
Thank you for the tl;dr, I really did not want to read all that nonsense.
Also, yes, when I used to visit /x/ back in the day, I would notice a lot of Muslims on that site. Any idea why that might be?
One more thing..