Do you consider the Holy Roman Empire to be Roman?
They were Greeks LARPing as Romans.
Are you sure? I thought they were Germans
They were in the end, but they were't Roman then.
But weren't the Romans the ones who were LARPing as Greeks originally?
I actually just got them confused with the Byzantine Empire. Now I must do the walk of shame.
Your get is a sign that you're forgiven
LARPers at best, they wanted to be the 'spiritual' successors to Rome.
Romans had a long-lasting tradition to take over anything they liked about others and Romanize it.
They did it with the gladius from teh Iberian tribes, their iconic scutum shield from the other Italian tribes, chainmail from Etruscans and Gauls, Greek culture and pantheon, eventually also other pantheons, wore socks and trousers when campaigning in the north, hired skilled cavalry and other mercenaries from local populations etc.
Quints in 5, wew.
At first yeah, but then the false prophet Martin Luther rose up and started an entirely new Germanic religion unrelated to Christianity which formed in the Roman empire.
Weird way of spelling John Calvin but ok.
Also to answer op, their claim is as valid as Byzantium or Moscow, since the pope (who was the ecumenical patriarch presplit) gave them their title like he did with the others
Byzantines never claimed anything tho. They were Romans, their fathers were Romans, grandfathers were Romans, their ancestors as a whole were Romans and the whole world was calling them Romans (see Quran - Al Rum)
The Christians in the middle east are still called Rums, by themselves as well as by the muslims and Jews. This is an undisputed fact.
Germans on the other side were Germans, the ones who sacked the western part of Rome. If we agree that they were Romans then we must also agree that every Turk or Arab who lives in Europe today is European.
they're both roman in a way
reminder that all baptized christians are roman citizens
Cool, where can I collect my CaesarBucks?
Also, obligatory
No. It was primarily German but started as a French thing before there really were "french" things
quints of copious forgiveness
Also can someone redpill me on the Pseudo-Isidorian decretals and the "Donation of Constantine"? Why would some Germans need to create false documents to prove that they are Roman (together with some other made up church laws and canons)?
French (Franks) were Germans too.
into the trash it goes
No, I don't, and not even they consider themselves Roman.
The germans at the time figure the strongest force in the world in religion, that's why they latch upon Christianity.
Their biggest mistake tbh.