The Young Pope

I just saw this last month. I personally didn't like it too much but I want to hear your opinions on it.

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I watched it a while ago and found it trash.

Although it did have its good moments (like the conservative moments).

Some parts were okay, but overall I wasn't a fan of it. Basically Hollywood just making fun of the problems in the Church.

Loved it.
Fantastic kino, would watch again, will watch again.
It was made by an Italian guy. And I didn't notice anything that made fun of the Catholic Church. Quite the opposite in fact.

Would watch again but contains sodomite scenes borderline porn

It's leftist HBO garbage, spend your time and money elsewhere.

But it's always liberalism disguised as conservatism. It has astonishingly confused theology. Pious XIII's mentor was supposedly a traditionalist but all of a sudden was an all-inclusive muh guys liberal. Complete trash.

What is your denomination, user? As a Catholic, I found it an incredibly offensive. The church is supposedly dying of old age (both literally and figuratively), everyone is gay, the Pope is an atheist, Pious is either an austere asshole or a liberal in a conservative's skin. Really bad. It had a couple of kino moments but that segment with Pious XIII dressing up and donning the papal tiara to address the college of cardinals was so out of place it hurt.

That is one of my major gripes. They aren't tasteful at all, it's all filthy smut. And the parts in Africa with the nun defrauding the spades was complete nonsense.

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That's like saying that by virtue of being White, I am an authority on the Klan. Being Italian doesn't make one an authority on Rome.

I think it was a nice series besides the graphic sexual scenes mid-series.
With the conservative, cold new pope on one side and the liberal powerseeking bishops on the other they eventually meet at a middle ground of a more warm pope and more conservative bishops.

They also gave us the catholic wet dream in terms of a pope, don't know if this was the idea or per accident.

Just plain bad (even if not artistically). I don't understand the premise (or plausibility) of an atheist pope.

I don't get how he's interpreted as an atheist by some.
Maybe in the beginning, but he performed miracles, had visions etc. he surely believed.
Besides, him doubting his faith openly with his confessor can also been seen as him playing 42D chess.

My dream of a pope is like one of those men during the back n forth struggles of Arian and Monophysite heresies, where nearly every city fell at one point or another or had rebellious bishops, but Rome remained resilient and stubborn. Rather than aggressive, they were victims of it. Even orthobros have to acknowledge that we'd be lost without some of them.

Nah, I can't agree at all. His growing homo acceptance is disturbing and the atheism stuff is extremely distasteful.

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Non-denom. But let me break the show it down for you.
Spoiler warning, I guess.
You shouldn't, it was a honest show that showed the good, the bad and the ugly of Catholicism and it's wasn't that bad of a picture that people make it seem.
How? Cardinals have to be old since you have to earn your stripes to get there.
That one cardinal was gay and a fornicator and he got slaughtered by the Cartel boss.
He wasn't. He literally could talk to God and miracles happened. He told people he was atheist to check their reaction and judge their own fate. It was explained to me by someone else since I didn't notice it at first either. At worst you can blame him for lying he was an atheist.
That's just nonsense. He acts like an asshole to other assholes and him being liberal is bull. He was considered too conservative even by his conservative peers.
8.4 rating on IMDB.

Honestly, I think you have no taste and you're way too stuck up about your faith that you don't understand all that much.

What the hell are you talking about?
I was talking about him not being a Hollywood bloch, but an European director as you can get. Race has nothing to do with anything here.

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Damn son, you really are dense. If this your level of reading comprehension, we can safely ignore the rest of your post.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but do what you feel like.


The soundtrack introduced me to one of my favorite songs, so there’s that. In terms of theology and the like, the story really does seem like the saints of yore, a fool for Christ in a sense, coming to earth and essentially shaking up a church that really does seem to be full of lukewarm dry politics and secularlizing. The scene at the end where he sees his parents was a little much, tho.

It was too edgy for me. I don't think a genuinely saintly person would act in such a prideful and hostile manner even to his enemies. But then again I might be totally wrong.
The whole "the pope doesn't believe in God" thing was incredibly cringeworthy, clearly aimed at appeasing the audience. I could also have done without the graphic sex scenes. As someone who struggles with SSA some of the scenes were rather triggering.

You're wrong, user. The Bible is quoted exactly one time and it's to excuse the poor poor homos. These arguments came from the mouth of a supposedly traditionalist catholic. It's all nonsense. The way he treated the monks was abhorrent, the way he shunned the nun that was going to cook for him was completely uncalled for, Pious testing his cardinals but being more of a politician than a priest was repulsive, also the way that the season ends with fatty being unable to escape her situation felt like a jab at the faithful.
Literally meaningless.

There were some kino moments to be sure despite all the nonsense. And when the first word uttered came at exactly 7 minutes in, I was tricked into thinking I was in to watch something really special. Unfortunately that was not the case.

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Those just came from the Church itself (photography and other visuals).

Also, whoever 'enlightened' you about the Pope not being an atheist is completely wrong. This is something that Pious XIII even confesses in his private moments. He's a prideful asshole, not eve the least bit didactic about it, just a political Pope that is maneuvering in a political Church.

Also, something that irks me was the supposed 'scandal' of him consorting with a young girl when he hadn't even took his priestly oath. So stupid.

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Well, that is certainly a fair point. You can only do so much with sets, shooting the series in locale really made it pop in a good way. I also liked the Italian performances for the most part except his secretary or marketing manager or whatever and the reality TV bimbo that was interviewing the supposed miracle worker. The camera work felt very European in a very good way too and the scenes had a naïvety about them that made me excuse the complete absurdity of the set up (like the rollerskating children at the heliport thing).

The worst part was Africa. My brain cells died on that soil.

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I didn't like how he made the priest tell him about everyone's confessions for intel

Christ kino.

You caught me. I was implying it's too low. Should be a 9 easy.

You're insane user. xD
I'm sorry you didn't like it, but you "critique" is just borderline juvenile. I'd even dare to doubt your own devotion to the faith besides self indulgence.

You have got to be kidding me.
The camera work was phenomenal, what are you talking about? The colors, the scenery, even the way the actors moved added to the poetry.
You just have no taste in art, user.

No further response is necessary.

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I guess not.
Complaining that a TV character is just such an asshole, though you clearly don't understand the plot, call people who try to explain it to you weak believers, keep ignoring what other people say and implying some kind of superiority while yourself being a similar type of asshole that you complain about.
That really is nothing to scuff at. Know that you do more damage to your denomination that the show does though.

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…because Zig Forums threads have more impact than a HBO series somehow?

And that's only assuming he's wrong.

He is wrong.
And what's a sparrow to a flock of crows.

I went through dac877's posts and I'm afraid I can find no example of him doing that, which would be the ONE thing you would be able to hold up as a argument in this post.

Other than that, not understanding the plot of a TV series does not mean someone's faith is false so those accusations are to be disregarded.

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Catholic here, I really liked the series. I would only remove the explicit content as it really served no purpose.

Not only did you needed someone to explain the show to you, you criticise others based on your newfound understanding of the show and call them juvenile. You can like plebeian entertainment all you want, it is no concern of mine, but your apology of the show is preposterous since it actively disregards the very obvious theme of an atheism coming to Christ.
You lack reading comprehension.

Reminder that 8ch is an adult webzone.

This has nothing to do with faith, in case your non-denominational sensitivities have you confused this is just a TV series. If you premise one's faith in one's appreciation of smut surely then you are the one that is found lacking in this conversation. Refrain from making any further insinuations of the kind if you please.

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I like the show for its visuals/aesthetics and a few scenes. Theologically/spiritually/ religiously the show is bone dry. Any mention of God is superficial and doesn’t really look at Him from a Christian context. I also think Pious is lying about being an atheist considering whenever he prays for God’s intercession, God grants it. Weird show overall I’d watch a season 2 if it came out.

Rather ironic.

Bumping because I forgot this beauty.

This show has all sorts of degeneracy.

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Yeah, the supposedly arch-conservative Pope talking up brainless trash like Banksy made me cringe.

The show is just fundamentally liberal, but what I did like was a few scenes that depicted people's intense struggle with their sin.