Converting Muslims

I have a couple good friends who are Shia Muslims from Iran. Sunnis (Wahabists in particular) are not receptive to Christianity at all; I had someone threaten to beat me if I kept speaking… Shia Muslims seem to be the only willing to hear about the faith. I'll share my largest hurdle:
They claim to already recognize Christ and Our Lady as a sinless virgins, thus they insist that they already are "Christian" but believe that the text we follow was corrupted. My instinct is to point out that, if Our Lady and Christ are sinless, then how are they "less" than Muhammad, a worldly man that fought wars and had a harem? Of course, anther problem I have is not being inflammatory… but it's frustrating how obstinate they are. I'd like your help, Zig Forums. Please share your experiences.

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Other urls found in this thread:'a_manuscript#Media_coverage


Most muslims are completely unreceptive. They will repeat arguments theyve heard before without underatanding it, then when you show how wrong that argument is, theyll ignore it and move to the next

It doesn't help that their families will hunt them down and murder them in the streets for leaving Islam.

Alright, great.

I would ask them to show me evidence for this supposed corruption. If they say that Allah said so in the Qur'an, I would ask them how I could trust him. I would ask them how "Issa" did such a crappy job in his time on Earth preaching to the people to "revert" them to Islam. What kind of great prophet does such a bad job that a) His disciples get the message COMPLETELY wrong, b) start a different religion with different creeds, traditions, etc, and c) an entirety of people follow this religion instead of what "Issa' preached.
They might say that the Bible was corrupted and that a different "Islamic Bible", or a Bible that is more in line with Islamic teachings at the time of Jesus, existed. I would ask them to show me evidence for this supposed text that dates to the 1st century.

I've dealt with Muslims before, brother, and it is difficult. They have these non arguments and completely falsified information hammered into their heads that they can no longer see what is in front of them. If you show them a verse that shows how Jesus is God, they wouldn't believe, and would just go back to the textual corruption "argument". You need to persevere and find ways around their arguments. One example is the following:
I'm sure you've had Muslims tell you: "Show me in the Bible where Jesus says 'I am God. Worship Me.'" Jesus said no such statement (in those lines/words), true, where they'll then respond with a "Hah, Jesus isn't God. Become a Muslim." The way to get around this is to respond with a question of the same type: "Show me in the Bible where Jesus says 'I'm just a prophet, don't worship Me.'" They can't, and you're past this argument. This "exact criterion" they demand of us is nonsensical. I hope I helped.

I would ask them how "Issa" did such a crappy job in his time on Earth preaching to the people to "revert" them to Islam. What kind of great prophet does such a bad job that a) His disciples get the message COMPLETELY wrong, b) start a different religion with different creeds, traditions, etc, and c) an entirety of people follow this religion instead of what "Issa' preached.
If anyone wants a good overview of the general tone of Islamic nonsense, then I recommend you read this thread.
tl:dr everything is Paul's fault according to them, to the point where this guy specifically thinks that St. James and the church at Jerusalem excommunicated Paul in acts.

I don't have any experience (yet) in talking to Muslims about these things, but I have prepared myself a little, just in case. Here are a few things that might be good to bring up in a discussion with Muslims:

For more on Islam, you might want to check the following links:

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They love claiming that the Qur'an has been the same throughout all the centuries. I would proceed to show them the Sanaa Manuscript, which was an early Qur'an that is widely different from the one we have today.'a_manuscript#Media_coverage

Thank you for the tl;dr, I really did not want to read all that nonsense.
Also, yes, when I used to visit /x/ back in the day, I would notice a lot of Muslims on that site. Any idea why that might be?

One more thing..

Give them time to change their minds. Obstinate mind is a psychological problem, not a lack of capacity for logical thinking. To change obstinate people is something beyond our control, it has to be a change within. You've told them the truth, you've fulfilled your responsibility. If they still refuse you, shake the dust off your feet and move on.

If they refuse to hear they should be left. Preach to people who are willing to be saved.

Go on google and watch a short video series on textual history of the bible. Inspiring philosophy has a great series on it on his account and I'll embed it. This is so that you can prove to them that the bible is in fact not corrupt. You don't have to watch the entire series but just the parts that you think will be most useful.

Secondly, tell them to read a single chapter of a new testament text then just let them ponder on it. Remember, no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws them so you cannot force or convince someone to be a christian. On the other hand I'd say be the best Christian you can be and represent Christ in a good light and just pray that they may come to faith.

Also, this is more of a side note. They may also ask questions like how can God change into a man when he said he will never change in the OT so it might be helpful being familiar with their arguments by reading and studying your own bible so you can answer their questions. But again, it is on the spirit and we must defend and live the faith and it may not be your knowledge that saves them but rather your faithfulness and goodness that will cause others to ask what could make a man/woman act in such a way and this will be your opportunity to tell them about Christ.

Most of them are completely locked away since the Qur'an is a great army handbook intended to indoctrinate them.

One of the core things regarding the Qur'an is that everything in it is infallible and true and it is God's creation and anything that conflicts with it is wrong/blasphemous/corrupted etc.

There is no way with most of them, start with the simple "Witnesses are required for nearly everything, one cannot even marry without a witness, then why was there no witness to Qur'an's creation who could confirm it's legitimacy?" if they dodge it well, there's probably no way around it.

They really are usually indoctrinated and unless you can break that there isn't much to say really since everything they believe in to them is perfect, God's word, God's intended actions etc.

Definitely pray for your friends though, they can hardly be blamed for drinking the kool-aid, in an ideal word evil such as the heresy of Islam would've been forgotten the first time someone asked the warlord Muhammad "Where did you got that bool from and who's to prove it's God's word?" shortly after it entered into the world.

I'll just point out some things that may help:
1] All schools of Islam believe Jesus will return to judge the world.
2] There is no such thing as a "Wahabbist". They're called Salafi. If you show your ignorance by calling them "Wahabbi", then why should they listen to you?
3] Salafi make up less than 5% of Sunni. They may be loud and obnoxious and tiresome, but they are a tiny, tiny minority of Muslims.
4] Use the teachings of Maliki (Sunni scholar), who is already closest the Muslims can come to being Christian without the Trinity. For example: Maliki is the only school of Islam that absolutely does not permit abortion, while the other branches/sects of Islam permit abortion to 120 days gestation.

tl;dr Study Maliki, use it in the case for Christ when talking to Muslims.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but personally whenever I go on /x/ the overwhelming impression is that people have no idea what they're talking about when they talk about God, at least from a purely philosophical perspective. Stupid threads like "We are God"/"God is everything"/"Who created God"/"I'm going to kill God" happen every day, alongside actual solicitations for rituals to summon demons or even Satan, so any proper monotheist, particularly one who likes Aristotle, is going to go livid at that sort of thing.


This. /x/ is for people who read the Kybalion once and may have tried acid. There is no underlying logical structure connecting all of the various dots unlike with an organised religion, only vague feelings and emotional impulses.

Back to the OP, the most straightforward way would be to poke holes in early, i.e., pre-8thC, Islamic history. There are multiple issues with regard to the textual history of the Qur'an, the life of Mohammad, etc., the likes of which are totally absent from Christianity.

That said, always remember . You can't convince someone to seek truth if they do not wish to question their preexisting beliefs. Always keep your own faith firmly in the centre; people are ultimately responsible for themselves.

Our job is not to convert anybody, that's their job to convict themselves. Our job is to simply deliver the message.

Good post.

Narcissism is a term commonly used to describe those who seem more concerned with themselves than with others. It is important to distinguish between those who have narcissistic personality traits and those suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. For example, narcissistic traits may be common during adolescence, but this does not necessarily mean that the teenager will go on to develop the full disorder.

Some of the symptoms associated with NPD include:

An exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and achievements
A constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise
A belief that he or she is unique or "special" and should only associate with other people of the same status
Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power
Exploiting other people for personal gain
A sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment
A preoccupation with power or success
Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of him or her
A lack of empathy for others.

What does this have to do with the OP?

Thank you. These are helpful.

I do pray for them, and I never harangue them. For the most part, I just want them to see the truth… because the Iranians I know are among the best people I've met. It's depressing to see such good people follow a false teaching.

Do you posit that I'm a narcissist? I don't continue if they're not receptive, but what's wrong with telling the gospel to a Muslim… I do "want" them to convert, sure, but I never talk in a manner that is hostile. The example I gave in the OP is my instinct, but I know that "blaspheming" their "prophet" is not the way to win their heart, at least initially. I wanted advice.

If they reject Jesus Christ and His message, how are they any good? They are good for nothing.

At least they fervently defend what they believe in. They live by strong principles. No need to judge them by what they really believe in, let God do it.

All of God's creations are good.


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OP, be careful this user just recommended acts17apologetics
They're not the best and are in fact a laughing stock within the Islamic community and Christian community besides a few edgy 15 year olds who think they understand islam. Take what they say with a grain of salt and study their arguments yourself. Acts17apologetics have been known to use debunked arguments against Islam. A better place is this guy who made a 3 hour video debunking Islam and put timestamps in the videos so you can skip to the section you find interesting. This guy is also a friend of David wood so there is a bit of wrong in the video but again, always fact check yourself.

First time I hear that. Why are they a laughing stock within the Christian community too?

Watch some of james white. He has actually spoken against them. The reason why they're a laughing stock is because 1. They don't understand their own belief. They've spent so much time bashing Islam that they haven't taken the time to study what they believe and in a lot of their debates when they're asked about their own faith they say they either don't know or they'll think about it. 2. The guy isn't a very good Christian. He made a video bashing Islam by dressing up as a women to make fun of Mohammed since there is a hadith that says Mohammed was wearing the clothes of his wife. But not only did he make himself seem like a fool but also got the hadith wrong.

There's just so much wrong that I unsubscribed and stopped watching their videos and debates. They're usually beaten in debates badly.

David Wood is a psychopath too. Yeah there are better arguments against Islamic theology. However, the best way to find their flaws is reading the Islamic books by yourself and ask real Muslims directly. There is one big flaw about Islamic God that they can't refute, which is He doesn't have an unconditional love. It's debatable whether Islamic Allah loves the non-Muslims or not, but it's written explicitly that He doesn't love sinners or even those who don't love Him.

I tend to use two. One is if the OT and NT is corrupt why would God let his word be corrupted not once but twice? Also, since we know people who met the apostles why would God also fool the very desciples of Christ since even they followed orhtodox Christianity. Second, the quran uses sources from uninspired texts and displays them as fact. Here's a good video giving proof that the quran actually coppied from gnostic gospels and Jewish myths as well as some tales about Alexander the Great. Yeah, Muslims believe that Alexander the Great was a Muslim. Also, pic related is how people used to worship Alexander the Great, strikingly similar to how Muslims worship their God.

Here are the pics

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I want you to tell the Muslims that Allah had rough gay anal sex and an orgy with a bunch of pigs on the Moon. When they attack you in a rage put them down or shoot them and invoke self-defense. Claim to the corrupted faggot winnie the poohed Kangaroo Court that you were simply: "Foiling a Terrorist plot against your sacred homeland."

The second drawing looks stupid. He's naked but bearded and turbaned at the same time, or looks like a football (American) player with a long beard.

You're right about the shi'a, particularly Iranian shi'a. Christianity is actually growing in Iran, whereas it is staying the same in the rest of the middle east aside from the iraqi exodus of Assyrians. Even in Lebanon, shi'a and christian get along decently despite the political circumstances, and have allied out of convenience to survive against the sunni majorities of the region.
Also in terms of sunnis, you can't completely generalize. Despite their adherence to strict sunni Islam, the khaleeji gulf nations have actually opened up numerous churches for their christian workers.
Bahrain opened Our Lady of Arabia which hosts thousands of Catholics.
Kuwait has had no issue building churches either.
UAE has something like 15% of its population being long-term christians on work visas, and they've built many churches too.
The only place that hasn't built a church yet is Arabia Saudia. However, they very recently allowed a Coptic mass to be held in the country which is a first.

Speaking as a lebanese catholic who obsesses about ME politics, you really can't generalize and it's extremely complex. A lot of the gulf arabs have been more welcoming to Christianity now as Islamism is dying down in favor of Western progress and prosperity.
Ancient Saudi church suggests Prophet Muhammad tolerated churches in Arabia
Our Lady of Arabia, Bahrain

Shi'a are more receptive, but don't completely give up on sunnis. Most are not salafi takfiri fanatics.

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Good post.

Iranian Shi'a are the ones who call the US "The Great Satan" and issue fatwahs against anyone who draw Muhammad. They're the ones who wanted Rushdie dead for speaking the truth.

Well, part of that is that is how it became a theocracy. (And can anyone deny that the US is the Great Satan? There's an E. Micheal Jones video on this very subject.) Maybe I should have specified "western Shia"–but Assad/Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and (to some extent) Iran are vastly preferable to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

That's where you're wrong, my friend.
Assadist Syria, Palestine, and Iran all want to see us (Maronite Catholics and Christians in general) dead. Our Patriarch held a meeting between the heads of the Christian parties here (Kataeb, Lebanese Forces, Marada, FPM) and he told them to take charge of the country because the Shias are advancing in their interests to take hold of the country. They want to get rid of the condition that makes you a president - a Maronite Catholic. Iran and Hezbollah are pushing here to turn Lebanon into another Islamic Republic, an extension to that of Iran's.

No one is with us. Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Syria, etc, are all against us. They all want a piece of the country and the only way to do that is to get rid of us.