How do I stop worshiping money? I think it's corrupting me.
How do I stop worshiping money? I think it's corrupting me
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Just think about hell.
Give a significant portion like 15 to 30 percent of it to a good charity and/or your parish.
What are you a winnie the pooh Muslim giving zakah? Be a Christian and give it all away (Matthew 19:21).
Okay, you start by selling your computer and smarty phone.
Sure. Going to go do that right now and become a monk. Thanks.
I believe in you user! You can do it!
No need to be a monk. Just a hermit.. like me :) Monks have to wake up at specific times and get bossed around.
Or be like Jules.
You don't have to give up your stuff, you just have to give up the love of your stuff
Sometimes, I watch movies from the 80s or 90s and think about how useless and fruitless the technology and things that we buy are. You see the computers, the cars, the fashion, the jewelry, everything in those movies and think how fruitless it is to chase money and buy things that will become jokingly obsolete 20 years later.
Then I think about what if back then instead of buying all that junk, I buy stocks instead, investment, or better yet what if I used that money in order to further the Gospel, make somebody's life better, provide food and clothing to the poor and the needy?
See the truth behind the mirror, money is corruption it purpose is to remind man he is a slave
Think of how many was killed for country to exist in state it is today, think of people is getting murdered on middle east for mercliess buissnes, think of how many more is forced to die
Don't give away money, don't give it new meaning, give meanig to your body insted, mony is just paper but it is men who is the currency
Enjoy activities which do not require to spending it
Stop being a pussy. Money is worthless. If you can't live for your principles you are a whore.
What do you want in life? What do you REALLY want, ultimately?
Is money really the most important thing you need to achieve that?
Than by your logic this is true as well:
Sure, papist, all those Chilean Bishops resigned en masse because they just really wanted to take a vacation to Cabo and not because they were all guilty of covering up the globo homo's rape crimes.
It's totally normal to have the DOJ consider a RICO investigation in the RCC in PA. Not because of the systematic abuse the corrupt clergy has done to it's laity, but because the ebil secular world just really hates Catholics.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, papist.
h e b o u g h t ?
Worship God instead.
You cannot serve two masters. Either you serve God or you serve mammon.
Also see quite accurate
Next question
"You are rich if and only if money you refuse tastes better than money you accept." -Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Matthew 6:19-21
19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Focus on the words of Christ where he speaks about money
Don't do this.
Don't give to charity.
DO charity.
Virtually every dollar I spend is an investment - either in books or cash flowing assets. I hate spending money on trifles. A $10-30 book will pay back significantly higher dividends than anything normies spend money on.
First step is realizing and being disgusted at materialism/ modernity and devote yourself to philosophy/ theology/ asceticism and worship of the Lord. Rich people are owned by their possessions and if you observe them you will notice that they will never know God because their love of the world is impeding it.
On a related note, has anyone else found the idea of birthday/Christmas gifts kind of off-putting after becoming a Christian? Like people will ask me "what do you want for your birthday" and I honestly struggle to think of a list of things I want. I guess if they're gonna buy me something anyway I'll just ask for something I was gonna buy myself anyway but I don't feel right asking for a lot. I think the best gifts are those that are given without being asked for. For example, my gf got me a Christmas gift that I wasn't expecting (we'd only been dating for less than a month at the time), and it felt so much more meaningful than any other gifts I got, even though it was just some candy, popcorn, and a DVD.
Why does the world say that charity is only good for tax deductions?
Why do worldly charities seem to keep people in bondage, as with Soros-run charities and people foolishly spending money that they got from charity on drugs?
Boy you're not even a hermit, where's that self-restraint?
because the world worships Mammon not God.
Money's meant to be spent user. If you aren't in debt, and or you have something to spare, find charities and causes that speak to you. Find organizations that explicit help the homeless and give aid to the impoverished, and give there. Find what speaks to you tbh.
Have people ever exploited you because of your goodwill, Zig Forums?
Give more money than you are normally comfortable with to charity.
Numerous times, but it's on their head, not mine.
But is it normal to feel like a moron after things like that happen? Or should I feel bad for feeling bad for being conned? Idk man, it's all so confusing.
Find out what money gets you that you feel is a need.
Find out whether or not these needs are actually needs and not 'wants'.
Find out why you 'want' the object money gives you.
Find out whether or not you actually 'want' it after all.
Trace back up the ladder then be free of money.
Surrender it to God.
Note: I'm not saying that you should stop working or anything like that. What I mean by surrender is this: Imagine that your sitting at a table and that Jesus is sitting on the other side of the table. Now put all your money on that table (and all your money-related worries), push it to Jesus' side of the table, and tell Him "I surrender it to You. Please, do with it whatever is good in Your eyes".
Also, you can ask Him to take away your love for money. If you're sincere, then He will definitely hear you.
What's helped me is to live a simple life, I'm in college right now so I live in a small room in my parents house, and my possessions are limited to essentially my clothes, some sentimental items, books, and my electronics.
You also need to remember it's a waste to save up wealth on earth, moths thieves and rust (or the Bog) can take it, and sooner than you think, you're going to die and lose it all forever.
I also remember a story about St. Macarius the Great. He was returning home and saw a thief loading all of his possessions onto a mule, instead of stopping the thief he pretended to think the Thief was the owner, and helped him load the things. As he was giving his stuff to the thief he told himself that the Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away, and what we have in this life we can't take with us when we die.
I have a problem with money. I don't worship it or love it, I don't even want it. But the nature of society has made it impossible to give it up. I have expressed my desire to escape from the dependence on money, but I'm always told to just suck it up and work for money anyways, but I just can't bring myself to care enough about it to find good work. The only reason I'm looking for work is so that I don't remain a burden on my dad.
What do?
God. Duh.
What's the difference?
It is good for a true Christian to earn money, the more he earns the less it comes to the hands of evil.
But do not just give that money you earned back to the evil, all those "charity organizations".
They bring us problems, and they are actually doing more to destroy the ones you think they would try to help.
Do you think you do good if you send bread to Africa? A food we don't eat for any value it has but just to fill the parts of our bellies not already filled with pork liver and chicken-breasts?
If you want to spend your money somewhere, spend it to the local church. That will put a house of god one day more away from being demolished by some godless mayor. That will also help them furnishing the Church so it may become a little bit more beautiful of all the churches that are there. It may also help the Church helping the poor and needy of your home.
I've been suckered to depend on money due to owing over $20,000 in student loans. I wish I could become a monk or a Jesuit brother and leave this secular life all behind but I'm bounded to it and I hate it. I don't even want to be involved in any career with the degree that I'm about to earn.
How do I escape this and get closer to GOD?
If you live in America you can always
1) join the military (GI bill will pay for your debts)
2)Join the Peace Corps (they will forgive your debts for x amount of overseas charity work)
Number 2 will be your best bet imo as you wont (probably) die during your service and you will be doing charity work for poor 3rd worlders.
what is opposite of greed and mammon worship? Charity, do charity.
there are some catholic orgs that help prospective religious pay off their debts.
here is a example: