New York legislature votes to legalize abortion up to birth, let non-doctors commit abortions

New York legislature votes to legalize abortion up to birth, let non-doctors commit abortions

ALBANY, New York, January 22, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Both chambers of the New York state legislature voted Tuesday on legislation to enshrine a “fundamental right” to abortion in state law and eliminate protections for preborn babies until birth, in votes set to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

The state Senate voted 38-24 in favor of the so-called “Reproductive Health Act” Tuesday evening, the Albany Times-Union reports, a bill that has repeatedly cleared the state Assembly in years past but been blocked by the formerly-Republican Senate. Following the Senate vote, the Assembly passed it 92-47.

The bill declares that “Every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion,” erases the state’s recognition of preborn babies older than 24 weeks as potential homicide victims, removes abortion from the penal code entirely, and allows licensed health practitioners other than full doctors to commit abortions.

“We have a president who's made it very, very clear that he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins declared before the vote. “Today, here in New York, we are saying no […] and we're not just saying no. We're saying that here in New York, women's health matters. We're saying here in New York, women's lives matter. We're saying here in New York, women's decisions matter.”

The Times-Union suggests the bill would allow “late-stage” abortions only if the mother’s “health” is endangered or if the baby is deemed non-viable, but the New York State Right to Life Committee warns that the bill would go much further in practice.

Declaring abortion a “fundamental right” opens the door to invalidating “any limits on abortion” and “mandat[ing] that everyone take part in the culture of death,” the group warns. The bill would also prevent pregnant women whose babies are killed in violent attacks from seeing justice, and have the effect of “authorizing infanticide” by repealing the requirement that a second physician be on hand in the event that an attempted abortion past 20 weeks yields a live infant.

The bill is also part of a broader trend of left-wing states codifying a “right” to abortion in anticipation of a future Supreme Court ruling that could reverse Roe, restoring states’ ability to ban abortion themselves and automatically banning it in the handful of states with pre-Roe bans still on the books.

“To see New York pass a bill so that right is protected, is just a dream come true,” said Sarah Ragle Weddington, an attorney who represented Norma “Jane Roe” McCorvey in the original case. The Times-Union does not mention that Weddington’s former client became pro-life in 1995 and dedicated the rest of her life to opposing Roe.

New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has vowed to promote abortion as part of “the most progressive agenda this state have ever seen,” is expected to sign the bill.

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Land where the sodomite pride
Land where the good goys
Jewish shilling in every mountain side let ((Freedom)) ring

I'm not even American, but I don't think most countries are in a position to shit on America regarding those issues. The whole of the West seems to be suffering from this same spiritual illness.

No nation or country is pure. Slavs are degenerate drunks too. Perhaps the worst. Of course, the majority of anons are American so the topics tend towards American faults. It gets tiring and despairful to focus on these failures. Be strong and remember we are all "strangers in a strange land". We are blessed to have such an outwardly sinful country; it is easier to dissociate our lives from this fallen world. Instead of overcoming pride, we must overcome despair. Thank God for it! I'd much rather fight despair than pride.


Format your post better next time

Skimcast for a tl;dr

thats because "the west" is just americas puppet. And we all know who controls the american society and government

So people in European and Latin American countries bear no responsibility whatsoever for the current state of their nations? Imagine being this delusional.

You mad, Paco?

Well at least we are one day closer to the day of Gods righteous Judgement, he is much more merciful than I can comprehend

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What's shocking or surprising about this?

Can't Trump do anything about it like using presidential powers to stop their madness or this is one of the situations of states rights or something? If so civil war now.

It's a states rights issue, so the president can't do anything about it short of overturning Roe V Wade (which he'd need at least one other justice in his favor for) and making an executive order out of it.

Mark my words, the next step is going to be the legalization of post birth abortion, AKA, murder of babies that are already out of the womb.
We also need to stop using our enemies words. "abortion" is a deadly euphemism that hides the true nature of what it is, which is the MURDER OF BABIES.


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Even if Row v Wade was overturned the new york law would unaffected as it is a state law. What would happen is some states would ban it outright and others would do what new york has done and we will see women flock to those states to get their murders, complaining about "the hardship" of it all the whole way.

This is the liberal, he is a demon.
The demon sees the chinks in your armor and strikes at its weakest point claiming that it's your fault for having chinks in your armor.
Are you prone to sexual immorality? He will rightly provide you with pornography everywhere in the media, and claim he's nothing but innocent. You're the loser for having no self-control and responsibility. If you want these things banned you're a lazy baby who needs a babysitter.
Are you prone to eating too much? He will rightly provide you with saturated fats, and claim he's nothing but innocent. You're the loser for having no self-control and responsibility. If you want these things banned you're a lazy baby who needs a babysitter.
Are you prone to drug addictions? He will rightly provide you with opioids, and claim he's nothing but innocent. You're the loser for having no self-control and responsibility. If you want these things banned you're a lazy baby who needs a babysitter.

My brothers, there is only one difference between the Devil and God. The Devil sees your faulty armor, strikes it with all its might, and says it's your fault for being weak. God sees your faults and does not beat you down for His benefit, He helps you become stronger. Likewise is the difference between the liberal and the fascist.

What does that have to do with anything I said? Stop putting words in my mouth.

Stand your ground
Catholic new law
Who needs the Bible when there's money involved.

I pray in my lifetime that we tear down the statue of "liberty" and erect a statue of Our Lady instead

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Statue of Liberty is the new whore of Babylon.

The Catholic Church is the old whore of Babylon.

Would be nice to have a huge figure of the resurrected Christ too…a bit like the Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro. But a Madonna with Child Jesus would be wholesome too!

No, stop with this shit.

The hills are alive…with the sound of worthless REEEEEEing!

Says the pagan.

We've already got one of these

>"I think it is very unlikely at this point that the court is going to overturn Roe [v. Wade], or Roe [v. Wade] as curbed by [Planned Parenthood v.] Casey.
>"The fundamental element, that the woman has a right to choose abortion, will probably stand."
doesn't sound like the salvation of a million bebes to me

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effing ny man…

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forgot link

Says the muslim iconoclast.

Why not a massive equestrian statue of Christ's return, sword and all?