Ignorant images

Post 'em and discuss 'em.

Attached: Islamaphobe.png (3240x4072, 521.19K)

yes, lets go and cherry pick from different time periods so that everything matches up and call it mideval. The Ottoman Empire wan't in Europe until the 1600s and by that time Spain was completely christian.

If we were allowed to pick and choose time periods like that the whole map would be red.

Attached: for example.jpg (423x720, 66.04K)

I am no expert but I am certain the religious map in Europe never looked like this

Even when the Ottomans controlled the Balkans, the majority of the population was still Christian.


This is so wrong on so many levels.
You can literally feel the Dunning Kruger effect through that image.

Firstly: not knowing jackshit about geography or history
I mean like, Pagan Austria? Pagan Czechia? Pagan Friaul? Pagan Slovenia? Pagan Tirol? Pagan Bavaria? In Medieval Europe? Ever?

Secondly, you just know that the person cherrypicked hardcore, they combined three ages into one.
Firstly the conquest of Spain, the age of northern conversion and the conquest of Turkey and the Balkans.

And lastly not only that, but the person thinks that conquering instantly means conversion, played too many grand strategy gayms.

Its like the ‘enlightened’ modern human looking down on supposed ‘unwashed’ ‘barbarians’ who burned witches in the middle ages, meanwhile there weren’t any witch burning in the middle ages, it was in the Renaissance, the people washed themselves frequently and wore colorful clothing in contrast to the dirty, brown, leather clothing they show in mainstream media.

The most negative thing about that picture is that one just KNOWS that someone will believe it. Atleast they will out themselves instantly when they repost this on any social media.

This image is retarded.

1. Europeans contributed more to what we call chritstianity today than any other racial group.
2. Christianity thus can be considered the native religion of Europe, because it was practiced, preserved, built up, and most importantly SPREAD ACCROSS THE ENTIRE WORLD by europeans overwhelmingly.
3. Your stupid picture implies that there is something unique about white people that makes them use their religion as a way to preserve their race. Fun fact: followers Islam and Judaism do the same thing, and both of those groups are non-whites. This betrays your implicit racism towards white people.
4. You act like God didn't intend a diversity of cultures and races to exist. He did. The Bible explicitly states that God created all nation and the bounds of their habitations.

Its a image repost thread, m8.

Other than that I'd give arguments 1 and 2 a 9/10, and arguments 3 and 4 a 2/10.(Argument 4 Doesn't take into account that the person that made it probably isn't Christian)

Sorry I had the impression that we have to explain why images are stupid here.

AS for #4, I'm pretty sure anyone who would post that image would do so because he largely agrees with it's dumb message.

What is your issue with #3?

I'm not really seeing how this counteracts the point the image is making, even if its true.

Because it specifically presents white people as if they were especially guilty of this "crime" which is
a, not a crime
b, not at all specific to white people

Just look at jews in Israel.

Where's the kingdom of Astúrias in the iberian peninsula?

Not really, Its just a "issue" that Zig Forums is facing right now. They don't care about if Jews or Muslims do it too.

The entire point is that it's not really an issue, it is natural and good for all nations nad races to preserve who they are.
The issue is a corrupt political elite who wants to eradicate nations so that they can build their tower of Babel. Thankfully, things are finally changing in Europe now, I pray to God that we can remove these evil people from power as soon as possible.


I have no words to describe the depth of autism that image oozes, autism and and plain lies

that image is just chimping out it's not even worth responding to

Attached: museum-of-trash.jpg (355x400, 27.63K)

Does this count?

Not to give the image author too much credit, but southern Ukraine and a good chunk of eastern Russia were occupied by Islamic Tatars for some time. However, that occurred long after the Rus' had been Christianized (The Islamic Volga Bulghars were around much earlier, but they also occupied a tiny fraction of the steppe compared to other nomads. There's also the Crimean Goths to consider, which IIRC were the majority -and Christian- in the Crimean peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern era). So they're almost correct while still being just as wrong as you'd expect.

Attached: Reddit Historians.png (1200x785, 154.42K)

lmao what an embarrassment

Attached: F431D63D-1B6E-40EC-869E-6CE7EF478E77.jpeg (491x488, 30.12K)

best one so far itt

Attached: 361269339934087cc8dc299c1a569c683d8f2496940d1159715d606f667ae1f8.jpg (409x618, 58.4K)

Attached: Merely an Act.jpg (651x1600, 111.86K)

Checkmate cucktians.

Attached: download.jpg (2560x1600, 535.67K)

Hello, dumb-dumb here.
Can someone give me an actual response as to why the Western Roman Empire fell?
The Eastern Roman Empire had more Christians and conquered peoples, which is what I heard as the reason why it failed.

How will we ever recover?

Because he gave us free will. It was the humans and angels who strayed away from good and the absense of good is called evil just like darkness is the absense of light.
winnie the pooh hedonist degenerate.
I hate when atheists post this dude like if he was something. Perhaps they'd like to winnie the pooh boys like him.
But a nice find user.

Attached: 1436592399909.webm (640x480, 756.03K)

I didn't post it because I agree with it. This is a thread about stupid images. I made pic related as a counter to it, and now I don't see LARPagans use it any more.

Attached: larpagan.png (1528x594, 90.32K)

Internal disputes basically. In fact that's the while history of the Roman empire form the very beggning. It's was a cluster winnie the pooh in politics, plus the Germans barbarians invaded the already week empire and Romans got winnie the poohed in the ass forever.

Attached: cdd8fa163625ec8dcf3a9ca9b45ba291cba0e87a22bbe4729a21422b76cfcc3e.png (500x509, 270.9K)