I left all my former pagan associations behind some months ago and have just been attending every theology group I can find and talking to every Christian I come across and I also read the entire KJV and many related books including The Pilgrim's Progress, Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie, various sermons by Charles Spurgeon, George Mueller, Stephen Charnock, and others.
In this time I have found the following:
1. The Omnisentience or Love of God. This loving aspect of God is particularly revealed in the Bible and in Christianity in a way it is not in other religions.
2. The Grace of God. That by his grace, we unworthy sinners, might be saved.
This changed my concept of God from a blind and uncaring God (a demiurge) to one that I might actually develop a person and involved relationship with and receive his blessings.
Now it has been strongly emphasized to me many times over that "not by works shall you be saved but by faith". I have hardly come across any Christians suggesting that good works might save me and besides that I find it hard to believe that we could be justified before God in doing good works when he knows what our nature and our intentions are. Good works must flow out of a good nature, we must be made righteous, and then we will be guided by the holy spirit the rest of our life.
I am struggling however very hard with the concept of salvation still. I am trying to understand what is to be saved and how my faith is to be formulated. I do not want to have the wrong kind of faith but the genuine saving faith which is pleasing to God. Regarding what is to be saved I have been told various things such as "the spirit", "the soul", and "the whole man (all 3 parts of the trinity)". My own opinion was that the spirit is perfect, the body doesn't need saving, and the soul of man is what is to be saved. However I have seen it preached that the whole man will be saved, that all 3 parts will be in some way renewed or redeemed. I am still seeking clarity concerning the divisions between soul and spirit and I have some idea of it but I plan to study The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock and the writings of Jonathon Edwards that I might find further clarity. To the spirit I assign the will, the self, awareness, divinity, eternity, etc. and I also use "divine spark" as synonymous with spirit. To the soul I assign the mind of a man, memories, personality, the astral body, etc. I find also that in every trinity there are two polarities and then one unifying principle, so I must see the spirit as unifying principle between body and mind (soul), in the same way "heat" or "temperature" is the principle that unifies hot and cold (opposite polarities).
Concerning salvation also it is said in the Bible I think that I will receive "eternal Life". Now I know myself to be an eternal being one way or another, either destined for an eternity in hell, or an eternity in heaven… at least according to the concept of many Christians. While I am not yet convinced that one can be kept in either of these two "places" forever, it is somewhat irrelevant. What I really want to understand is what is meant by Life.
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
I want to understand the fullness of what that life means. I have long been thinking about what is life, not in a biological sense where you merely point at living things and say that is life, but as that principle of vitality which sets apart a dead thing from a living thing, and which when present in abundance seems to bring the organism into its full potential of expression, and which heals sickness. Last night after much thinking about it I have arrived at "the will to power", that maybe vitality is brought about by expelling all impulses contrary to ones full expression of life, that one must feel an intense desire in every part of their being for life-expression. Maybe that is it. If anyone has a better way to explain life-activity do tell.
So maybe to put my faith in the Christ I must let go all entropy, of all things which stagnate and weigh down my soul, and enter into the fullness of life thereby. I must be as one whose heart yearns for life and more life and makes no room for the contrary.
If you are a Christian who is saved please tell me user how it is that you know you are saved and how I might also be saved. It is at present a tremendously complicated matter for me.