Are Y chromosome Adam and mitochondrial Eve the Adam and Eve from the Bible?
Are Y chromosome Adam and mitochondrial Eve the Adam and Eve from the Bible?
Why can't you take it at face value?
If God creating man out of the dust of the ground is too far-fetched, what of the rest of the Bible?
No, you're thinking of the "Is masturbation a sin???" threads.
Biblical cosmology is wrong, considering the belief that stars have gates and there was a layer of water above the dome of the sky, and that this dome was supported by mountains, and that the border of light and dark was the horizon, and that the seas were in one place, and that the earth was founded in top of them and is essentially a floating island, etc. It is difficult to believe any statement concerning the making of man when the same passages references these obviously wrong things.
Did you get this "knowledge" from an atheist blog?
If you're going to go the route of "but muh science!!!" you might as well toss out the whole of the Scriptures.
Science will tell you a man can't be raised from the dead.
Science will tell you angels don't exist.
Science will tell you the supernatural doesn't exist.
Stop trying to use naturalistic methods to exegete God's word.
Because the Bible is quite literally a library and there are different genres. We have to assess what kind of literature we're reading or we'll completely misunderstand it. Some parts of the Bible are historical, some are mythological inb4 fundamentalist get butthurt over that word, some are poetic. I hate to break it to you but the Bible was composed over a 1,000 year period with many different authors in different contexts, it wasn't just dropped from the sky. Yes it's divinely inspired and through the centuries God had to find a way to speak to certain peoples in a certain time period. You know when you actually find these things out it makes God's word a whole lot more interesting. You don't have to rely on 19th and 20th century American Protestant traditions to interpret the Bible.
Probably yes
I hope you reject evolution too (because then you would be correct). It's sad that so many christians worship the false science God
No, studying the Scriptures with Christians and my priest.
Not going "muh science" I frankly don't care whether evolution is true or not, and would be fine with another theory, and I did used to be creationist. The problem is that in the same passages that creationist use to prove their position theologically, there is this blatantly incorrect cosmology. And they didn't think of it as allegorical, they thought htis was really how the universe was. It's not different that medieval people being wrong, it's just how it was. I have a hard time picking one aspect of their faith to hold for mine, and not taking the whole thing. I don't care about science, and I am not using naturalistic methods.
Huh… no we don't.
It doesn't say that.
I'll take "what is the Oort Cloud for $500, Alex
Can't seem to find that one anywhere.
The earth literally does block the Suns light from the other side of the planet. Have you never watched a sunset or sunrise?
All the earths oceans are connected.
I'll take "What is the Moho" for $800, Alex.
Mitochondrial DNA is passed down by matrilineal descent. Thus it is possible to trace mitochondrial DNA back to humanity's first mother.
Assuming there was not genetic bottleneck that wiped out the original mitochondrial line.
The gates and stars comes from other literature, they likely believed it, unless I am missing a verse, so I'll give you that. They didn't mean the Oort Cloud, so that is reading a modern discovery into their knowledge, they meant an actual layer of water, and this would make sense, as the Hebrew words it uses for firmament and such things imply something that is hard. The "pillars of heaven" that uphold it are mountains, this was thought because no one scaled them, similar though not the same as how Greeks thought Olympus pierced the sky. They didn't mean it in the way we think of sunset or sunrise, or how the Earth blocks the Sun. They meant the Oceans being in a circular pool basically. They didn't mean this shape of the Earth either, but talked of it as the "Lord drawing a circle on the face of the deep" the circle being the Earth, that He "drew" onto the waters.
Absolutely lustful pic. Delete.
tfw no wife
this tbh the pic is quite erotic and scandalous to my mind
I'm to the point that I know for a fact that if someone believes in evolution, or otherwise don't believe in the creation as explained in Genesis, then they are 100% not a Christian.
They don't believe in the supernatural God, because they don't believe He can supernaturally create reality from nothing. They can't possibly believe in Christ, since He supernaturally rose from the dead.
Just something to get the noggin joggin.
is the OP meant to be intelligible?
I do love how evolutionists forget the gospels start with tracing a geneology of Christ back to Adam
But no death totally existed before the Curse of Adam and the bedtime story has nothing to do with our secular god
You can believe The Lord created reality supernaturally and still believe in evolution.
Does not follow any logic. You only believe in evolution because you fear what some fedora will say about you rather than fear God.