Would you rather be a part of an atheist society where everyone loves one another...

Would you rather be a part of an atheist society where everyone loves one another, or in a God fearing society where nobody bears love?

Personally I'd choose the first option because it is explicitly said in 1 John 4:8, God is love and whoever doesn't know love doesn't know God. And again in 1 Corinthians 13, love is said to be above faith and hope. Do you think my opinion can be justified?

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can atheists be saved?

Both options are impossible. An atheist society is necessaily one where nobody bears love. A God-fearing society is necessarily one where everyone loves one another.
Frankly I don't know what kind of question is it you're asking.

No. Hebrews 11:6:

Than they aren't a God fearing society. Love is the fullfillment of the law. God is Love. To claim to be a Christian but you don't listen to Jesus when He says

You arent a Christian. You are setting up a ridiculous moral conundrum when there is none. Both options are the same.

No, because the actual definition of love is different from an atheist's definition of love. A fedora can claim two sodomites can be in love and will be saved but that is not true for they live in sin. Who's to say they won't bastardize the definition of love even further? How long until pedophila and child rape gets to be lumped under "love"? How long until denying Degenerate Dan his lust for his goat is bigotry?

Without God there is no love.


not possible
again not possible

Humans can't understand love away from Christ. Paul gave us the definition of love.
Muh luv you read about on vice or gay prides isn't love at all, only a mockery of it.

>an atheist society where everyone (((loves))) one another
No thanks. Secular love is bs.

Is this /wbg/?

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That has no bearing on reality. Love comes naturally to the God-fearing, Bible-believing society, whereas most atheists are incapable of love… they do not:
So on and so forth… they place the lives of animals above people, kill unwanted babies, physically or verbally attack those they disagree with, and the "love" in their relationships boil down to casual sex. A Godless society is a loveless society.

To elaborate on this a bit more, just look at the average secular relationship.
The average arranged marriage between Christians in the past contained far more love than the average secular relationship today does. I firmly believe the notion that sleeping with multiple people in your lifetime will desensitize you to the point of not being able to show true affection for someone ever again… democracy was a mistake.

Everyone here assumed that what I meant by love is simply love. No, it's obviously the agape love.

Technically can't, but by God's love the good ones who accepted Christ could be pulled out from Hades. Entering the kingdom of heaven is more impossible than a camel entering a needle hole, but for God nothing is impossible. Does an atheist reject God

Neither is possible, these are just an imaginary circumstances. I agree with you that it was a mistake to make up this fictional situation. I live in a third world country where violent and intolerant religious extremism is rampant and criminals use religious propaganda to support their cause. I don't think the atheists and agnostics in my country amount to even a percent of the population, yet I find a lot of them to value love (including agape love) higher than many of those who are religious do. Coming from such a nation, it once made me think that such a society could be possible.

So now, I have a better question. Which one is better, a person who doesn't believe in God yet believes in love, or a person who has great faith in God but has no love?

I don't think you understand, one cannot have Great Faith in God if one doesn't obey God's commandments in loving God & Neighbor.

Im sorry that you were born in a shithole where the (((Synagogue of Satan))) has dug it's unholy claws, but where you live is not the norm for society. If anything, it's a great example on why democracy and multiculturalism was a mistake.

I'll pray for you and you nation, OP.

And I don't think you understand either. Faith doesn't equal to knowing. Faith can be blind. God is often misunderstood, yet it doesn't mean that those who misunderstand him don't have any faith for him. Some would even die for him while contradicting what he wants in their deeds.

I think it was, a few hundred years ago when you could be killed for having a different opinion and Charlemagne slaughtered the unbelievers.

I'm not sure about the relevance of that statement in this topic of discussion, but I'll make a short answer. You're talking as if China and Russia were not a mistake. And the remnants of the great Germany, where are they now? Patience and humility are virtues, different ideas must be respected and approached with logic, not suppression, and so we can understand each other and maintain peace. The only problem is logic can be suppressed with money, people can be dumbed down into mindless slaves for the sake of money and power.

You're using the word love way too loosely

This is a christian forum, you should know that it's narrowed down to the love God gives to humanity by default, the agape.

To quote Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, "violence in the name of religion is violence against religion". As cliché as I might sound saying this, those who interpret religion for violent purposes are worst than atheists - they are idolaters, who worship a bloodthirsty god of their own making.
I guess that if we reword the question to be "would you rather live in a blasphemous and unloving society that claims to be religious or in an atheist society where people seek God even if they cannot find Him in false religious doctrine", I would pick the latter. But as our Lord says, whoever gathers without Him scatters, so it's not as if the latter situation is much better than the former, and such a society is bound to fall into demonic suggestions sooner or later (I know many atheists who would sacifice themselves to shelter the homeless but who also strongly support abortion or eugenics for instance).

Well, again, this is an oxymoron. Someone with true faith can only be constantly in awe at God's love. Someone who "doesn't believe in God but believes in love" may be better described as "someone who strongly seeks God but cannot find Him in the false religious traditions that surround them". I would say the latter is "better" than the former, but at high risk of going in the wrong direction (for instance, how many people discard Christianity as a whole because the particular denomination they've encountered was garbage?).

Atheists only love themselves

Hypotheticals of this nature are pointless


That's a logical contradiction. Deus Charitas Est - God is Love.

Such a preposterous hypothetical. Waste of a thread.
