I really don't get it. They call themselves Christians, the official name of their church is literally "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", and Wikipedia even says:
>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often informally known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church, is a nontrinitarian, Christian restorationist church that is considered by its members to be the restoration of the original church founded by Jesus Christ.
I realize their beliefs are very very wacky and out there, but like they do preach Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins on the cross and rose three days later in accordance with the scriptures which they hold sacred. Are they just like a silly little sect or like… What?
In accordance with the guideline set out by this board, no. You, however, may have a different opinion; but your opinion doesn't matter when it comes to the rules of this board.
Grayson Gomez
Mormonism is one of the best arguments for Islam being a false religion: "Heaven" being explicitly sensual in nature Gnostic influences Everyone was wrong before the hero (polygamous) "prophet" had his revelation - you can see that Mormons often have more statues of Joseph Smith than Jesus. (Both Muslims and Mormons believe that Jesus was without sin). Every religion was corrupt before the (polygamous) "prophet", he simply restored the "true" faith. WE WUZ ISRAELITES, etc. This shows that both religions are the product of fallen man wanted to create a cult around his desires.
Levi Johnson
I've always considered them a prot sect, so if we consider prots Christians, we can consider Mormons as Christians too. I mean, certain prot sects have even wackier beliefs.
Luis Bell
????What exactly is wackier that believing you can become a God through good works?
James Lee
Mormons believe that atonement was in the Garden of Gethsemane not on Calvary. Mormons view the cross as the equivalent of a gun or a syringe (death penalty) which is why you don't see cross on Mormon churches and templates, but you sure do see a lot of six-pointed stars and spires…
David Moore
I meant to say temples, I guess all that programming has gotten to me…
Cameron Butler
Okay, who linked this place to Reddit? This is like the 4th Reddit question this week.
Grayson Garcia
- said Jesus never
Nolan Brooks
No, there is nothing Christian about them.
It doesn't matter, if I put on a wig and call myself female and yell at you that "it's maam", but that doesn't make me a woman. That's Wikipedia for you. Wikipedia is good if you are looking for a starting point since they list their sources and summarize the broad points, but don't take it as Gospel. That doesn't mean much when according to their beliefs everyone (even the devil) is a son of God.
To answer the question broadly, Mormons are not Christian because they are 1) not monotheistic, and 2) reject the divinity of Christ, 3) are non-trinitarian. These three points already disqualify them entirely. And this isn't even going into details like space-alien ghosts and magic underwear. Vid related summarizes Mormon beliefs.
Cooper Kelly
No they aren't christians. Christians don't believe they will be Gods of other planets or think Jesus is the brother of satan. Just because a protestant claims to be christian doesn't mean they are christian.
No, Muslims believe they are Ishmaelites. Mormons believe they are Israelites.
Brayden Clark
Carter James
More then that actually. While Mormons teach that everyone (you, me, your mom, my aunt, that indian guy at your local gas station, satan, jesus, etc.) is a literal child of God and his goddess wife in our spirit bodies, they teach that Jesus is God's literal son in his fleshly body too. Hence that's how they believe Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, in that they believe God artificially inseminated Mary with his own sperm through the Holy Spirit to produce Jesus. So Jesus is the literal Son of God to them spiritually, as the first born child of Elohim and his goddess wife, and he is the literal only begotten physically born to Elohim and Mary. It's a pretty winnie the poohed up doctrine they have going on there.
Parker Adams
In need of crusade
Josiah Perez
Ah, thanks.
Nolan Taylor
some are, some aren't. Depends on the person.
Justin Edwards
They teach that everyone is the son of God and that Christ was just a man like the rest of us.
Caleb Carter
Denying the divinity of Christ is by definition anti-Christian. They believe that Christ sinned.
Depends on the ignorance of the person, really. The informed mormons realize and know they are not Christian, the others that are lapsed or never really took it seriously consider themselves Christian, after a fashion.
Julian Harris
polite sage off topic
Blake Diaz
I come from a family that follows a similar cult, but of South Korean origin (pic related), and everything you say checks out. How do I help and direct them back from those heretical newfound religions?
I'm just tired of underage posters coming here and not even bothering to read the rules.
Colton Wilson
I agree that they're not Christians but they are polytheists. The issue isn't that they don't believe Jesus was divine. They believe he was A god, and the father is another god, the holy spirit is another god, and I understand they believe there are many other gods, and if they are good and faithful Mormons they may also become gods and rule over their own planets.
Jordan Rogers
Mormon here. I lurk on this board a lot but never post because of the board rules. But I am happy to answer any questions you guys have concerning the Mormon faith and why we are nontrinitarian Christians.
Kayden Sanchez
WHY do you believe you can become a God?
Why do you believe the Universe didn't have a finite beginning (i.e. God organized matter, rather than created it) when modern science proves the universe had a single, finite beginning (because a single, all-powerful God, created it out of nothing).
Charles Harris
Well, for many reasons. The Bible is one source that tells us so in 2 Peter 1:4,
And also in Psalm 82:6,
The Book of Mormon tells us so in 3 Nephi 28:10,
And of course, Doctrines and Covenants tells us in places like D&C 88:106-107,
And in D&C 132:20,
We also know the earliest Christians believed in this as Clement of Alexandria writes,
Because the belief in creation ex-nihilo arose in the 2nd and 3rd century among theologians attempting to refute Gnostics, but we know the original gospels did not preach creation ex-nihilo. Genesis 1 nowhere suggests creation ex-nihilo, rather scholars agree it suggests God organizes pre-existing chaos into matter we now see.
In the Pearl of Great Price, in the Book of Abraham 4:1 it states,
So this is why we believe in these things.
Aaron Baker
I recommend you take a look at the retarded lies you have written and reconsider your life and brainwashing
Aiden Collins
I love you and I am praying for the Holy Ghost to show you the truth about Joseph Smith. :)
Evan Martinez
I love you and I am praying for the angel Jibreel to show you the truth about Prophet Mohammed. :)
Asher Wood
Why do you quote the Bible but then ignore
Liam Kelly
All that verse means is that there are no other gods of this earth. Yes other gods exist in the universe, but as inhabitants of this planet we must worship our God and our God alone. Consider how Deuteronomy 10:17 says, "For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:" The Bible affirms the existence of other gods but it tells us that our God, of earth, is God of gods and Lord of lords. He alone is our God and Lord. Likewise, on other planets their god is alone their god and no other.
Liam Harris
Why does it mean that? You're just adding words to the verse.
Aren't The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost three different Gods? So that makes 3 different Gods of this Earth.
Carter Rivera
They are three separate beings, so technically they are three separate gods. However, we believe their single purpose unites them in a Godhead where we can all categorically call them God. Thus we worship the Godhead alone which is God for us. The Book of Mormon calls Jesus God numerous times, like in Mosiah 15:1,
He is not God because he is somehow the same being as the Father, but because he is a part of the Godhead along with the Father and Holy Ghost. So we worship the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as God alone although we only pray to the Father because he is supreme.
Nicholas Ward
Right cool, I don't think they're the same being either, but they're one God.
Fundamentally, I cannot show you the truth of the Bible, because you pick and choose what you think is true out of the Bible.
What I CAN tell you, is that you're going to meet Jesus, and you're going to say "Lord, Lord, many GOOD WORKS have I done in your NAME." I think he's going to have an answer you won't like.
Daniel Barnes
He doesnt pick and choose, he just makes them up like his retarded "prophet" did.
By the way, how is that book of abraham doing?
Dylan Bailey
No. They are not. Trinitarianism is three persons in one God. Thus, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all together one God.
He is talking about how hthe mormon even contradicts himself when he says "nonono, you se, that text that clearly condemns polytheism in any way is refering to EARTH, yes yes, it is some kind of cosmic scope for Scripture".
Then he says that "w-w-well, we can consider them one god because they work with each other, just like the people of a group are considered a single person, right?"
But again, mormonism is so wildly insane, so crushingly nonsensical, pathetic and desperate for weak damage control that you can expect literally anything from the people who adhere to it. Of course, these people just follow what their parents have taught them, because nobody on Earth is stupid enough to convert to that monstrosity, whose endless mistakes are collected in several books. They are, by the way, quite funny.
Cooper Fisher
The good that has come out of this is that now I have a very clear contradiction I can repeat to Mormons.
Gavin Smith
Funny how mormons come here seeking our approval.
William Russell
Honest question: how can you be a believing Mormon (as opposed to a LARPer who's in just for the social connections), when the Book of Abraham reveals Joseph Smith as a fraud?
For those who don't know, before the Stone of Rosetta was discovered it was impossible to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs. Smith was handed a number of scrolls to decipher and he claimed that the scroll was (part of?) the lost Book of Abraham. The scrolls then conveniently went missing. Later, after the discovery of the Stone of Rosetta, the scrolls were again found and translated proper this time. As it turned out the scrolls had nothing to do with Abraham, they were instructions for embalming mummies.
Wyatt Foster
There are a million things that reveal him as a fraud. But when you believe that God is a glorified man, that there are infinite gods, and that you can become a god and populate worlds with your several celestial wives, etc etc… well, you can prety much come up with an excuse for anything
Kayden Gomez
Yep and then act like nothing is out of the ordinary about themselves when needed. Its the so casual denial that anything is different, that I find highly denigrating. Mormons are effectively dragging everyone else in the mud with them as much as they possibly can and smearing everyone around them, trying to spread the maximum confusion and deception possible, then acting on the surface like nothing is wrong and that there is no contention at all. You can see clearly its talmudic roots.
Ryan Lee
The funny thing is, is that moslems are MIDIANITES. Check the war against them in Judges and the crescent moon necklaces, check the location of them. Also the Midianites are the same people as the Nabataeans, check their worship practice of stone blocks; again, same location.
Midian was a son of Abraham through Keturrah, his wife after Sarah died.
Juan Anderson
They're desperate and losing members rapidly. They can't convince enough ignorant injuns to join in order to defray the impact of the internet exposing all their lies to the kids innocently raised up in their awful heresy.
Do not be a doubting Thomas. Where you there when Moses split the red sea or when Jesus resurrected? But you still believe? Then how could you reject God's prophet Joseph Smith? "It's ridiculous" you might say, or "there's a lot of evidence against it" you might say, but a lot of people say that about the Bible too yet this doesn't prevent you from believing. We don't need evidence, we need faith. Remember how Paul said we walk by faith not by sight? (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Jesus said blessed is he who does not see (John 20:29). It is the Holy Ghost who gives knowledge of the truth. That is what he did for me when I became a Mormon. I grew up Catholic but fortunately I was contacted by Mormon missionaries and they shared with me a part 2 to the Gospel, which is the Book of Mormon. :) Ask the Father to give you the Holy Ghost because he will reveal the truth to you. He did for me. I know he can for you too.
Jeremiah Parker
lel. 1800 years after Christ's death, here comes part 2. Kek Absolutely moronic
Nathaniel Rivera
And Jesus came 1300 years after Moses received the law, why does time matter silly? God is always present. To God a 1000 years is a day. :)