I hear everyone on here always pissing and moaning over "Rabbinic Judaism" and the Talmud. But have you guys actually ever read the Talmud? I'm not defending it or anything and it does contain some blasphemous stuff about Jesus and Mary but really other than that all it is is a bunch of Rabbis debating over how to interpret the law of Moses and also how the law was practiced in the time of Jesus. For example, it tells us that the Passover lambs were slain at 12:30 PM (half past the 6th hour) if Passover began on the Sabbath It also tells us how to Sanhedrin worked and stuff. A lot of is pretty harmless so what's the fuss? How is Rabbinic Judaism different from ancient Judaism minus the Temple? I am genuinely curious.
I hear everyone on here always pissing and moaning over "Rabbinic Judaism" and the Talmud...
Sorry for typos I am on my phone.
Jesus also cast off the importance of the Pharisees for those reasons too. "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel!"
By that he means the pickiness on pointless small details (the gnat), but waving away the big, important things like nothing (the camel). They follow the word of the Torah, but not the Spirit.
The same could be said for some Christians btw. Like overly juridical Catholics (which were more dominant in past centuries), quibbling over whether a person is sinning if they cough in church. Or KJV Only-ists who sperg out if a period is in a different place than their preferred text.
The Talmud is the written form of the oral 'tradition of the elders' Jesus explicitly condemned. Yes 99% of it is boring kvetching over how to follow the letter of the law and just 1% is horrible blasphemy. It's all bad, even the mundane stuff is the opposite of how Jesus said the law should be looked at, and rat poison is only 1% actual poison and 99% actual food.
Jesus is pretty clear in saying that the oral traditions which led to the Talmud were not of God at all, and thus were not a genuine part of the Mosaic Law.
The Talmudic traditions are 100% man-made and have no basis in anything God said to Moses ever. In fact, they contradict the most important component of the genuine Mosaic Law, namely the 10 Commandments. To claim that the Talmudic traditions are legitimate is to say that Christ - who is God - is something less than an expert on the Word of God. In short, we don't like the Talmud because God Himself condemned the oral traditions which were eventually written down in the Talmud. From Christ's condemnation, we know that not only did it not come from God, but that in fact it contradicts laws that really did come from God. What more do you need to know?
You've posted it yourself. In Talmudic Rabbinism, the primary practitioner is the rabbi. In Christ's time, the word "rabbi" was more or less another word for "any theologian who wasn't a priest". It literally just means "teacher". They had the authority to teach people about the faith, but not much more than that. In Proto-Christianity, the primary practitioner was the Priest. The Priest could teach the people, but more importantly he could enter the Tabernacle and be in the presence of God Himself, and only the Priest could offer up sacrifices for the atonement of sin. After the Diaspora, Rome collaborated with Pharisees to "reform" Judaism, and this effort led to the destruction of the legitimate Levitical Priesthood, the elevation of Pharisaical rabbis to occupy a position which aped the Priesthood, and of course the writing down of the Talmud. In Christ's time, the most correct form of Proto-Christian Judaism could be found among the Essenes. Today's Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism is the intellectual descendant of Pharisees, who were Christ's primary enemies during His time on Earth.
I defend the KJV translation on here often and I've never seen this. Except a single time some guy was trying to defend dispensationalism to the point of desperation in 2 Thessalonians.
Removing entire verses and phrases whole stock is certainly a major issue with modern versions though. And worse is pretending like the differences aren't that big a deal, that's the absolute worst.
99 percent of it is new stuff the rabbis made up whole cloth, and 100 percent of it is meant to turn everything the word of God says on its head and to misrepresent it in the most deceptive ways imaginable. Zero percent is of value because all of it is meant to interpose itself maliciously and override what scripture says while appearing to be inspired. Very similar to how catholic "oral traditions" operate as well, even the most rudimentary inspection will show places where it contradicts scripture, despite appearing stylistically similar.
It is of malicious intent. See Mark 7:7-13.
Because it’s cargo cult fan fiction, that’s all you have to say. IIRC there’s even a passage wherein a Rabbi outsmarts God, that’s straight up heresy.
So gnosticism is literally judaism?
Short answer yes. Explanation is the babylonian talmud borrowed from neoplatonism and manichaeism (dualism), as well as taking more occultist ideas such as shekinah into the kabbalah (humanism is the infiltration of kabbalah) which is found in the zohar and related works and this is followed by the so-called "ultra-orthodox."
All of them have secret rituals where they worship the new moon every lunar cycle and they sacrifice chickens over their head to pass sins into it, for example. This information is all kept controlled due to their influence today. They want to project that they follow the "torah." But what they don't tell you is they actually mean the "oral torah" which means "oral law" or talmud.
Yeah I recommend this book. It may not be perfect in every way but it's a good springboard to other resources to help dismantle this false zionism ideology.
Also 1 John 2:22-23
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
Wow. No wonder the jews always larp as something else like fedoras. Their religion is so silly and easy to mock, as easy as it is to denounce Islam for being violent. I think I understand Brother Nathaniel now, when he said judaism was humiliating.
*dabs in Karaite*
Generally only protestants are allergic to 'oral traditon' but the Talmud has no bearing on christianity in general, and Talmudic Judaism is seen as the descendents of the Pharisees who plotted against Christ and his teaching in the NT and are seen as inheriting their ethos. It's mostly anti-Semitism inherited from Pol and transposed onto a spiritual dimesion.
Have you read the story of the Oven of Akhai? That boring kvetching is itself blasphemous, the Talmud itself lays out explicitly that such things are not interpretations of the law but reinterpretations created through majority consent by the rabbis that God himself is powerless to override. The Torah is effectively the property of the rabbis, to do with as they please.
I have not read it yet, I intend to.
If someone poisons your food, only a tiny part is the poison. Yet you would not want to eat it.
To see references, refer to communism in particular.
"Ancient Judaism". It wasn't judaism back then. The nation of Israel had 12 tribes, tribe of Judah was ONE of them. Therefore it was not called "judaism" and the word "jew" did not exist back then, got it?
Then one tribe mixes with other nations, proclaims themselves the ony "pure jews", crucifies Jesus, then created Talmudism. See, there is no "ancient Judaism". The religion of tribes of Israel is CHRISTIANITY, because the prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus came here.
Furthermore, As far as your question reaches. : As John Chrysostom writes, you cannot practice the sacrifices without the temple according to law. the law explicitly says that one who does so condemns a murder. The temple was destroyed long ago.
Anti-judaism comes from the christian Tradition of the Fathers of the Church, rabbi.
This is Brooklyn.
Yea, maybe, but Christianity still disagrees with the Rabbis and the Talmud
Look at how they blaspheme the sacrifices ordained by God in Leviticus. Instead of simply killing the animal as swiftly as can be done by physical means (a swift cut to the jugular), they toss the poor chicken to and fro.