How do I pray the Rosary? i tried praying it but I don't know how to meditate on the mysteries. i don't understand them at all. :'(
also i don't know if i'm going to heaven. i was angry at god and cursed the trinity. is there hope for me? i'm confused about my faith and don't know what church to attend. PLEASE HELP ME !!!
Alright. First off, take a deep breath and calm down.
The rosary is a tough and long exercise… You don't have to do it all in one go. I'd advise you to start with only 10x "Ave Maria" at first while concentrating the best you can.
As for the mysteries… They're called this way for a reason, their purpose is to open your faith to things that are "beyond reason" rather than being objects of study.
Nobody can know for sure if they're going to heaven (OSAS is ridiculous), that is why we must persevere in faith and actions every day.
However, I can assure you that if you feel bad for cursing the trinity then hope hasn't left you… We won't repeat it enough but those who commited the "unforgivable sin" do not feel any regret about it.
Wipe out your tears, you're good.
Are you not a catholic? Since you're asking about the rosary.
Either way : Catholic or Orthodox church on the basis that they follow the principles laid down by the apostles themselves… Sure they have differences but they're not as wide as you'd believe… Catholics can attend the orthodox rituals and vice/versa.
Find a manual online or at a christian bookstore that goes over the mysteries with scriptures and prayers
Dont worry pray if you’re not baptized baptism will absolve you of that sin of blasphemy if you are baptized then seek the confessional. Also BEGOME GADOLIG
Fret not fren.
Dont worry about visualizing the mysteries just yet. Just focus on the prayers and be in the moment and keep praying on a daily basis. It took me a while before I started visualizing the mysteries while praying.
If I were you, I would focus on the mysteries after you finish the Hail Holy Queen/ Salve Regina or maybe read the related bible passages before bed.
It'll be okay, fren. I promise :)
Additionally, download the Laudate app for your smarty phone. It has a virtual rosary and the mysteries all in one so you don't have to waste time looking up the mysteries in your bible or online. On top of the other goodies the app has.
Any chance of getting a bigger font version, user?
EWTN did a great help for me back in the day. They loop the Rosary inbetween programs.
Post your rosary
Got a paracord one coming in a few days, will post if it arrives before the thread is deleted
thank you.
i don't know how to take a picture and save it. my sister knows how but she ain't here. shes in England on an air force base. : /
its wooden and has the words jerusalem on the cross
Sounds like mine (I have a couple). Made of olive wood from the holy land.
Okay, this is epic
That's lovely. Where'd you get it?
Why was this deleted? Its exactly a foil to the post it replied to
this place is turning into reddit
the bans and deletions are totally arbitrary
No censorship at >>>/christianity/
No enjoy your new board and leave us Christians alone. OP needs our help, not yours.
Presumably because he didn't want shitflinging to escalate. Oh well.
So why wasnt the first one deleted
Maybe it tickled him. I dunno. What was the deleted one anyway?
Look quickly
Then pray for understanding and listen to what God commands.
No religion will save you. No pastor is God.
I think I see the problem. Also, funny. And heretical.
The sad irony is their version of top tier has the most denominations. Well, them and the Sodomite tier mainliners that these spawned from.
The conservatives themselves will become mainliners btw.. that's the destiny of Protestant children. Once you see female pastors, you'll know I was right (I think that's already the case for Nazarenes).
Evidently not the case
Evangelical protestantism is experiencing the least decline in the west as compared to catholics and mainliners
An Evangelical church near me converted completely to Holy Orthodoxy.
Praise Christ!
I have a cheap plastic glow in the dark rosary that I got around the time I recieved my first Holy Communion I think. I've held on to it for 16 or 17 years so far.
Irish Pride!
Not technically a rosary, but the one I ordered is still in the mail.
For now my old and trusty prayer rope will suffice.
Come Home to Rome
Eastern Brothers
Very nice! Thanks for the share :)
you sicken me
America Needs Fatima has this good free guide available from their website that has good pictures and meditations to help you meditate on the mysteries. They'll also send you a physical copy for free if you don't like staring at your computer or phone while praying.
I have a combat rosary. Roman Catholic Gear makes them and they're based on the rosaries issued to Catholic soldiers during WWI.
Go home Zig Forums. We have more in common with the jews than we do the pagan fire worshipers.
Aren't those Hindus? Zoroastrians didn't do funeral pyres. They considered the act of defiling fire with a corpse to be sacrilege, hence their whole process of sky burial. Only the 'progressive' Zoroastrians in the current era have opted for cremation (because Sky Burial and the necessary structures are illegal in almost the entire world), and they're considered filthy heretics by the rest.
*don't do
*they consider
password for post deletion reset, sue me
Yes those are Hindus, and thats depicting the practice of Sati, where a widow is burned alive in her husband's cremation pyre. Fruits of believing in reincarnation. Also why Buddhists don't always consider killing themselves to be bad, sometimes they consider it to be noble.
Also it was only the British Christians who were able to actually get this practice totally banned in India.
Thanks for the share user. I am pleasantly surprised that it is the traditional rosary.
Something gaytheists and LARPagans never bother to tell anyone. God bless 'em for doing so. Shame they cucked out and gave up on India, a fully Christian India could have done wonders for Asia.
Not an easy feat.. It's huge and split between vastly different subsets of people. And Brits were too retarded and hung up on their own culture (rather than universal and Christian minded) to ever accomplish such a thing.
But believe it or not, there are 20 million Catholics in India. And over 2 million Oriental Orthodox. Small by India's standards (a whopping 1 billion population), but still cool.
Had the exact same one as a kid, loved it until my teacher took it away from me, dumb b*tch called my parents.
What happened that caused her to take it away? Let me guess, it was a """public school""" and the teacher was a femenazi?
It's not really small when you consider that there are more Christians in India than there are Sikhs. People associate Sikhs with India but there are more Christians and we have been there for 4 times the duration (since the first century, compared to Sikhism being invented in the 16th century).
It was Hitlers fault in the end that they had to give up India. Hitler did so much to help the jews it's not even funny. He gave the Jews Israel, control over all of Europe and we lost India.
I know man. As much good as Hitler did by uplifting his people from the depression, he still winnie the poohed up hard. At best, he was a very charismatic prot. At worst, he was a secret LARPagan.
But as the other user pointed out, if the crown didn't arrogant and just followed the lead of the Iberians, India would be fully Christian.
I was researching the Rosary and I heard of the Dominican method of praying it. Does anybody here follow this method, is there any reason to use it over the usual one?
Story time:
I was like 5 yo. since i got memory i used to visit churches by my own, my mother was happy about it but neither she or my father induced to me onto christianity, i used to love stained glasses, sculpture and instead of pokemon toys sometimes i asked for something from the christian shop. There i got my glowing in the dark rosary.
My mother tried to explain me about religion (all asked by me) and i remeber being told that we cant see God, Christ, The Virgin Mary but they indeed exist, and they live in heaven with grandpa (who died not so long by that time). I remember praying to God if he can make pokemon real haha.
Long story short, when i went back to school i was talking fascinated about religion, specially about the virgin mary and grandpa who "wasnt dead, hes alive in heaven, guarding me", when asked about what i wanted to be when i grow up i replied "i want to be a priest".
My teacher, went full panic mode, she tought i was having some kind of visions of the Virgin Mary, took the rosary away and called my parents.
The fun part of the story was that she insisted that my parents where some kind of religious fanatics when they never cared too much about religion (the only times we went to church was like 5 minutes after school when asked mom and i wasnt baptized until i was 8). I remember nuns loving me every time i was around, good times, they gift me crucifixes all the time.
That "teacher" sounded like she was demon possessed or worse.
Rugged Rosaries