Self improvement

What are you doing to improve yourself?

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beating my flesh into submission (lifting weights, wake up early, eat clean)

Well obvious ones are stopped mast*rbating and started eating less and doing more exercise.
Got more into daily praying and more reading in general. I would also like to socialize more but university is a cesspool and my old school friends are in other countries or live far away and are also getting into degeneracy, it also doesn't help that I have no interest in movies, tv series, music, parties, etc.
Despite all of that, I feel better overall and I wouldn't really mind if it continues this way.

Praying everyday.
Giving my thanks for my daily bread .
Repenting of my Sins.
Dying every day.

Not that much unfortunately, exercising, reading on learning, nofap and noporn, job hunting either temporary or to kickstart my career.
Unfortunately I'm in a downwards spiral, starting with the shock of gf breaking up with me, lacking motivation and worst of all with to much free time to dwell in the pit of remorse.

On the bright side, we finally about to break new years, I'm gonna expanding it working at some event, so I've guess its a good sign of change. Soon after I plan to get full on schedule, minimizing waste, getting on with my test and back on the wagon with supplements and exercises. And God willing, with enough strength for nofap.


Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Nailed it!

Praying every evening, forcing myself to eat more and to take more boxing lessons so I can finally be in shape and become a proper husband one day. Taking cold showers every morning so God will forgive me for every time I think about having sex with my ex girlfriend. Shutting up and listening, going to confession once a week. Generally doing things people ask me to do even when I don't want to. Saint Therese upholds me a lot, may she be blessed.

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I quit cigs after 30 years of smoking.

I will resume my work out plan as soon as possible. Want to get back to reading too. Too much work made my body and mind weak lately

please teach me your secrets, I've tried 50+ times and just can't do it, everytime I make it a few days in something terrible happens (car breaking down, family members getting divorced, etc)

Putting myself through periods of starvation and then unhealthy eating. I went a day without both food and water. I've been laying in bed the past 2 months. I'm waiting to die from starvation or a heart attack. Today I only ate pie, half a dozen cookies, milk, and some pork.

I undone the noose off my bedroom ceiling, but I cannot bring myself to undo the loop.

Nullified my porn addiction.
Do everything I can to read more books.
Started writing myself even.
Been wooing this Catholic girl.
If I could just settle myself a stable income, I'd be set.

How I wish to do all this…I was on the same path as you, one misstep and I fell even deeper in the hole of the spider.

Been fasting(20 hours) with keto diet and use the gym for the past 2 months, I hear remarks about how cute I am now :) Oh and also planning on starting philosophy with the Greeks and read all or most of the works by Kierkegaard.

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Nice. I am on a similar path although I am being drained right now by a lot of work.
One thing that stands off for me: When reading books with "plot"(not theology/politics/philosophy, etc.) war memoirs/stories always cheer me up in my effort to become better. You read about someone struggling beyond his strength and it kind of motivates you towards something higher. I would definitely recommend it

Resumed the working out today.
Feels good. Really good. A new surge to get back into doing things

everytime I make it a few days in something terrible happens (car breaking down, family members getting divorced, etc)
Not him but I can give you my two cents on this. I've given up a couple of years ago cold turkey for 9 months after 10 years smoking, and now doing it again (as in, quitting) from this ny just gone after foolishly, casually, picking it up after initial said 9 months (been back smoking full time for over a year).

Point is, I did it because, at the time (like now), I was committed to doing it. To be blunt, you've just realed off a bunch of excuses as to why you haven't succeeded in the past. I don't think they had anything to do with it? Maybe you've been smoking longer than me and have a heavier addiction idk. But you need to want to do it, and your post sounds like a bunch of excuses more than anything, hope you manage it though. Sorry if this wasn't very helpful.

Congrats man

Hope these are jokes anons and not geuinely representative of your situations and thinly veiled cries for help

reading Bible

what the hell is that pic?

don't worry about improving yourself.
help others improve themselves.

Where do you think we are?

Hold on user, God didn't put you here for no reason.

Probably some quote by lolbergtarian chosenite Ayn Rand made in anime style.

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last year i quit hard drugs, this year i trying quit alcohol and weed maybe cigarettes too
I know it does not sound impressive, but I thought I would take drugs until I died

You'd be amazed on what kind of suffering some people go through if they quit hard drugs. It may not impress you, but you impressed me.

it was a few crazy years with lsd, mushrooms, ecstasy and snorted some shit
but i suppose it could be much worse because I managed to quit

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reading as much as i can and going to the gym regularly, ive also been enjoying alcohol free beers more

I want to start exercising, and when winter ends spend more time outdoors, though I'm not sure how to commit to it. I also want to clean out my place and get rid of stuff I no longer need; would like to downsize eventually because people who downsize generally consume less unnecessary things. I was looking into what it's like to live off the grid or in a tiny house or bus, but apparently all of those things have legal issues that I don't know how to even begin to address.

Others will respond better if you have a good grasp on your own life. Never seek self improvement out of vanity, for money, or for attracting a woman, but keeping your body healthy, earning a modest but stable income and working hard at that, some form of personal study with a lot of ready (both the Bible and other thing), even getting a totally secular hobby just to appear more rounded will make you a lot more convincing when you give other advice and enable you to actively help others in a better way.

Are you into libertarianism or you just happen to like the quotes?
just curious

I am libertarian

Going back to get my GED so I can start college. I'll start college at 23 at the earliest but better late than never I guess.

Lifting, reading, spending less time on chans and internet in general, eating healthier.

Mah tigga