POPE: Church will 'never again' cover up…

POPE: Church will 'never again' cover up…
Priests who have raped and molested children turn themselves in and vowed that the Catholic Church will “never again” hide their crimes.


VATICAN CITY (AP) — Francis dedicated his annual Christmas speech to Vatican bureaucrats to abuse, evidence that a year of devastating revelations of sexual misconduct and cover-up around the globe has shaken his papacy and caused a crisis of confidence in the Catholic hierarchy. Francis acknowledged that the church in the past had failed to treat the problem seriously, blaming leaders who out of inexperience or short-sightedness acted “irresponsibly” by refusing to believe victims. But he vowed that going forward the church would “never again” cover up or dismiss cases. “Let it be clear that before these abominations the church will spare no effort to do all that is necessary to bring to justice whosoever has committed such crimes,” he said.

Francis urged victims to come forward, thanked the media for giving them voice and issued a stark warning to abusers: “Convert and hand yourself over to human justice, and prepare for divine justice.” Francis’ remarks capped a dreadful year for the Catholic Church, one that began with his own botched handling of a sprawling sex abuse scandal in Chile and ended with the U.S. hierarchy in a free-fall of credibility as state prosecutors began uncovering decades of cover-up. Francis has summoned church leaders from around the globe for a February abuse prevention summit, in an indication that he has come to realize that the problem is far greater and far more global than he had understood at the start of his pontificate.

Francis’ blanket demand that abusers turn themselves in to face “human justice” was significant, and echoed his previous demands for mafia bosses and corrupt politicians to convert. Vatican guidelines currently only call for bishops to report priestly abusers to police in those countries where civil law requires it — a technicality that survivors and their advocates have long blasted as a convenient dodge to the church’s moral obligation to protect children regardless of what civil law requires. Survivors and their advocates, however, found Francis’ words hollow, noting that just this week the chief prosecutor in the U.S. state of Illinois accused church officials there of hiding the names of around 500 priests accused of abuse.

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Actions speak louder than words, Frank.

When will yearly lenten Synods be reintroduced that excommunicate all misbehaving bishops/priests?

As an ortho, i think this is good.
This malignant boil has finally burst in all it's media ugliness, and the Roman Church can finally fully confront this abomination, out of PR, if nothing else.

You guys just need to implement those ancient and medieval canons strictly regulating how priests and kids should interact.

Damage control. He doesn't say a single damn thing till it doesn't matter anymore. He let Ireland pass gay marriage and abortion without saying a winnie the pooh word. Ireland, where 78% of the population is Catholic. Then way after that he says abortion is bad. Father and teacher of all Christians my ass.

At least he's consistent

Larp post incoming
Yep there it is

They've already reformed the ways adults interact with children. All diocese Im aware of have strict regulations and background checks these days and work closly with police on these matters. Almost all the cases that come up these days are throwbacks from the 60s-80s when the "dont ask dont tell" fag policy applied

Pedo priests were a thing even before the Schism.
They get bashed in and dealt with every couple of centuries.

Good to hear.

I've never heard such a thing, but if that was true they didn't live long enough to tell the story.

(dub dubs)
As it should have been. Assuming the Vatican will keep their word, it took them long enough to get to this point.

He's lying. Not even three months from now he'll be helping cover up again.

Yet the birth rate is not even 2. That NFP surely must be working well!

Trips checked.


I'm a filthy Prot so don't entirely understand how Catholic doctrine works but couldn't Bergoglio just issue a decree declaring all pedophile / rapist priests who remain in hiding are excommunicated / cut off from Grace through the Sacraments?

As a previous poster said, actions speak louder than words and this seems like the most logical action to take.


This, the Berg needs to name names and give them to the authorities. Anything less is just cover-up by omission.

Well, then good news! Names are being named and priests are being turned over to various authorities. The trick is to ensure that outing the priests doesn't violate the sanctity of confession.

To be cut off from holy orders would mean that the sacraments administered by said priests would be invalid. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but that would mean that while God would not hold it against you if you recieved sacraments invalidly in ignorance, once they were exposed you would be need to have them readministered. We've had crisises of mass confusion concerning this before and we don't want them again.

Well that automatically is the case when you mortally sin you are automatically excommunicated. What the Pope can and should do is name and publicly excommunicate the sodomites with the proper excommunication ritual, then have them extricated and publicly executed at the Vatican.

"Church will 'never again' cover up"

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