If you're a homosexual I hope you get brain cancer like Ted Kennedy

Now was this called for? Are all Christians like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It absolutely was not called for. It’s a horrible thing to say that makes Christ look bad. However, most of us aren’t like that; it’s just the obnoxiously loud minority

A perfect example of the fruits of OSAS.

Of course not; that's incredibly petty behavior not befitting of any Christian.
Only the ones who allow themselves to be warped by secular culture and/or cult leaders like Anderson.


It's kind of true though. With that being said, I think Baptists down play the goodness of works and repentance.

Pastor Anderson got me following Christ so I have nothing but praise for him

What does that possibly have to do with eternal security

Eternal security implies there is eternal damnnation for those "unelect". Why change your life when you believe you are saved no matter what? Why change your life when you believe you are damned no matter what?

you're thinking of unconditional election which Anderson angrily opposes. That is not the same as the eternal security of the believer

how can he oppose unconditional election when he supports the reprobate doctrine?

It'd be hilarious if one of his kids comes out as gay.(dont wish evil onto others)

Seriously this.

If a man can be once saved always saved (OSAS) than a reprobate can be once damned, always damned (ODAD). Which goes against everything God wants from us.

That would mean an innocent kid will die. Would you want that to happen?

No, but heretic preacher thread n. 9197490 wasn't called for either.

Spoken like a true liberal. Reported for scandal.

John 3:18
Yes, ODAD is very biblical

Once Damned Always Damned is heretical, Patrick.

Any sinner can repent, and the reprobate is one whom is guilty of refusing the saving blood of Christ.

ODAD while the sinner still lives ofc, being damned at judgement AFTER life, is what sticks and is eternal

The irony would be nice, but no father should have to go through seeing their son turned into a sodomite, even heretics like Anderson. To wish for someone to be a sodomite is just like wishing death upon someone. Repent, modernist!

He wants his kids to be gay. He says he’s gay. If they’re happy, he’s happy. But what he doesn’t want,

Anderson's reprobate doctrine is very different from the reformed articulation. Someone reformed usually says everyone unelect is reprobate, but Anderson sees it only as a certain group saving the unsaved who did it to themselves.

Wow it's almost as if he's still a fallen human and capable of letting the flesh win over the spirit.

The reformed teaching would be that they were predetermined from birth, that God pre-determined to give them up and nothing could change.

The reprobate doctrine would be that they became destined only after God gave them up. But it says that they once had a chance, until that point.

Don't move the goalposts.

Serious question: What is it about Anderson that attracted you to Christianity?
He's the worst of everything that's wrong with prot micro-churches: spiteful and blind to anything other than stirring outrage. As novel as it can be to see someone shitting on lgbt and Judaism, going so far that you wish death on people, proclaim who's damned and saved, and claim to know the will of God is heretical and profoundly uncharitable. Don't overlook these grave sins in which he gladly indulges (and leads others into) because people meme him.

Romans 1

For this reason God gave them up (active verb, God is performing the action of giving them up) to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind (same language again) and to things that should not be done. … They know God’s decree, that those who practise such things deserve to die—yet they not only do them but even applaud others who practise them.

ITT people who need to read their bible more before calling anything unbiblical


Do you ever read the rest of Romans 1 or do you just pick and choose like it's a cafeteria?

Please quote the context that proves me wrong.

I suggest you actually pick up your Bible for once and read Leviticus 20 and Romans 1.

Faggots are disgusting and deserve to die because they are reprobates, and as Christians we are called to hate them an enact this against them.

I think it's because he truly is looking out for truth. Like he knows his stuff. He's not perfect but I truly believe he has God in mind first. He truly saved me. I called him the other day asking for one of his sermons he didn't post for some reason
I also told him to keep it up and that he's saving lives.

Amen brother! Preach it! The blood of the cross does not cover homosexuals, in fact I wouldn't even consider them humans because of this.

They're humans but fallen humans that aren't under God's grace.

"I have told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name testify to me; but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father’s hand."

He says he first knows his sheep, then they follow him – they are preordained by the Father to follow Jesus, and after they are given to him by the Father, they cannot be snatched out of his hand (the elect can't lose their salvation.)

The Pharisees don't believe because they do not belong to Jesus's sheep, as he himself says. This is why he calls them the goats to distinguish them from the sheep. He says "I lay down my life for the sheep" and then "you do not belong to my sheep" – so how can you say the atonement is unlimited?

This is why Paul says, "It does not depend on human will or exertion, but on God who shows mercy." "He has mercy on whomsoever he chooses, and he hardens the heart of whomsoever he chooses."

It's time to stop following the traditions of men and personal views of who God must be, and start following what God says about himself, cathodox anons

Just the protestants because everyone except them is going to Hell and they like to rub it in our faces.

I honestly don't know this man, his faith teachings or character. So I personally cannot really form an opinion on him but tendentially when someome says such a thing and not as a horrible misstep/mistake but in all seriousness, I can't help but doubt that the Lord really dwells in someone like this, through his spirit.

It's an evil thing to think, all the more to say and reveals total absence of any love for the lost. Not very Christ-like.

By their fruits ye shall know them..


It starts at 6:29

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"Homosexuals deserve cancer and Pedos shall drown in the ocean…but if you like racemixing, then come on down to our little Church!" -Steven Anderson ~2018 (paraphrased)

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I take it you’re still butthurt about the whole Protestant Reformation thing.

More like disappointed. Kinda like how God is disappointed in satan for rebelling and thinking he knew more than God and His Son Jesus.
if it weren't for the protestant devolution there wouldn't be [((freemasonry))], celebrated abortions, and rampent faggotry. So yeah, thanks prots

There also wouldn’t be freedom or personal interpretation of the Bible, which God clearly values because He allows us to make choices on our own accord, not force us into being taught something and not thinking about it.
That was the atheists bro. Proteatants don’t like it either

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You know who else took it upon themselves to personally interpret the word of God? life hating gnostics, which has also made a resurgence thanks to Luther
Also, Seventh Day Adventists push for abortion all the time.
Again, if (((freemasonry))) was never allowed to propagate, America would never have idolized individual liberty to the extent that it does and the West wouldn't be in the mess that it is in today.

Yet more proof that protestantism was just a great mistake.


Maybe a bit too extreme, but I do understand why he's so mad at them…I am not saying he's right (we should point out the disgusting behavior of their lifestyle and make sure to help them and rebuke them, fighting against the lobbies who are pushing this garbage onto us all), but he has a point: it's a borderline religion, I know people who forced themselves to be "on the spectrum" just to show that "they care". I suffer from SSA, I am disgusted when I have certain thoughts because I know it's wrong; alas, many of these poor souls got convinced that there's nothing wrong in all that and that pleasure is the only fetish (as in a totem, an object of worship believed to have magical or spiritual powers like with animistic or shamanistic cults) is the only thing they should serve as it serves themselves first and foremost at least in the short run and covers for the existential holes in one's life (I speak as one who had "enjoyed" this lifestyle for a while and when he saw how much corrosion all that brought into those years; and thank God I am at least moving away from that world, even if I'm a failure in many regards).
I do not wish cancer upon them, but I will not sugarcoat the truth; on an individual level, when I speak with them, I try to be more gentle, but I am also firm in my Christian positions (even if that made me a pariah in the eyes of many of those I deemed my friends in those communities).

It's childish

when will this kind of thread just die?

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At 6:20

If someone didn’t interpret the Bible for himself, which happened to contradict Catholicism, then I’d be making a run to buy indulgences
How? God allowed us to have free will, why shouldn’t we use it?

When people stop replying to them.

You’re not wrong

This preacher is most likely an agent provacateur and an controlled opposition to give Christianity a bad name…He speaks like a muslim.
You can hate (and should hate) the sin of Sodomy, but wishing death to a sinner is a not the Christian way.

Woah, so this is the power of Protestantism?


This is the first and only time I have seen God's allowing of free will attempted to be used in a positive light that isn't also trying to refute Calvinism. I hope it is the last because this is a poor argument for all of the evil that self-interpretation of the Bible has brought.
You shall know them by their fruits.

I get the feeling that Anderson and his Church are similar to Fred Phelps and the Westborough Baptists lot.
In the sense that they are a small, unassuming, heartland Church that found their fame and fortune by getting on to public platforms and saying outrageous things in order to push their theology.
And that is really their only claim to fame.
I'm not saying that Anderson is even close to the level of winniepooh insanity that Phelps was, but it feels like the tactics are the same. It's hard to even know if he believes the crazy things he says.

Polite sage because its an Anderson thread

Christianity in pagan thread: lol pagans are all fags, Leviticus said all fags to be put to death.

Christianity in "Christianity" threads: anyone who call for death of fags are provocateurs, we are supposed to pray the gay away.

So which is true? Are christian actually fags in denial?

We never said that pagan faggots must die, only pagan faggotry in general

Aksually, the point is that there are plenty of heathenism who is actually anti-faggots and put them to death i.e. bogging.

The primary argument for Christianity on Zig Forums is that it is anti-fag, but if it's anti-fag by mean of praying that shit away, that's not gonna cut it.

Every ancient Sparta had anti-pederasty laws.

I agree that the idea of “all of Greek and Rome were full of homosexuals is but a modern lie of the new Left to change society; but Christianity is the heir of both those two pillars of Western societies and that’s why now it’s under attack from within and outside. I’m not saying I want to return to pagan times, even because many pagan myths and cycles of stories are already part of our heritage and have (in many cases) values which are in accordance with Christian ones proving how there was already a spark of the Truth even in those pagans. That’s why I’m Christian and that’s why I also read those myths and enjoy to find more about my ancestors be them pagan or Christian.

Christianity is a weak semitic religion, instead of strength and action, it asks for forgiveness and prayer.

Action have always mean more.

If Christianity actually enforces their laws instead of praying shit away, maybe it can mean something.

But I will never be a semitic worshiper, we have a full pantheon to pay respect to.

And yet Christianity has won the West for 2000 years, not a fad…again, I kind of agree we have softened, I suffer from SSA and I’m disgusted by myself and many Christians who are ready to accommodate for those demonic groups. I’m also grateful that there’s first an attempt to cure the sinner (who is “captivus diaboli”, a prisoner of the Devil) before having to kill him/her if there’s no other way to save him/her from the sin and with the added risk of it spreading. I’m also fairly sure most of us Christians are so badly prepared when it comes to Christian values and knowledge (not talking high theology, but basic understanding of what our faith is and what it entails) that we make our forefathers cry. I’m fully agreeing we are doing a miserable job right now, but there have been already moments of crisis throughout the history of Christendom and it’s the silent hard working laypersons and clergy who will save us, and we ought to become part of them.

Christianity has never won the West actually.

Ask a christian and he will say that era Christianity is not true christian, or how christian monarchs are all sinners, etc

Christianity has in fact caused some of the most devastating war over difference inside the religion.

It is a tool created to divide and conquer European.

99,9% of neopagans are pro-faggotry and that's their main argument point against Christianity, that it doesn't support "gay rights"
I don't know of any neopagan who kill gays and killing them is not an answer anyway because homos are not a race, they're a group of problematic people. It would be like killing depressed people to cure depression.

Actually, I don't think pagan are pro-faggotry.

In fact, pagans are more likely to put faggots to death in modern world because being violent against homo is "uncharitable".

We are all sinners, we are all worthy of death; and yet, instead, God so loved us He came into this world to die for us and give us the tools to reach eternal life.

As for the “Christianity caused division among Europeans”; I’d say it’s quite the opposite: different European people used Christianity as a cover to at times claim some form of “superiority” and thus laid waste onto others; before we did that in the name of Belenos or Zeus, of Wotan or any other god of any other pantheon; that is human nature, we have the desire to do good but it’s way easier to cave in to the greed and lust of the world and it’s temporary power. I do not justify those Christians as I do not justify those pagans. Yet way more devastating and dehumanising wars have been fought in the name of godless ideologies (Communism, Nazism, Wall Street, etc…).
I’m not deluding myself with the idea we are perfect or superior: we are lost sheep’s who have been found and I’m glad for that.

Anti-fag pagans are a small minority concentranted on fringe internet groups.

I'm a sinner but I am not worthy of death, nice try.
So it is not the opposite but precisely what it means.
Wrong, the greeks combine their pantheon with the egyptian ones. They would seek similarity and combine the aspects of their god together, like Zeus-Amon.
Actually, Stalin restored the church, Hitler was no way an atheist, and wall street wars are jew wars.

They are far more numerous than actual anti-fag christians.

The actual anti-fag christians just want to pray the gay away.

Well it's a fact that neopagans are the most pro-faggot group today. Idk if killing homos is uncharitable but it sure is "untiggable". As i said, it would be like killing the depressed to cure depression.

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Actually, atheists are the most pro-faggot group.

Christians, save the zionist evangelicans (which are the most cucked people on Earth, support gays and even homo marriage.

There is even gay church.

Actually, homo actually harm people. When you kill them, they will stop harming people.

Atheist and neopagans are the same group, basically neopaganism is a branch of atheism. We can call it an atheism denomination. And both groups are pro-faggotry mainly because it's the antichristian thing to do.
Depressed people can harm others too, that makes no sense.

Asksually, paganism is the oldest faith and exists before semitic religion and atheism (which is also a semitic religion).
Aksually, muslim (which are pagan by christian definition) and pagans are the most anti-fag religions.
Any depressed people that harm others deserve to be killed as well. Homo INHERENTLY harm people.

Kek but there're not any pagans today. Kids who play too much skyrim are called neopagans and have nothing to do with ancient religions. Also it's a fact that those kids started out as atheists before jumping to atheism with viking aesthetics.

We are Christians, not Jews; and those pantheons were unified at times with wars. I’m not the biggest history buff, but I read a few books, and pagans were waging wars very often too. As per Stalin and Hitler, they used their political power to control some parts of the Churches in their Nations to push their ideology by mask it it as “Christian”, but they also killed a lot of the dissident voices. I am not going to say that we are innocent and free from crimes, and I’m still grateful to be part of an history that has its roots in Ancient Greece and Rome, but the idea that Christianity caused all evils in the West. We inherited a lot from Rome and Greece, and we built on top of that, and I want to protect all that history without denying the mistakes many did, but I am not going to whip myself over false crimes laid at the feet of our faith. After this imagine replying since we’ll be in a endless head butting contest here, and we won’t change our mind on this very broad topic.
Still, thanks for voicing your opinions despite me thinking they are wrong.

There are pagan nowadays user.

These people actually scare away "neopagan".

Attached: pagan.jpg (3648x2056, 3.63M)

The same, a jew says it's a christian, yet it's still a jew.

Christianity denies biological fact.
But none as devastating as christian wars.
This has been for EVERY Christian monarch.
Christianity is not the cause of every evils in the West, it's just a part of. The west has been struggling ever since it adopted foreign agents like jews.

And this is where we should fix, rather than indulging even more on the jewish delusion.

KEK do these people in the image kill gays?

Those are the people who kill the homos? Because they look like a folk dancing group.


So yeah, they kill homos.

It doesn't say anything about murder or something and Christians are also against all that anyway. But it does admit that this is a neopagan group created in the 19th century and that it's a small minority in wordwide neopaganism with a few thousand members.

No trust me trad neopagans are extremely hardcore and 1488 you guys.

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Honestly if you’re offended by this this you either

I love God’s Word and I’ve met many faggots in my big city environment. They truly have rejected God, all of them, just like the Bible says.

If God gave it to us, how can it be bad? I know some people chose to do evil, but forcing everyone to believe what you want them to isn’t the right way to do things; did Christ ever do that when He was on Earth? We’re called to minister to people- not put a gun to their heads and force them to do what we want.


Faggots are disgusting people that do hard drugs and carry diseases. They're more likely to rape children. They're an abomination and an insult to God. And now they've made things even worse with their insane transgender agenda, which they're trying to push on the younger generation.

I guess God isn't a Christian.

Something tells me neither one of you had ever met a gay person irl. You take events that happen on the far left and represent little of the lgbt community and act as if all of them are like that. Also you’re called to love your neighbor, and calling them fags won’t help

"Love" doesn't mean what you think it means.

To love someone doesn't mean to indulge them and let them spew their faggotry everywhere.

Alright then, enlighten me

Not that user, but if you saw your brother shooting up heroin, which would be the greater act of love?

What does the Bible say?
Ezekiel 3:18
When I say to a wicked person, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

The same goes for faggotry. If you tolerate his degenerate habit and don't ever try to correct him, he will die in his iniquity, and his blood wll be partially on your hands.

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Okay but how would you stop them?

You're not really following Christ, you're following Anderson's bizarre protestant cult.

Read Leviticus. Read the Word of God.

Well, back when sodomy was illegal, the threat of either the death sentence or imprisonment was enough to convince people that the consequences of this mental disorder was not worth it. Alas, ever since the Prots made liberalism and radical individualism, even labeling homosexuality as a mental disorder is haram. So now all we can do is
1) educate them about the dangers of the sodomite deathstyle
2) not enable them if they are stubborn and dead set in their faggotry
3) advocate our representatives to make sodomy illegal again, keep marriage between man & woman, ban the fags from adoption, etc.
4) pray

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I assume the “Protestant” boogeyman is also responsible for all the faggotry in the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church, right?

Yes. Protestant and Jewish (but I repeat myself) ideology infiltrated the Catholic Church and eventually resulted in Vatican II, which is when the fags seized control.

It doesn't help the communists which is a fruit of liberalism literally infiltrated the church so it can be destroyed from the inside. Disgraced Cardinal McCarrick was a communist after all.

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So, you believe the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church is fallible? What about it’s traditions? Are they also fallible?

If you reject Vatican II then you are a heretic according to the Roman church.

Luckily they are not the one true holy apostolic catholic church. (Catholic just means universal, Orthodoxy is 100 percent catholic). Rome is zero percent orthodox and zero percent catholic.

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Am I required to kiss that icon?
