What does Christian think of GG allin and how his father named him Jesus Christ??
GG allin
I watched a documentary on him. His dad kept the family in some secluded house into woods and I think he was insane. GG is kind of funny as a bizarre story you can’t believe is true, but I felt sorry for him after learning about his crazy dad. Maybe his mom was nuts too. I can’t remember.
I think he's dad is actually a good guy and his mom brainwashed them. Maybe I'm just crazy.
I see Christ in him, I see a brother in pain who's been wounded by the world
Yeah I agree. He is somehow relatable in his songs.
Heavy metal is for faggot
It's not even heavy metal, you Brazilian monkey.
i think GG was smart, I respect that he lived as he said
The man's been dead for 25 years. Let the dead bury their own.
GG Confirmed /OURGUY/
GG flung shit everywhere, drank piss, puked on his audience, and mutilated himself all in the name of "art". He may be /yourguy/, but he sure as hell ain't /myguy/.
Tells you everything you need to know.
The story told us he forced his family to dig graves, and was planning to commit murder suicide. There’s no hard proof, but anyone who names his son “Jesus Christ” can’t be all there, and GG was old enough to have real memories by the time his mom took him and Merle out of there
“Heavy metal is lame” -GG Allin
He was dead a lot longer than that. I really think if anyone can be confirmed reprobate, he’s probably the biggest candidate I’ve seen
Honestly, GG Allin is the natural conclusion of the hedonistic lifestyle now being embraced by everyone. He was ahead of his time, where even trashy tv like Jerry Springer would condemn him. One of my favorite videos of GG Allin is him being invited to a panel about “what makes art art,” where everyone was a “censored artist.” As it progressed, the producer of the program began to catch on that even among the degenerate crowd, GG was a lot worse than everyone else there and even threatens to throw him out. Nowadays Things once considered disgustingly unspeakable are broadcast on billboards and radio and tv everywhere. In a few years, openly scat-fetishest heroin-addicted bisexual nudists will be everywhere. Screencap this
I'm with this user.
How is this even a conversation? GG Allin was irreligious, wrote songs about violence, paedophilia, and blasphemy, was arrested on multiple occasions for physically assailing fans at his concerts, and promised numerous times to commit suicide on stage in the name of “art.”
It’s a tragedy that he came from such a bad home life, but that isn’t an absolution from the things he did in life. St Augustine and St Francis of Assisi were also abused by their fathers and they turned that into lives lived for God, rather than making it an excuse to lead a life of debauchery.
He was repulsive even when I wasn't a Christian and just some dumb punk.
He looks like someone an angsty teen with no direction would venerate.
What's wrong with naming your son Jesus Christ when Hispanics and Latins do it?
Because his father believed that his son was the latest incarnation of the Messiah, which can't be in any way shape or form healthy for a young man to grow up on.
Different cultures, different customs. Jesus is common among Hispanics, but in the Anglosphere it’s not a name you give your kids. You definitely don’t name your kids “Jesus Christ,” I don’t think even Hispanics name their kids that
Strangely though, Anglos name their kids Joshua all the time.
100% correct. You don’t need to watch this whole vid, but the tl;dr is some dumb punk girl worshipped the guy and her dumb dad brought her on Jerry Springer to show how he just couldn’t control her. Springer invites GG on and the two sit and talk
Well yeah. It’s not like there’s some sacred name rule, it’s just that if a person in the anglosphere calls their kid “Jesus Christ” you know there’s something different about this person, and probably not in a good way. If the puritans were more widespread that probably wouldn’t be the case, as they named their kids stuff like “Jesus Christ is your Salvation” and “If Christ Had Not Died For Thee Then Thou Wouldst Be Damned.”
Holy shit, this what teens thought "rebelling" against the system was back then? This a far cry from rebelling from the 60's, animal behavior is what it is.
I've known some Anglo couples who name their daughter "Kyrie Eleison". It's a nice name.
That’s actually pretty wholesome. Though it’s a bit weird having a daughter named “Lord.”
Can someone really tell me the appeal of this guy? Because right now all I'm getting is using rebelling against the mainstream everything as an excuse to act like hedonistic animals.
Gg took rebelling to a whole new level. He picked the punk movement. He's funny and he makes music that is surprisingly relatable to me.
He showed us the consequences of a certain way of thinking
Dear good Lord, how can you relate to rampant hedonism and call yourself Christian.
Even as a punk, he sucked. I never liked him, and I grew up around a lot of skater/punk culture.
Man, I even like Danzig more and he's some cheesy Evil Elvis guy. But he's not some poop smearing hedonist. Like Henry Rollins or Ian Mackeye, he's remarkably very straight edge.
Listen to 'this room,carmelita, out for blood, bite it you scum and outskirts of life. It's pretty nice. I find his shit flinging funny and I'm glad he shat on those punks.