Post when you were saved and post the earliest you could of been saved
When I was saved: July 2009
Earliest I could of been saved: Age 15
Post when you were saved and post the earliest you could of been saved
When I was saved: July 2009
Earliest I could of been saved: Age 15
Nobody knows if theyre saved yet
You didn't willingly sin before 15?
What does the Bible say?
Narrow and straight is the gate. Few find it.
Right, what does the entire Bible say? You can't just quote a verse out of context and claim that's what the Bible says — derp.
31st of March 2018, when I was baptised into the Catholic Church
When I was saved: 2014
Age 17
It was not until I comprehended the absolute sovereignty of God that I became Calvinist.
Uhh yeah there is
If you want me to give you the tl;dr answer then I got saved because I finally caved in to God’s demand that I become Christian after I received second degree burns throughout my back (due to me being in the sun for too long) and one of the blisters popped and didn’t stopped bleeding pass an hour and couldn’t get medical attention for servers hours so I thought I was going to die from plasma loss and I thought I might as well become Christian as a “thanks” as He as kept asking me to become one for 4 years ever since He intervened into my life because I messed with occultic magic a bit and ended up seeing demons including the “shadow people” kind and the reason I didn’t become Christian much earlier after the intervention was because I didn’t want to be a hypocritical Christian if I couldn’t live up to it and decided to keep putting it off till I was ready and this was before when I only read the first half of the Book of Ezekiel and haven’t read the Gospels or Paul’s Epistles yet so I didn’t fully realized that Christ’s death was meant to cover what I was worrying about since every Christian would drone “Christ died for your sins” but not fully explained the extent of it
Age 15 was when I was most susceptible to Biblical reasoning and Jesus as describe above with God’s intervention
You can provide the context with your quotation when it's relevant
When I will be saved: 2103 (hopefully)
Earliest I could of been saved: Age 8yo by getting ran over by a track immediately after baptism.
this tbqhwyfam
You were saved WHEN you were saved in accordance with God's sovereign will. God's plans cannot be derailed. You were saved when He set in motion for you to be saved. It could not have happened at any other time according to human design.
It's impossible to say when this happens in ones life
I'm saved when Christ tells me I'm saved.
Isn't it pretentious to claim you're already saved?
Not a catholic, but still applies
it's more than pretentious, it's presumptuous.
St. Paul tells us quite clearly that we should approach our salvation "with fear and trembling", and further on the Scriptures tell us that the pursuit of Heaven is "like a foot-race".
both of which imply that the common American Protestant understanding of salvation is completely erroneous
Not the best way to pose that question since salvation comes from the grace of God and not from our own intervention. When did I declare Jesus as my King and Savior? I suppose when I was 7 or 8. When did I understand exactly what that meant? Well into my 20s. Am I saved? I don't know, so I'm going to keep working on it. Hopefully Christ will show this sinner mercy.
May 24, 2018
St. John is not refuting Scripture, but re-affirming the life-giving effects of Baptism. However, Baptism (and Faith) alone are not guarantees, but rather conditionals to a life of Good Works, that we await judgement upon.
You will not hear this re-affirmed by me, but by the Son of God.
Ephesians 2 8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ayup, that's what I said. Thanks for the confirmation, user.
What scripture do you see this in tension with?
Does that change a single iota of anything I wrote?
underrated post
the ones that say we must work out our salvation in fear and trembling, and the other one that further clarifies that the path to heaven is a foot-race
by "this", I refer to the satanic baptist doctrine of OSAS, specifically