I had so many attractive women flirt with me these past ten years it's not funny

I had so many attractive women flirt with me these past ten years it's not funny.

And what takes this beyond "not funny" and into the realm of morbidity is that I have not had sex with any of them. Or even kissed them.

I am about to turn 34. I have kissed a few ugly women in my early twenties. I kissed a cutie when I was 26. Briefly. I had sex with a prostitute when I was 29.

That's it. That's my sexual history.


Yeah. I know.

And I'm not kidding. I'm good-looking. Attractive women flirt with me. Sometimes quite aggressively. My friends have noticed this phenomenon when I go out with them.

And I'm a very romantic and libidinous guy. I imagine myself making love to these women. To the girls who have talked sensually and invitingly to me, to the girls who were practically falling on my lap in how overtly they pursued me. Girls whose names and faces I rememeber and think about in this maudlin way.

Regret. Sometimes I think "Screw it. Enough. I'm going to go get laid. I'll be sexually adventurous."

But well. Yeah. Guilt. Religious guilt. Is basically the explanation here. My "morals" have prevented me from doing it, basically.

I mean, it's a sin, isn't it? Fornication is a sin.

I could have led quite a life of don juanism at this point. But instead I'm… some sort of weird "volcel".

I know that in a sense I am right to abstain from sex. But I think I'm some kind of neurotic weirdo. That there is a neurosis at play here, too. That most guys in my circumstances, even seriously religious guys, would have had a sexual adventure or two at this point.

Anyway, just getting it off my chest. I'm not expecting anyone to tell me to chill and go have sex or anything like that. I just want to post about this frustration of mine. Feels good to air it out. Thanks for reading.

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Read Kierkegaard

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You don't get it.

A wife is just one woman. Sure it does the job of channeling our sexual impulses, but… there's a richness in variety here. Is there not? Did not David and Solomon have hundreds of concubines?

I regret not having had pursued affairs with so many cool, cute girls who flirted with me. There's something… so alluring about that.

I don't regret kissing that cutie. Or even passionately kissing and groping the "butterface" (bless her heart) I made out with when I was 23 in a nightclub. She was nice. I was so drunk she was afraid she was "abusing" me somehow, lol. She sort of told me that.

I cherish these stories, few as they are. I wish I had more stories of the kind. Just being honest here.

Having a wife must certainly be really sweet. When it works, you know. Not all marriages do. But yeah it's gotta be sweet for sure. And yet I'm just being honest here, man. I wish I had been more sexually adventurous.

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Haha yeah.

I'm sure reading some verbose, anxiety-ridden Scandinavian philosopher will make up for my romantic frustration. I mean I will look so cool quoting Kierkegaard, right? The narcissistic supply I will get from it will make up for all the cuties I didn't make out with.

No you don't get it.

Listen b(z)oomer, are you here for help or to troll ?

Yeah. The "butterface" (again, feels cruel, poor girl, and she was relatively cute) falls into "I have kissed a few ugly women", which you cunningly omitted from the quote.

Cool girl though. Worked in fashion.

Nah. Just being brutally honest.

I know exactly all the things I should say for you to think me "mature", but come on now. Monogamy is a compromise. We, men, refraining collectively from our womanizing passions in order to prevent civilization from crumbling.

We can sentimentalize monogamy, we can talk about "soulmates" and things like that, but again. David and Solomon had countless concubines. Even Abraham had concubines.

lol I'm not trolling, dude. Serious.

I'm Brazilian btw. I live in Brazil. Maybe this is somehow relevant.

I mean my English is quite good for a Brazilian, isn't it?

C'mon guys.

Anyone here feel me?

Anyone here have experience with this kind of thing?

It is ! But I don't think you're Brazilian. I believe you're an Asian.

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If you read Sex and Culture by Joseph Unwin, you see that there is apparently a correlation between sexual checks and the advancement of a nation. The fastest advancing nation has "absolute monogamy" where one virgin marries another and they stay together for life. By not having sexual relations outside of a marriage bond, you're not contributing as much to the degradation of whichever nation you're in

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I'm losing my looks a bit tbh, which makes it all the more depressing. lol

Stop thinking with your dick, OP. You are not an animal. Think with the Holy Spirit instead.

It's good to fight against the passions but by complaining about your spiritual warfare to others online you're already being defeated, and it also seems like you don't understand why you're abstaining either. The Lord said that He gives us water that will let us never be thirsty again, but it sounds like you've just been drinking regular water without realising it.

Huh, nice to see another one of my countrymen in this board. Anyways, the Lord gave you a sexual drive for a reason. He wants you to marry, be fruitful and multiply. You seem to have a very hedonistic version of sex. It's hard to blame you. though, as we live in what is probably one of the most hypersexualized cultures in these hypersexualized times.

That's a statistic. Cold. Abstract. A mere fact. It offers no real consolation. So I'm being a good boy and thereby making my infinitesimal contribution towards the advancement of my nation. Terrific.

I read a Thomas Mann novel and it's a young protagonist having a succession of affairs with women. I read a Mishima novel and it's a story about romantic tension and sexual discovery and it culminates in sex. I listen to Owen Pallett and half the songs are about his intense sexual affairs, affairs without which one wonders what he would write about and if the songs would be half as good. I listen to Sufjan Stevens and a great deal of his songs, indeed some of his best songs, seem to be about his sexual and romantic experiences.

These artists, this vibe I seem to be drawn to, sex is a big part of it. And yet my life is this vast arid expanse of sexlessness. Sexlessness and frustration; sexlessness and wishing I had had sex. It's not very pretty.

Even Thomas Merton had girlfriends and even a child before he became a monk. lol

You're right, of course.

But this is a thread about me being maudlin and venting my sexual frustraton.

I mean ultimately yes. We should all go full Imitation of Christ. Right? I know.

Most cruelly of all, I live in Curitiba, home to the prettiest women in the world. Probably.

It's up to you if you want to contribute to your nation or not. The Roman Republic had absolute monogamy and went on to conquer and expand, regardless of its religious leanings. You could just say that your country is going to die anyway, so you might as well enjoy the ride, but there's short-term pleasure and there's long-term pleasure. Physical pleasure that is fleeting and the meaningful satisfaction of building something greater than yourself. And it's certainly about something greater than yourself, according to the scriptures. You might not think this way, however

Yeah, there are indeed a lot of cute girls in Curitiba. Probably a result of all the German/Eastern European migration lol. But anyways, are you a Catholic or Protestant? Or are you unsure about the right doctrine?

Yeah well, if I were an atheist I would not care a whit about this kind of thing.

So because I'm making out with a few women here and there my nation may stand an infinitesimally smaller chance of "advancing", whatever that means - lol dude who gives a f%ck.

I mean if there is no God and we're all going to die anyway, who in their right mind would care about that? It's just such a silly perspective.

Seriously, if I were an atheist I would certainly be *very* hedonistic. Like I would probably try heroin. Why not?

Yeah no kidding. I'm half-German myself.

I was raised Protestant (Mennonite), am considering converting to Catholicism.

Anyway I'm done playing devil's advocate. I don't want to lead anyone astray here. I know that fornication is wrong and there's no way around it. Okay?

Not that I don't mean everything I said here. I think of some of the unbelieavable cuties I could have easily had and it's painful. It hurts.

But ultimately - God exists. Miracles happen. Exorcisms are real. Surrendering to God is the path of true joy and peace and and meaning and fulfillment. Heaven and hell are real and we would do well to consider the implicatons of this fact. Carry our cross and walk the straight and narrow. Jesus is Lord and he died for us and he loves us. And so on. I know.

And the Christian compromise here is not that bad, is it now? I mean marriage. So yes haha - I guess I'll be a good boy and just try to find a wife.

Thanks for playing. Take care everyone.

It's not necessarily an infinitesimal chance. Consider if you became someone that many people look up to, and yet you had those sexual relations. You set an example for the people around you, and for those that see you. You set an example like that, then someone may want to imitate your example and sets an example for others, and so on

I wish you best of luck in your spiritual journey, brother. May you find a honest wife and have lots of children together. I have never fornicated, but if the nofap struggle means anything, the temporary pleasure of the flesh is not worth the misery afterwards. Stay strong and read Humanae Vitae if you'd like to read more about the Catholic perspective on that matter.

Yeah man okay I get your point.

Thanks man.

Anyone here had similar experiences, though?

Anyone share my feelings a bit?

This temptation to get romanticlly involved with girls?

No, reddit, most of us here have not. Thanks to praying the rosary some of us don't get tempted anymore.

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Didn't happen

I'm immune to affectations of great saintliness. They are very common in chan-wave Christianity, particularly among the most neurotic end of Xtian channers.

They are usually coupled with snobbishness, too, this most unchristlike of vices (your snooty accusation of reddit-ness on my part, in this instance).

My assessment: you are probably physically weak, and look it too, and have therefore been blessedly spared from being tempted by attractive women coming on to you.

It did happen, all of it, but I'm not interested in proving any of it.

I'm interested in talking about this stuff in an unpretentious manner with other Christian guys.

Okay, reddit, i'll make sure to tell my wife that you have a great night.

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It's rich, really.

You call me a reddit pleb and follow it up by implying you have prayed the rosary so much that you don't get sexually temped anymore.

Snobbishness and claims of moral perfection. What does that combination make, again? Ah, yes: it makes a pharisee.

Even Paul - St. Paul, if you must - advises men to marry so that they may satisfy their sexual impulses and not fall into sin.

But you yourself are so holy that you don't even get tempted in that area. Which makes one wonder why you even need a wife.

Nobody needs a wife. God just blessed me with one, and I hope He blesses you with one too, reddit.

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Yes when i had a girlfriend i had sexual thoughts with her, and even now i have sometimes. Praying helps a lot though.

How do these threads stay up while my threads are deleted you faggot mods?

Alright man, thanks.

What were your threads about?

Religion, politics, history, Orthodoxy vs Catholicism. Nothing rule breaking and nothing unrelated, but apparently the Catholic mods didn't like where the discussion was going so they shut it down. However, the thread promoting the Orthodox schism f.e. (>>757007) is left up.
These papists are truly sad creatures, but it won't avail them.

Anônimo, você realmente acha que vale a pena destruir todas as suas chances com Deus por culpa de uma ou duas mulheres?
Você contou que já fez sexo uma vez há muito tempo e por isso eu acho que você se esqueceu, mas lembre-se que o desejo que você sente agora por uma mulher vai se esvair completamente assim que você terminar de transar com ela. É assim sempre. Não busque o prazer na vida, porque ele passa.
Se a sua preocupação é com casamento, a contrução de uma família e amigos, busque por uma esposa, não há nada de errado em gostar de fazer sexo quando você faz isso com a sua amada, mas é absolutamente errado usar uma mulher que se encantou com a sua beleza só por 30 minutos de prazer. Você vale mais que isso, ela vale mais que isso.
Se até agora eu não consegui te convencer, se pergunte, será que você realmente quer ser como o resto dos brasileiros? Resumir sua vida em lascívia e fuga da realidade?
Espero ter te ajudado, eu me sentiria mal em saber que mais um irmão cristão se perdeu, ainda mais no Brasil.

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baseado e redpillado

Not really.

Far be it from me to complain about "generalizations", but yeah.

I mean Olavão slept around in his youth and seems to remember it rather fondly.

David had hundreds of concubines and is not portrayed as sinful in the Scriptures because of it.

Basically, promiscuity is probably pretty damn sweet and fun, let's face it.

But it happens to a sin - so we abstain from it.

But let's not pretend that we don't wish we could do it.

But let's not pretend that we don't wish we could do it.
Pra ser honesto, mesmo se eu virasse ateu agora, não sei se faria, por causa de todos os maleficios naturais, mesma coisa com masturbação e porno. Mas não sei, não quero parecer "holier than thou" aqui. Boa noite user

Then you and me are 100% different.

People like you bewilder me, honestly.

I would party it up big time if I were an atheist. Why the hell not? I would probably try heroin, too. If we are mere hairless bipeds with ridiculously brief lifespans, why be a pussy? Why not experiene the wildest things we can?

Anyway, yes, seems like it's quite past the bed-time for good, well-behaved boys. Good night.

The more intelligent among us can be atheist and abstain from evil action, but of course, it is not a righteous work because they did not know God. An objectively evil thing is still objectively evil, if you profess that you would do such a thing were it not for the law, it means you are a slave to the Law.

No, God does not want us to be slaves.

I would get laid left and right because it's a thrilling thing to do.

Same reason I would shoot heroin. I have taken large doses of tianeptine and it feels sublime. They say heroin feels like that but a thousand times better.

I would not see these things as evil. Would you? Dangerous, maybe; naughty, maybe; but evil? Why?

I would not murder infants. That's a form of positive evil. Black, concrete, nausea-inducing evil. I would still have a moral compass. But I would not be a puritan.

I mean come on man. Even G. K. Chesterton wrote in a poem that if he were an atheist he would have several wives. (A poem, indeed, mocking the strange puritanism of certain skeptics of his time.)

Gamma detected. Grain of salt: activated.

Yes, self-harm is arguable a form of evil. It's difficult to see hypergamy as "good", when it leads to broken homes and abandoned children (or, aborted ones now).

Heroine and other drugs speaks for itself; leading to much death and misery. Not sure what you see in either.

No, faggot.

In fact I can be downright arrogant in my interactions with women. (And they love it.)

But *I am* very neurotic. I pray every day and every time I pray I get this feeling that I better not be planning to fornicate. I feel like harbouring that intention in my heart would invalidate my prayer.

Maybe this is a well-ordered moral conscience doing its job. Maybe I'm just OCD.

I do seem to be thinking about that every single time I pray. It's an obsession. I feel like I can't pray otherwise; and I can't leave the house unless I pray. So I can't leave the house unless I have somehow told God that I will not fornicate.

I mean, seriously. Do you think pick-up artists pray before going out to slay pussy?

A spiritual mindset and a fornicatory mindset are like oil and water. Different wavelenghts. Different fundamental states of being.

There seems to be a violent clash between my religious inclinations and my fleshy desires. A sorely felt contradiction. This is something that Dostoevsky would have understood, but that will forever elude the banal mind of Vox Day.

It's embarrassing to say this, but I'm kind of good-looking. I'm well-dressed. Women love that shit. Even if you're a shy motherwinnie the pooher. They love it.

It would make no sense for me to lie on Zig Forums. What kind of shitty ego boost would it be to have a bunch of nerdy anons believe I'm something I'm not? Women do flirt with me, and I do mean attractive women.

Fornication and adultery have always been around. Even in the Christian Middle Ages. Even in Victorian England. There were less divorces and abortions and other ills of the sort, but not because people were more holy.

If I fornicate with a girl this doesn't mean I will thereby make it impossible for her to marry and have children. Such pecadillos do not spell the fall of civilization. They have always been around.

Heroin can get you addicted and financially broken, it can make you overdose, but there are many people who do it and who have not thereby ruined their lives.

Racing cars professionally is extremely thriling and dangerous, and yet you don't see people moralizing against it.

And have always been forbidden by most (all?) human societies. Even the polygamous ones were still married.

that's a claim I doubt you can verify

As for the rest of the statements, you speak as a slave to the law; you see these evils as goods deprived of you. You should seriously re-consider the disposition of your heart and God
