Another couple of Christians getting the charged with the death penalty in Pakistan. They had apparently posted something negative about Mohammad online.
Another couple of Christians getting the charged with the death penalty in Pakistan. They had apparently posted something negative about Mohammad online.
Religion of peace
I guess denouncing the religion of Satan in Pakistan is a crime.
not everyone who sees double standards is an atheist lol
If they have shown their loyalty to the state, they have been accepted in the past.
This; look at the Arab Emirates…they have Christians living there, they have built churches for them: Christians cannot proselytise, but they are respected. I’m sure this could happen in other Countries too, if there was the peace of God in the hearts of the leaders and loyalty to the Country from the minorities living there.
Emirates still have their fundie tendencies, and any islamic rulership will eventually result in opression, long-term, but the Emirates are cool and respect the faiths of their minorities, unlike asshats like the Saudis and Pakistan.
It's actually coming to bite them in the ass, since people like the saudis are butthurt the liberal UAE have a much more diversified economy and better standard of living, due to being tolerant and wise.
The saudi prince tried to give the same image, by hinting at some religious freedom, and techbooism(remember Sophia, and giving women driving licences?), but then Khashoggi happened, and people realized it's still the same opressive shithole, operated like a mafia operation.
Pakistan is the same autistic theocracy.
It was the only country, besides the Saudis and the UAE, that recognised the gov of the TALIBAN as the true state of Afghanistan in the 90's, just to give you a clue.
*bite countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
Why was the picture of jesus at a computer deleted? Are we muslims now?
I would also like to ask this why was OP image deleted what is wrong with a picture of jesus at a computer.
Bumping until we get some answers
Pic unrelated
Can confirm as a Christian living in UAE
Pictures of Jesus are idolatry
So on behalf of the mods, Zig Forums is now a muslim board?
Im really confused here.
Mods why was op image deleted but op image here , , remain, please explain…
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He's not wrong
Its great that mods just completely refuse to answer the 10 different posters with the same question with one poster going so far as to point out where they ignored the possible same offense if that is the offense, I think its cause the mods have no real reason beyond autism and being pharisees.
If you're going to stop there what the winnie are you doing on an image board?
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Will the mods delete these pictures of Jesus aswell?
bUmP fOr AnSwEr
So amongst deleted pictures I've noticed was anime women, because…well…it was picture of women and everyone knows that if something has boobs, it is automatically sexual.
And now picture about Jesus and a Computer?
Did mods went full blown autistic or did they appoint some newbie IFB member? I'm confused
Will the mods delete these paintings of the Virgin Mary feeding baby Jesus?
whoa, this is something i've never seen in an icon before. must be western.
Lol maybe, it does look western
First picture has Slavonic inscriptions on it, though I never saw such icon. (Im Ortho)
Maybe its a reference to this?
The atheist is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a reprobate, heathen, damned, anathema, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a fedora and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Pic offtopic, just about UAE being mentioned
you guys wanna know the real reason, im the CATHOLIC bible study guide and the mods wanted to see how'd i'd react to the deletings. It's all a big game to the mod's their faith in Christ is'nt real it's a game so they wanted to see how'd I would respond to the deletions, they are probably assuming all the responses are me. But basically it's a test to them cause thats how sad they are.
I wanted to add, I know it sounds ridicoulous but the discord posters and me know, first they said I was a 'radical denominationalist"(their words, protestant flavored) then they told people I was a Mormon. This is a fact. They are basically pharisees. This is a warning and a fact. Watch out.
No censorship at >>>/christianity/
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You put the awwww in Autism.
There is no aww in Autism
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Say it out loud, silly.
Jews were even accepted in the Papal States lol.
The Church could only touch on baptised Christians. Portugal and Spain used that loophole and forced Jews to convert based iberians and Pope Alexander VI gave them political asylum in the Papal States.