What books are you reading at the moment?
What are you up to?
Books general
I just started Confessions by st. Augustine.
Going to read Sayings of the Desert Fathers
reading the benedict option right now. its boomer pro-israel garbage overall, but it has some wisdom in it and its definitely worth a read.
i think next i'm gonna read By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed: A Catholic Defense of Capital Punishment by edward feser. i don't know anything about it, but it popped up in my amazon recommendeds and it looks interesting, anyone read it?
Just started "Becoming" by Michelle Obama and am almost done with "Broken Things" by Lauren Oliver.
is it about her transition to becoming a woman?
Tried reading it but its bad. I should have known it would be by how much mainstream press it got. I'll have to get the other one thow. Thanks.
I'm reading through the Divine Comedy, almost done with the Inferno. I tried reading it before, but the translation I read back then was written in a way that put me to sleep every time I tried to read it. I'm reading John Ciardi's translation now and it's much better.
I pirated that book and read a little of it. It makes some solid arguments for capital punishment. Ed Feser's stuff is always good.
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.
are you an actual homosexual?
No, I just don't LARP that I'm reading some "holy lofty marble encrusted super duper" books. OP asked and I gave an honest answer instead of trying to pretend I'm sitting in a monk's hovel reading ancient tomes.
I'm waiting for my book to arrive.
"Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma" by Ludwig Ott.
the mom-fiction i can understand if thats what you're into, but really, michelle obama? why on earth would you read that?
Bible, psalms
I like politics. Funny thing is, though, if I said I'd read Trump's book, I'd be met with praise and ass licking. Such is the state of Zig Forums.
Currently reading through Numbers.
After reading the entire NT first its mindblowing all of the parallels between what was said in the OT and what occurred in the NT
yeah, weird how a christian board would prefer one to the other.
No, not from me at least. Especially if you mean "Art of the Deal", there really is nothing good about learning such a vulgar trade.
Trump makes me laugh sometimes, but I didn't even vote for him.. and not sure the Supreme Court will really change anything. America is broken by design.
I'm just re-reading the scriptures (started around church calendar beginning). I must have read them many times, but never front to back, funnily.
Anything by Ed Feser is good
With Epiphany coming up, I'm re-reading Psalms and Ephesians. Otherwise, just whatever junk book I have laying around.
Phillipians and Collosians I read almost weekly. They're my favorite epistles. I just finished CS Lewis' The Great Divorce.
whats it about?
The Great Divorce is a fictional account of what souls in hell experience in the afterlife.
Specifically, souls from hell are brought to the edge of heaven once a year and are shown its beauty and asked to enter. These souls, still obsessed with themselves, refuse repent and choose to stay in hell.
It's a fairly decent illustration of the brokenness and wickedness of fallen man's soul. The dialogues consist of a person who is in heaven trying to convince an old friend or aquitance, who is in hell, to come to heaven.
I'll leave it at that. It was a good read.
Those shoulders.
the second book of History of the Christian church by philip schaff, 1 Corinthians and nipping on the Gulag Archipelago.
I honestly don't know *what* to start reading. Can someone give me like a book to start with? Books on the Christian theology, etc.
The Canon Revised is a good start. It addresses the objections by secularists regarding the origins of the New testament.
Right now. I'm reading his whole chronicle right now. Along with more serious material the priest gave me, Catechism book, a book to help with reading the new testament from Blessed Theophylact.But mainly Mr. Lewis most popular book after i got through his, Mere Christianity book. Pic related from the Magicians Nephew. Really was probably one of the most memorable reads in my recent memory. And just the sheer fact of having a Creation ex nilo event happen. Which i don't see that often in pop culture. Cause everything is just saturated in this Darwinian outlook on life. Or *Insert Kermit the frog, Jordan Peterson voice*,*Order out of Chaos It's order out of Chaos*, Yea it's not. And that's not the biblical worldview. So it was actually nice to see that in some pretty good literature. Overall really good book. But his apologetic's what i'd still recommend out of all his works. C.S Lewis's journey out of Atheism really helped me in the Intellectual department.
I picked this one up a week ago
Triggered Americans in 3, 2, 1…
Thank you, user.
Any recommendations for a beginner christianity book? An illustrated bible would be great (not drawings but additional notes/texts beside the biblical scripture I mean, sorry if not the right word).
I'd like advice on how to get more into the christian faith, the churches near me or not ones I'm interested in because reasons. Books would be a good way for me to explore on my own.
replying to myself here: Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis looks good
You might as well lump all of Western Europe in there aswell.
Reading both of these right now, though I put the former down for a minute because it's just so profound. I need to read fiction with my nonfiction or I start getting burned out. I used to be a much better reader than I am; I blame the internet for stunting my attention span.
Believe it or not, actually has a section from William Jennings Bryan himself. It'll be coming in tomorrow along with some others, a great way to kick off the new year.
I am just interested the in western esoteric traditions apart from Christianity.
Is it worth my time?
Not that guy, but Secret Teachings of All Ages is simply an overview of all religions that have ever existed. Or at least, that Hall knew of.
It's not just western, but I guess you could skip the other chapters.
I am currently reading Black Edelweiss - war memoirs. Apart from that I try to read Scripture. When I am done with the war stories I will probably move to church fathers.
hard to believe anyone reads those books - as well as "Trumpwave" literature.
But well everyone's got a different taste I guess
I don't know.
I hear Trump's Art of the Deal is an okay and fun read.
More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell
Mere christianity is good
have a bread pill
im trying to read the bible and the going is really slow
i heard youre not supposed to read it like a novel (front to back) is there a preferred order im supposed to read it in?
Fun read maybe. Personally I would not read it because it would probably be a waste of time. For fun I mostly meet friends, go out. When reading I prefer serious stuff.
That's just me though.
How about getting a calendar/subscribe to daily readings of a particular church and then stick to it. You read what you read. If you feel like it take one book apart from this and read it regardless, perhaps a page a day or so.
That's my system
Just finished Bella Dodd’s “school of darkness”, interesting read…about to start Tolstoy’s “what is art?”.
Finishing Selected Writings - Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.
A good read.
The Communist Manifesto
It's really confusing though. Marx sucks. He's a bad man.
Yeah I remember when I read it.
Tear down family, tear down nations, tear down religion.
Pure poison. One needs to read that to understand bolshevism
I disagree with that book on many things, but like you said: some nuggets of gold here and there. For example: I agree we need to first build a “stronghold” in our communities where we can go to find God and fellow Christians, and retreat from the horrors of modernity to collect our forces and energies. I agree we need to discover again the value of prayer and unity. He even somehow managed to make a case for basic distributism (yes, make fun of it but I still admire that idea)!
I suggest as a read: The Death of Common Sense and the Builditof Character…good books, even with their own flaws.
Getting through pic related but honestly I keep getting sidetracked
Religious Vocation: An Unnecessary Mystery by Fr. Richard Butler
Sort of off topic, but it has to do with books so…
What is meant by Ecclesiastes 12: 11-12? I'm pretty sure it's not as simple as "don't read/write books outside the Bible" or even "don't read/write about things other than God and Christianity" though it might be a caution about other kinds of wisdom books or false teaching? Not sure.
Can I get some recommendations for Christian books on audible?
I like to listen to books while I work
there is always text to audio converters but some sound too synthetic. But some might be fine.
Just finished Tom Soyer, now on to Cuckleberry Finn.
Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones
Libido Dominandi.
What do you guys think about Meditations on the Tarot?
I’ve got Robert Hugh Benson’s ‘Come rack! Come Rope!’ after hearing about his Lord of the World book.
It's wonderfully articulate heretical trash that brought me back to the faith, but heretical trash nonetheless. The wheat can easily be found in the notable mystics of the Church, particularly the spanish, and the chaff is the kind that plays off of the same air of secret wisdom that leads people to seek gnosticism out of pride. It would be a competent bridge from the occult to the Church if readers could expected to separate said wheat from said chalf, as I, by God's grace, was able too, but sadly I see no reason to believe so.
Melanchthon's Treatise is top tier
The Protocols.
Liberalism in this context doesn't mean "leftist" like it does in an American context. It means something more along the lines of putting man as the measure of things, centering society around rational thought, and enlightenment values, with a focus on liberty, democracy, equality and so on…
I am currently reading Apologia Pro Vita Sua.
I just finished The Brothers Karamazov. I think it may be my favorite piece of fiction I've read yet, even above Dostoevsky's other works. I like that Dostoevsky grants ideological opponents like Ivan the most credit and fairness possible, while still showing the truth and imparting a Christian message through Alyosha and Zossima.
I only wonder how so many profligate writers such as Nietzsche and Sartre could have read and loved his works and yet continued to promote their atheist and arrogant philosophies. It seems odd that so many have read it and yet tragically so few have understood and taken to heart the beauty of Dostoevsky's message at the end, which is the foundation of Christianity; to love others absolutely as you would yourself.
Regardless, I really liked it.
It's amazing how many people love that book yet completely miss it's message. Even Hilary Clinton claimed that it's her favorite novel. I guess the themes just go over their heads.
Exactly, the sheer arrogance of someone like that who can read of Alyosha's final speech and continue in their infirmity astounds me, not with contempt, but just sheer confusion. I think their simplicity of intellect can be an explanation (not excuse) for some, but for others I can only think of pride as an explanation for that level of mental gymnastics and willful-ignorance; they either think they know better, or simply chose wickedness regardless out of convenience or weakness. Probably the greatest tragedy about the book is people's not adopting or at least understanding it's message.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll skip it, then.
Any books about a Catholic defense against the charges of paganism?
Should I read Crime and Punishment before reading this?
The Pagan Temptation by Thomas Molnar might interest you
Western liberalism is just a logical conclusion of
Either in its most extreme form or its more subtle form…it's still the same thing.
It's really not. . . Totally different perspectives on
It's a confusion of terms. The one user is talking about is a product of the enlightenment, Voltaire et al whereas progressive liberalism in the other sense of the word is a product of Marxism. The former was and is all about the liberation of the individual in the pursuit of realising his full potential in the world free of the tyranny of state and church. The latter was and is about the liberation of classes of peoples from the oppressions of other classes. Eg. the bourgeoisie/proletariat economic oppression which developed into what we have today in identity politics. The difference between the two is most clearly seen today in the free speech debate.( See for example: spiked-online.com
Inb4 getting called a Zig Forumsock, but I tried reading Mein Kampf just to see what it said, but i gave up on it. Most recently finished the Rule of St. Benedict, will try to see if I can find the Rule of St. Basil and start the Sayings of the Desert Fathers.
For My Legionaries > Mein Kampf 10000% and a more enjoyable read.
Codreanu, fed up with [((communists))] ruining his country, creates the Legion of St. Micheal the Archangel and does good deeds for his people while undermining the [((synagogue of satan))]
I started reading David Copperfield
I think Brothers Karamazov is the better of the two, honestly. But ultimately it depends entirely on what you are interested in. Crime and Punishment is a bit shorter and better for people interested in penance and are newer to Christianity, while Brothers' message is best for those struggling with faith and learning to love other people. I definitely recommend reading both, though.
Currently read Behold A Pale Horse. Should have picked up a copy years ago.
Actually the majority (perhaps slim) would are conservative and would probably agree that liberalism is a sin, if they were believers that is.
You would be surprised at the number of Christian conservatives in America.
I read Twilight over England by William Joyce. Quite an interesting read
I'm planning on reading "Absolute Surrender" by Andrew Murray in the near-future
Good choice user.
Looking forward to Libido Dominandi.Would like to read barren metal first…but I do not have the book
Thinking about it reading really is the thing that separates you from being a dull mass. You won't find enough food for thought in tv/series, etc. In order to get to the truth you have to read.
I've been reading Edward Feser's Intro to Aquinas and The Last Superstition.
Shafarevich's book The Socialist Phenomenon.
Shafarevich's book The Socialist Phenomenon,[6] which was published in the US by Harper & Row in 1980, analyzed numerous examples of socialism, from ancient times, through various medieval heresies, to a variety of modern thinkers and socialist states. From these examples he claimed that all the basic principles of socialist ideology derive from the urge to suppress individuality. The Socialist Phenomenon consists of three major parts:[7]
Chiliastic Socialism: Identifies socialist ideas amongst the ancient Greeks, especially Plato, and in numerous medieval heretic groups such as the Cathars, Brethren of the Free Spirit, Taborites, Anabaptists, and various religious groups in the English Civil War, and modern writers such as Thomas More, Campanella, and numerous Enlightenment writers in 18th-century France.[8]
State Socialism: Describes the socialism of the Incas, the Jesuit state in Paraguay, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China.[9]
Analysis: Identifies three persistent abolition themes in socialism – the abolition of private property, the abolition of the family, and the abolition of religion (mainly, but not exclusively Christianity)[10]
Shafarevich argued that ancient socialism (such as Mesopotamia and Egypt) was not ideological, as an ideology socialism was a reaction to the emergence of individualism in the Axial Age. He compared Thomas More's (Utopia) and Campanella's (City of the Sun) visions with what is known about the Inca Empire, and concluded that there are striking similarities. He claimed that we become persons through our relationship with God, and argued that socialism is essentially nihilistic, unconsciously motivated by a death instinct. He concluded that we have the choice of either pursuing death or life.
can find it here:
Self-bumping my own question. I know it might sound ridiculous, but I genuinely want to be sure.
Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 King James Version (KJV)
It's the OT version of what St. Paul said in Colossians 2:8:
So basically just a warning against modernism, secularism, and atheism/nihilism?
Yes, pretty much. Another way to think about it:
Anyone publish a book and make themselves look like a 200+ IQ individual, but there is only one Word of God.
Anyone read this?
Dreher - Benedict's option
Is it worth reading?
"A Textual History of the King James Bible" (written by Norton..who also did the Paragraph KJV). It's kind of interesting how many odd variations there are of the KJV.. even after the advent of the printing press (or zealous printers/Protestants mangling things).