These were the movements I was talking about. Natural bound, simple faith systems using their morals to worship their superstitions (the things they couldn't explain on their own). All fine and dandy, but devoid of a set of rules that enslaves them to the written word. Therefore not corrupted yet, the jews disarmed these later on.
Don't blind yourself with that term "jews". They stole it, just like they stole Judaism, just like their stole Jerusalem. Their originated in Asia, as a group of mongols that was so anti-social that they were driven out of the continent, which brought them into Russia. From there on out they existed by being nomadic criminals, who would spread all over the globe, using race-mixing to hide in between foreign civilization as to gain advantage to take over and destroy their nations from within. They are not really a race anymore, their origins are so muddied by race-mixing, inbreeding and all the psychopathic traits that led to a criminal subspecies, completely separated from any kind of morality.
No. The bible was founded on the commandments, and ever since were tales of morality added that gave the believers ways to find excuses as to why they can't uphold the laws in the first place. Take for example the most fool proof law there is…you shall not murder. It can't get more obvious than that, and yet countless of little vaguely described children's stories later, the believers found ways to read between the lines and somehow made up justifications as to why they enslave, torture and murder hundreds of billions of living creatures every year, why sawing apart a fetus inside the womb is okay, why poisoning someone to death is no problem and so on.
The whole point of Christianity is to passively wait to die, which makes the criminal jew utterly satisfied. That's one group out of the picture for them, now let's look at the Muslims…what the so called jews did to Islam was to put into it a set of extra rules that will always conjure self destruction, which keeps them from reaching the next step of evolution indefinitely. The majority of Muslims who are obedient to Allah do it out of fear, not from fear of judgement by their god, but from the persecution of extremists in their own ranks. See, having a set of rules that is so strict that believers are struggling to fulfill them, and a faith that is inherently keen on starting holy wars with non believers creates extremists groups that see any and all bending of the rules of Islam as threat that needs to be stomped out.
So these are two mayors religions that have been royally screwed by the jews, who are non-stop benefiting from having one group that is the perfect passive and obedient creator class, while the other is doomed to repeat the same suicidal cycle over and over again, while creating profitable war zones while doing so. The destroyer class.
The creators, the destroyers and the ones who enslaved both of them with nothing but lies written on paper. See how easy it is to explain the entire human history when you're not hold back by making up complex lies to justify your own errors? And it all fits like a glove.