Covington Catholic student taunts and mocks Native American

Covington Catholic student taunts and mocks Native American
‘It was getting ugly’: Native American drummer speaks on the MAGA-hat-wearing teens who surrounded him

Online videos showing students from Covington Catholic High School during Friday's March for Life event confronting and mocking members of the Indigenous People's March in Washington, D.C. have brought widespread condemnation against them and their school. Apologizing on behalf of CovCath and the Diocese of Covington, a spokesperson said Saturday that students involved could be expelled. The videos show one person among a group of CovCath students face to face and smirking at an Indigenous People's Marcher singing and playing a hand drum near the Lincoln Memorial. The marcher was identifed as Nathan Phillips, an Omaha Nation elder and Vietnam veteran. Others surrounding the small group of marchers are shown laughing and taking pictures or videos with their phones.

"I was scared, I was worried for my young friends. I don't want to cause harm to anyone," Philips told CNN's Sara Sidner . "I don't like the word 'hate.' I don't like even saying it, but it was hate unbridled. It was like a storm." The crowd kept growing as Phillips and the boy stood face to face, but Phillips kept on chanting and playing his drum. "What the young man was doing was blocking my escape. I wanted to leave. I was thinking, 'How do I get myself out of this? I want to get away from it,'" Phillips said. Some in the group wore wearing "Make America Great Again" caps and clothing that connected them to the Tri-State. A few can be seen wearing Covington Catholic spirit wear and some others can be seen wearing Cincinnati Bengals clothing.

"This one kid just refused to move and he just got in Nathan's face," she said. Other boys circled around, she said. "They just surrounded him and they were mocking him and mocking the chant. We really didn't know what was going to happen there." "I did not feel safe in that circle," said Taitano, a student at the University of the District of Columbia who participated in the march and shot videos. Taitano said the standoff continued until a chaperone came and led the teens away for a photograph.

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Terrible thing to do, but his life is also over…

Good Lord, just look at that nazi, standing there and smiling. That brave Native American barely got away with his life!

Why do larpers love Catholicism so much? Even Milo is a catholic lmao

Stop samefagging.

Because they read about the crusades and said "DEUS VULT" a couple times.

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I cant be bothered watching the video, but this article is pretty unclear. What constitutes taunting and why is there an indigenous people's march in the middle of a pro-life march? I am assuming the indigenous people are protesting pro-lifers? Or are they just trying to hijack another march to talk about racism? This doesnt make sense


All what happened is the boy stood his ground while the native were approaching him with his drum, trying to impress or anything. Wtf. As you can see the native is trying to provocate, and the boys are just taking it with humor.
And I suppose these young boys will be "justly punished". America and catholics are cucked.

Delete this pharisee.

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They don't punish people for violating their own religious code, yet they VIGOROUSLY punish people for failing to abide by the Satanic (liberal) code of the world they claim to oppose. The fake church establishment that exists today must die and be replaced if the faith is to continue at all.

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Wtf now you must literally lick the shoes of the liberals in order to not have you life destroyed in america. Being neutral is not enough.
seems orthodoxy is the way

What church can I join that condemns social terrorists like pic related and confrontational pagan shitskins, rather than kowtowing to their every whim?

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Rather than protecting their own flock these are the types of people the Catholic Church sucks up to.

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Did you guys even watch the VIDEO? The kids literally did nothing but smile in response to the black Israelites calling them crackers.

You will rot in hell for bearing false witness.

Any idiot who sides with lying pagans is an enemy of God. These idiots would side with the Pharisees over their decision to execute Christ:

Imagine being a leftist who supports killing of infants, but wants the people expelled for smiling on camera. None of you will inherit the kingdom of God.

Standing and smiling?

What were they even standing there for? To show how based and redpilled they are for messing with a bunch of natives? What a good show of character, I'm sure they relish the though of being roasted on twitter, acting like they're martyrs for literally standing around being smug. Could be trying to, I don't know, actually minister to these groups instead of making a scene like this. The absolute state of Catholic larpers, ladies and gents.

you don't have to be catholic to goto catholic highschool, at best you have to be catrholic on paper

They were waiting for a bus to take them to a pro life march when the pagan agitator walked into their crowd you insufferable shitlib.

The natives walked up to them, numbskull.

Don't know the whole situation or story but dang this looks like a Fortnite meeting with 12yos.

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So what? Why is this a news story?

The biggest larper here was the Indian shaman

he cry

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It's a news story because all leftists and pagans are liars.

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What is the point of being Catholic if the church is going to stab you in the back to side with pagans and atheists over you? The kids have already been publicly condemned by the school for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

"Catholics" like Nancy Pelosi and Tim Kaine are not denied communion or excommunicated despite making supporting abortion part of their jobs, yet the Church and this Catholic highschool won't stand up for their fellow Catholics being harassed by a pagan scam artist.

Catholic universities should be offering full rides to the kids being hurt the most by this Satanic lynch mob of social terrorists calling themselves journalists and their hordes of brainless atheist followers. That's how a group is supposed to defend itself.

But they're not because the whole thing has been subverted to the point where the church leadership worships the world, enables and agrees with their enemies, and abandons their own followers.

I know right? They never excommunicate child rapists, leftists, pagans, sodomites, and abortionists unless if they're pressured to by the media. They only excommunicate people who burn the rainbow flag or those smile on camera. It's unbelievable that their lives are being ruined over a lie that VERFIABLY false in 6 second to 2 minute video.
I'm a Catholic and I'm going to remain in, but I'm absolutely DONE feeling pity for these wicked reprobates. It's ONE thing to be committing sin, it's another to harm others for not committing that sin. Pray daily that these lukewarm "Christians" will all be neutered and eliminated from their position of power to the point where they lack influence, so that they may be replaced by honest and strong leaders who strongly protect the faith.

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That is some aggressive drum playing and chanting. He's basically hitting the kid in the face with the drum. The student was aware that the American Indian guy was trying to assert dominance over him and simply refused to let it affect him.

In no way did the student "taunt and mock" the man, the American Indian man was obviously trying to harass the student and seemed angry that his aggressive drumming didn't cause the student to balk.

Ultimately this student is being crucified by the antichrist establishment because he, as a White man, refused to let an American Indian assert dominance over him in the public square.

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Heya, hoya, heya, hoya, heya, hoya

Have you ever heard the words "great commission"?

Because the traditional stuff and shit. Basically why they convert to the orthobros. Larpers are a cancer in our churches.
Kek. He should stop listening to Fr. James Martin.

Kek capitão falcão.
Bom filme.

That's what we are doing in Africa and Asia.
Although a missionary "crusade" is needed again in Europe and in the Americas.

Meant for

This is FakeNews. A convenient way for the Glow-in-the-dark (((Washington Post))) to smear MAGA Catholics. The video shows the pagan approaching them first.

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Are you in Africa or Asia?

No. Europe was already evangelised 1500 years ago and there's the constant call for people to God to Mass every Sunday. If they refuse we can't force them.

Okay, so what are you doing for the great commission?

For once I post on this board, hopefully I can help some anons to understand the faith, secondly I hope that I spread the gospel to my children, since I don't feel the vocation to go to mission territories like Africa, I and all of us should do what we can back home.

Am I missing something here? They are just standing there smiling as the injun plays his drum and sings.

You're not missing anything. This whole fake controversy was drummed up to smear the March for Life.

Of course the eternal jesuit, "father" James Martin, strikes agian. Catholics, y'all need to clean house already.

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I see, as usual I see people calling us “chicks”. Time to leave this board for good.

You must have the wrong board. Literally no one used the word "chick" but (you)

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Every winnie the pooh time.
5 bucks that James Martin will be in a pro choice march.

That's a nice meme

I lol'd

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What was the rule about not taking *chan behaviour into the real world, again?


Is that what I said?

The media version is already on wikipedia

Ok now dis is ebig. Lemme get this winnie the poohin asswipe on my show to get him even more coverage.

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Full video of the encounter and what actually happen, boys dindu nuffin but be stupid and possibly autistic.

Adds up

Literally didn't do anything edgy besides wear a MAGA hat and go to a pro life rally. Didn't walk up to anyone, didn't even speak. Why are you so eager to stab your fellow Christians in the back you piece of shit?

If it's such a big nothing, why are you guys praising him like a martyr?

Does someone who has done nothing wrong not deserve to be defending from a media and twitter tranny lynch mob? What is wrong with you?

Now surely American Catholics will stick together and protect this boy from the faggot abortionists who will attempt to ruin his life. Right, guys? Right?




Autistic here, I think about that every time someone criticizes that kid for smiling. As a kid I got yelled at for smirking sometimes, and sometimes I didn't even realize I was smiling. Uncomfortable/awkward situations make it worse. So whether or not the kid is autistic it made me empathize with him.

when does the part with the kid happen? 15 minutes in and the kids are being harassed and threatened by the guys preaching

Around 1:12:15 is when the indians show up

wow its literally nothing.


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Is there any Christian forum that isnt being botted with fake outrage that everyone will forget in 24 hours?

The kids are still being criticized after the full video is shown..

That was painful to read and holy dishonest, the most taunting thing those kids did was do their school chant while crazy "black Hebrews" were calling them cave men and faggots that are going to hell.

Hecking BASED!
Apologize LIBTARDS!

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Good. Even if the school doesn't win that fight, I'm glad they stood their ground. I have to constantly remind myself that the small minority of Catholics who virtue signal online aren't representative of Catholicism as a whole.

Same here. Those kids should rightfully claim that as a defense and sue the MSM outlets for slander and discrimination against autistic individuals.

This boy showed more compassion for his enemies than anyone in here could ever hope to. May the Son spit thee out if you haven't changed your ways.

I do struggle with anger and hate.

The funny thing is these NPCs on twitter are acting like orientalists, mystifying this "venerable Native American elder" and saying he was "playing a song of healing and that it was meant as a sign of honor". Yeah, I bet he sells Cherokee hair tampons on the weekend too. He's just a posturing agitator, not some proud noble savage mystic who was trying to exorcise the "hatred" from their souls and heal them. These hypocrites make me sick.

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Wow if this is true I am so grateful. I dedicated my Rosary to those kids. I want to compile all the disgusting comments about Christianity and Catholics that I've read in general. I know Our Lady will be with these kids.

I'll pray for God's enemies to rot in hell and on earth before they can do harm to anyone else, and that includes their defenders. You should never have pity for liars who endorse child drag queen.

Being a Christian is about placing on the proper path to God's kingdom, and we should always take action against those who lead them astray through falsehood.

If you did not bother to watch the video to see he did nothing you are a faggot. If you saw it and you still think they did anything at all to them you're even worse than that.
This "piece of news" is a total shit, made up to great heights by media in hopes to smear white catholics. Of course leftists all jumped aboard immediately.
Truly disgusting.

get out.

Lol. Protestant logic level 478. By this definition…anything at all could be catholic

God's going to use this to humble our enemies. Just watch.

It's interesting that there's a new reddit thread where finally most of the top commentors are coming around (they're still pulling nonsense saying that there "bad things on both sides") but it's night and day from the previous threads. Obviously liberals are trying to do damage control.

However to people who aren't totally drunk on leftist kool-aid, this has to be another bit of a dose of a red pill. This and the fake Buzzfeed news story. I think more people are realizing that there really is massive Fake News on mainstream media, it's not just "muh Breitbart". I don't really think many people will convert and repent from their leftist nonsense, but I think it can definitely help out the movement a bit. They can't claim that Fake News is just a total nonsense thing. These are some great case points if anyone tries to deny that the MSM are a bunch of liars.

I agree, The Left broke their image here. I don't think everyone will see through it but I believe many will start to have doubts and stop being blind.

Liberals are the true racists. On reddit they're saying that Black Hebrew Israelites are basically the same as "White Evangelicals". Are you freaking kidding me?

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On one hand I know the agenda of social medias and that they have nothing good in them. On another hand, I will die before I'll defend a Catholic. Not sure how to feel about this.
Well, good luck with defending yourselves, if you believe you are right.

Bro, you're already dead. Pray to Christ for forgiveness and you'll have life in the holy spirit.

It's not about Right vs Left, it's about Right vs Wrong.

Liberals have a habit of lying a lot, and I pray that people will finally draw a line on their bad behavior.

So you wish death upon them? Not that they see the error of their ways, or experience something that alters their perspective? Phelps would be proud of you, keep it up.

Day of the millstone for degenerates like that.

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Bruh, I don't like papists as much as the next guy, but I know I can count on them if the (((satanic))) left were trying to smear a prot or an Orthodox group of kids. okay, maybe not the liberal fr. Martin teir ones, but /ourpapists/ here on Zig Forums. It may not conform to your ideal, but it is the right thing to do.

If anything, pray that the school or the kids sue the (((Fake News))) for slander or libel or defamation of character, just something to hurt the scumbags that wrote this and distributed it at 4am.

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I'm glad these kids and CovCath in general will probably realize that the left hate them and their religion.

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This is why I always stand up when (((they))) talk trash about "Evangelicals" or "White Evangelicals" etc, despite lots of them being against Catholics. Honestly lots of the newer generation doesn't hate that much, and I know it's just a nonsense term they use to hate on Christians.

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I do not care that Catholics would defend us. If the devil offers to defend you, do you make him your friend? Our Lord Jesus Christ suffices.
Wrong doctrine leads to wrong practice. I do not believe that what this group of people did was good. But I do not trust the medias either. Let them eat each other.

Why? We literally have the context posted in the thread so I'm expecting more than "Maybe they did…" or "They COULD have…" arguments.

And it'll be all fun and games until they come for you too. Than you will wonder "why hasn't anyone stood up for me and my people". Also, standing up for them when their own fellow papists wouldn't is a great way to evangelize them to Christ. To our disillusioned catholics, the East will always love you and be by your side. BEGOME

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Being annoying MAGA shitheads, and not accepting abuse but pridefully fighting back, is not Christian behavior. But again, they are Catholics so I cannot expect Christian behavior from them.
I know the people here are taking their defense and I'm not trying to die on that hill, so this is all I have to say in this thread.

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I would unironically begome if there was a Western Rite church in my city. Can you guys please roll those out more quickly and stop trying to get me to enjoy the Eastern Rite.

Literally wrong.

Sounds like you're a bot just like and other first posts in the thread. Shame.