So I've been messing around on TOR a bit recently and wondered if it was possible to get in touch with Christians in China and other oppressive nations. I know TOR is heavily used over there, and I'm sure some Christians are on there. How fantastic would it be to get in contact with our Brothers and Sisters? Does anyone know a place, or even anywhere to begin getting in touch with these people?
Dark Web Contact with Chinese Christains?
Just curious, do you know Mandarin?
Also bump for interest.
I don't unfortunately. I realize this is going to massively hinder communication. I've already found a couple of links to Chinese chans, but obviously can't read anything.
I heard lots of chinese are attracted to the prosperity gospel, they are very superstitious and love finding ways to improve their "luck" in life.
Christianity isn't actually that outlawed in China. It's doing quite well
I'm not sure if china even allows TOR/VPNs.
Everyone uses VPNs in china, it's an open secret that they use it to get to facebook and other forbidden sites
我思想, 中華基督教教會好像它們著式, 無精.
I ain't no chink, I'm a Whyte american
TOR is technically banned but used quite often to get around Papa Xinping's censorship.
I know that, but recently the Chinese gov has harshly cracked down on Christians.
you're mean and racist.
Don't worry based China user. He's just kidding.
I feel like this is phishing for info that shouldn't be given out lightly
Nice try, Xi, but we're not that gullible
I agree, best thing to do is to pray for them
China only allows churches that support the Communist party. If any speak out they get vanned.
I don’t really know what good it would do to contact them. Well maybe they’d like to hear they’re supported with prayers
OP here, you're right, perhaps it is best to leave it. Who knows who is watching, and the last thing I'd want to do is get these people into trouble.
Catholics or Christians?
Honestly it's alright to be curious, I'd be lying if I said I didn't try to find underground Christian communities too. But it's just best to be cautious.
Can you share the links here? I know a bit of Chinese. Maybe I can talk with them.
the Chinese regime has continually played on the emotions of well-meaning western Christian organisations to find information on people within their country
if you were engaged in ministry to China, you would know not to speak about such issues on a public forum
and if you aren't already engaged in such work, you are unequipped to even attempt such contact
This user is probably right. It's too dangerous.
Also, just in case
天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet
You guys are right, I apologize. Was an idea I got in my head without thinking of the consequences. No idea what
If there are any Chinese Christians, or any persecuted Christians anywhere, reading this, know that you have many Brothers and Sisters around the world who are praying for you.
For any Chinese officials lurking: Know that Christ if Lord. God is the Lord of Hosts (armies), and He is supreme over any government, including yours. The time will come when He will judge all nations and peoples… where will you be on that Day?
Its a copypasta that gets you v& in china
Read armies as animes and thought maybe that was inappropriate for Chinese people, but I guess they too like a lot of anime.
Absolutely Christanon. Lord be praised. I just wanted to talk with some Chinese anons. Why don't you share the name of the board you were talking about?
This is true, there are 2 kinds of churches, the one this user said and the underground ones, I've being going to a Chinese baptist church in Brazil for ten years and I've heard about a lot of things from China and known lots of missionaries, a friend of mine passed 1,5 years there too and all of them said how still is illegal to do a lot of things there
China Uncensored is pretty good at covering the the issues with CCP, including how it treats religions.
Don't be so harsh on them, 50 cent armies shitpost because they need to eat too.
Leave them be. Your amateurish attempts to make contact will likely mean your only end-up speaking to Chinese State Security, get invited to China to evangelise and arrested when you land, OR you'll get them in serious trouble by being accused of plotting with "foreign agents" (you) against the Chinese State.
Chinese Christians aren't your pets. They get busted for the smallest things and there is a purge presently going on. Following Christ over there is serious shi-. Just pray for them and leave them be.
Also, someone post that hirochan-triggering wall of Chinese text just in case Pooh-bear is on patrol here. Half-way there
Also, that pic LOL
Good video. ctrl+d
Gee, that's very Christ-like and caring. Too bad the trinity doesn't have vacancies cause you would fit right in, am I right?