Hello! After a reasonably long period of thought, I have decided that I want to change my faith from Anglican to Catholic. To Catholicanons, how can I become a Catholic?
Becoming Catholic
Call up your local parish and ask them about RCIA.
Do I need to do the RCIA if I'm already baptized?
You should. You won't get re-baptized or anything but you will be educated on what you're getting into.
Most likely yes. RCIA also teaches you more about the Church than what your Anglican denom would teach you. Congrats on comming home to Rome, btw. and yes, you get to bring friends
Ok thank you. Before I was considering orthodoxy because of "muh trad". However there was something about the Catholicism which seemed so appealing. After some research I found that Catholicism put forward the organized way of life, and the method of preforming my faith which I was looking for.
I've got some catholic friends which indirectly I think pushed me towards Catholicism, even though they aren't even fully practicing Catholics!
Why would you want to join a pagan religion? Go pick up your KJV, find your local New Testament IFB church, and follow Jesus.
Meh the Canon law says you don't have too, but must parishes do it regardless.
Lol. One of the beautiful things of Catholicism is that if you dont like the novus ordo mass, you can always attend the traditional Tridentine Latin Mass (TLM aka Roman Rite). Which is similar to the Eastern Orthodoxy preist faces away from the laity, prayers said in Latin, homily in your local language, incense is burned, etc
Amen, and it's the way God intended as well.
God truly does work in mysterious ways.
Ave Christus Rex
Non nobis domine
>if I keep telling the muh Babylonian bagans (((lie))) enough maybe people will take me seriously
>now excuse me while I worship the Bible said Babylonian bagans gave us
Friendly reminder bible idolaters get the lake of fire come judgement day
I'll pray for you, my misguided Prot friend.
Even though I have not formally converted yet, should I start praying the rosary?
Do whatever you want
Why would that be a problem.
It's even good to begin praying.
Congrats. Go to church and ask tell the priest your intentions, he will direct you to do what's necessary as well as what it takes to become catholic.
Welcome, lost protestant brother.
It never hurts to pray the Rosary.
Go to a missa pro populo if you want incense in NO
Just started RCIA last year. Will be Baptized, Confirmed, and receive first Communion on Easter. Know ahead of time that RCIA may be pozzed in certain regards, (then again, I am going to a Newman Center so perhaps my experience is just worse than normal). I met some friends who share my views relating to Traditionalism and a whole lot more.
Find yourself some good friends that care about tradition. Then get a couple of items.
A Crucifix
A Rosary
A Bible (I prefer Douay-Rheims)
God Bless my friend.
OP read some writings from John Henry Newman when you have some time. Also, Dr. Taylor Marshall was an Anglican Priest that converted and posts on Youtube often. Checkout a FSSP Parish if you're even remotely near one!
Find your nearest sspx, fssp, icksp, Anglican ordinariate or eastern rite parish and join it. Avoid novus ordo unless it is an oratory or traditional chapel with organ and choir.
The associated picture is what spurred me onto Catholicism. If it weren't for that picture and my willingness to read it through and look at it I wouldn't be where I am today.
When you say pozzed, what exactly are they teaching you?
I take it that you've been reading the works of Bl. John Henry Newman. If not, then I'd recommend it for your situation.
Dr. Taylor Marshall is also a former Episcopal priest, so you may find value in some of his blog posts.
Not him, but most teachers in RCIA, so I've heard are normal people from the laity.
And we all know what the average Catholic believes.
You'll probably hear them defending gays or relativism or some shit.
That's why unfortunatly one needs to do his homework.
If that shit happens have a word with the priest.
Oh ok thank you, God bless you to
I was wondering why you said "not him" opps, anyhow still, god bless you
Helped me too, user. That's why you have to spread the truth to save these souls.
I fully support your decisition to become Catholic. I highly recommend you watch some Sensus Fidelium on YouTube for strong traditional Catholic content (hard to find these days for young men like me who seek real spiritual guidance that is not new age garbage). Also, there is a YouTube channel called "Adoration of the Cross" with old chantics.
1- Go to mass every Sunday
2- Kneel to receive the Holy Communion, sacred body and Flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ
3- Confess weekly if U can
Dude I cannot tell you how this last 3 things have changed my live. I hope you can find some solace knowing the fact that there is someone praying for you, and asking God to give you strength to confront this World invaded sin.
You need to iniatiate yourself on the Sacraments with the closest Priest, I am not very aware on how to convert as an adult.
You have made the right decition. Our Holy Church might be full of Marxist, pedophiles and New agers heretics, but those are human components that failed. We must all, every single one of us the decent Catholics left on the world, work together to keep the Church as holy and Sacred as the pope Saint John II wanted it.
Find an sspx church as they will conditionally baptise you (novus ordo won't) and give you a definitely valid confirmation and proper formation (novus ordo confirmations can be invalid as they don't always use olive oil as the chrism, but probably soy oil and their overly dragged out rcia process will not fully equip you, ask for one on one with the priest).