/real-christian/ general

Non-denominational and those who are not part of the religious system of Mystery Babylon.
All throughout history, we have an ongoing religion that keeps remaking itself and taking a new mask. The most recent incarnations was the Roman religion which then turned into Roman Catholicism.
No, Protestants are rebellious Catholics and are still part of the religious system of Mystery Babylon. They celebrate Saturnalia(Christmas), believe in a trinity and baptize not according to scripture. Jehovah Witnesses, Baptists, Anglicans, Nazarenes and etc etc. All fall under the umbrella of Catholicism's harlot daughters.
The Church of Jesus Christ is only under his name. Christians should not be under any denomination.
The Whore of Babylon and her harlot daughters baptize wrongly. There is no infant baptism in the bible and to be baptized you need to know why you are getting baptized. Secondly, they traditionally baptise in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.These are not names, these are titles. The name is given in scripture.
The name is Jesus Christ. To be baptized according to scripture is to be baptized in Jesus' name.
Yes, because you were not baptized. That is not baptism.

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Other urls found in this thread:


a man (1 Timothy 2:5),
the Son of man (Matthew 18:11),
the Son of God (John 10:36),
our brother (Hebrews 2:11,12),
our Apostle and High Priest (Hebrews 3:1),
was made in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:7),
and was in all points tempted like as we are (Hebrews 4:15).
He was hungry (Luke 4:2),
Thirsty (John 19:28),
Tired (Mark 4:38),
Wearied (John 4:6),
Troubled (John 12:27).
Nowhere in scripture does it state he is the second person of the godhead. Instead scripture teaches that the son of God:
And received God's name as inheritance
So indeed, Jesus Christ is God as according to scripture, because Jesus Christ is the name of God. Which is also confirmed through Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38 respectively.

Learning resources:

So is Jesus God or not?

The son of God is not God, but in him is the fulness of the Godhead bodily and he has God's name.
Jesus Christ is God and has come in the flesh.

And the Holy Spirit?

Lmfao you guys are pagans how embarrassing

Is Judaism

The spirit of the Father. The Holy Spirit IS God.

Mystery Babylon is an ongoing religious system that keeps on remaking itself. It is currently Catholicism and all the denominations that came out of it.

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Shiggy diggy my dude.

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This makes sense, you could say the same thing about Israel and them constantly turning to pagan gods. That does mean God is incompetent, that just means humans are easily corruptible.

Secondly, "You've turned 2000 years of his work in the church into nothing but a joke". This also makes no sense, Christians have almost roamed and went on preaching to others these two thousand years. For instance the Anabaptists were Christians and they were pretty much made extinct and fled to America, which today are the Amish.

The statue in Daniel reminds me superficially of Hesiod's account of the different ages of men.

I have preached according to scripture. I do not profess any private interpretation.

I'm in full disagreence with you on this.
Please prove to me that it's the same system. Please also prove to me that the Temple system of the Old Isrealites wasn't merely handed over to the gentiles, but instead fully destroyed.

You're quick on the draw. I deleted that, because this thread is clownshoes. But OK.

Literal interpretation of scripture is still interpretation and in this case it is your own interpretation.

I thought this would be a IFB containment thread, but it's just another Arian heretic.

Lord have mercy.
For the record, OP, please check the rules. Those who reject the first 4 ecumenical councils are not considered Christians on this board and therefore shouldn't advertise themselves as such. This means Arians, Pneumatomachoi, Nestorians, and Monophysites. Your doctrine (that Jesus is not consubstantial with the Father, that there is no Trinity) is Arianism.

You celebrate Saturnalia(Christmas). You have idols which are full of occultic symbols and references. You partake in Isthar's Easter, you also believe in a polytheism(trinity) and you venerate the "queen of heaven".

With all due respect, I am a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of men and I do not care what you label me.

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We celebrate the Birth of Christ, and the comming of Christ.

Calling it "saturnalia" doesn't make sense, because it's a specific worship of Jesus Christ and YHWH.
Intents of will are important, and you're disregarding the intents of this practice.
Do you simply refuse to pray to Jesus on the day of Christmas?

Do you not celebrate a day, where Christ came to our people?

Also, do you not respect Mary? I don't want you to worship her, but even the Bible commands us to glorify her Holiness.

Oh Jesus Christ not this satanic jew.

Your Mary is not the biblical Mary. The biblical Mary was a humble and God fearing woman, who had many other children AFTER Christ.

Nowhere does scripture command us to celebrate Christ's day of birth, neither does the scripture reveal the day. You celebrate a pagan festival meant for a false diety. To add to that, Christ was DEFINITELY not born in December.


Does the day of the Worship matter? Or the Month?

You ignored my inquiry of your belief in Mary, can you please respond to my question,
Do you not respect Mary as we are commanded?

You literally labelled yourself an Arian by openly confessing Arian doctrine.
I don't care about that, I'm not using "Arian" as a pejorative. However, please look at the rules. You're not allowed to advertise yourself as a Christian and to preach your doctrine when you are not considered a Christian, per the board rules. Being a "believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of men", as you say, does not give you a free pass to be uncivil and disregard a forum board's rules.

Go back on 4/his/, no one wants you here.

Don't bother, he's a troll who doesn't even believe in what he's preaching.

No, I have preached to you God's word and how to obey his gospel.

I am not a troll, I am here to bring you out of your fornication with the Whore of Babylon.

Respond to me.

You are. You are a sperg who actively believes in Arianism, which in turn cannot make you a Christian.
You are not a Christian because you believe the Son is subornant to the Father.

Mods, this man is cancer and ruins any and all Christian discussion on /his/ on cuckchan,

I repeat myself, the scriptures DOES NOT tell us to celebrate Christ's day of birth, NEITHER does it give the date.

AND YES, the day and the month matters. Do you think it's normal to take a pagan festival and celebrate it the same way and on the same time frame and pretend it's about Jesus Christ of Nazareth?

Is Acts 2:38 wrong?

The way you interpert it, yes, it is wrong the way you read it.
Get out.

Repent, heretic

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You're repeatedly ignoring my question about my view of Mary.

Do you not believe intents matter during our acts of worship? Are you suggesting that even if we proclaim the Lord, and worship the Lord in purity, it's tainted by the virtue of it being on a day that you claim pagans worship their God?
My friend, when you do acts of goodness, is the intent not carried by the will of your heart?
Do you refuse to pray to Jesus on Christmas?
Do you refuse to pray to God when pagans pray to their false Gods?

Do pagans not have many more days of worship, so you must remove your self from holiness on those days as well?

Looking for a response,


You aren't going to get one, he's a troll and doesn't believe in Christ.

Thats pretty sad, bruh. Did you even read your Bible?

He doesn't, again, he is a troll from /his/.

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to adhere to the Decalogue

He's serious about his disbelief. He obviously believes in scripture, I'm trying to get him to take his ideologies more serious.
I believe the holy spirit will do his work

Loaded question. We are not supposed to partake in pagan festivals. I don't care about your justifications.

And as a response to the other questions, I do not celebrate or partake in Saturnalia. I pray to God every day.

You think you can worship idols because we're not under the Old Testament?

Is praying to God on a certain day, and thanking him for the Birth of Christ "pagan"?

He's seriously a delusional person who shouldn't even be on Zig Forums but the mod team is being lax again.
It's not an idol and it's not being worshiped so why get your panties in a bind.

He's obviously delusional, but in psychological practice putting pressure on the ideological (theological in this case) flaws forces the person to be more critical by making them try to defend their weak points, thus revealing to their self how flawed it really is.

I am not from /his/

If you celebrate Saturnalia and believe Christ was born on it, then yes.

And I am telling you that it flawed to do that because his head is so far up his poopshute that he cold look at his heart.
Lying is a sin. I know you're from /his/ and I know your scumsucking way of trying to weasel of conversation.

Every serious Trinitarian Christian knows we don't know the actual date with absolute authority.

So on some days you simply refuse to thank God for the gift of Christ? You realize that's extraordinary blasphemous to the God?