Is he possessed or did he just do edgy things just for the sake of edgy things because he is simply lost and doesn't know the word of jesus.
Is he possessed or did he just do edgy things just for the sake of edgy things because he is simply lost and doesn't...
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The second. He started on /b/ i think but now he just makes sadboy music.
He's just sort of a sad story all around. Please pray for him.
He was just trying to be funny. Do pray for him tho because of his health conditions. Why do you think he’s possessed?
He did stuff for views. That's about it. Although his stuff was pretty bad and at one point blasphemous.
I can't find it now but in his life hacks video he did a fedora tip where he basically said religion was "life-hack" for making yourself feel good about the void waiting after death. While depicting the image of divine mercy.
Neither. Do not take him seriously, it is a persona, othing more or less. The real man, the real personality keeps off the grid and keep all his things very private (he made a video of his real personality once, but took it down because it cut contrasts for his 'shows', he seems like a nice typical fun guy); he also said that this persona is something a human should NOT be, it is an antithesis of everything good.
What the guy above said.
We know nothing of the actual guy almost and you're just blaming the actor for playing their character essentially.
And clearly the character didn't leak over too much into his personal life since he just abandoned it and is fine without it.
Sorry, but every word that comes out of the mouth will be judged. If those words happen to be blasphemy, do you really think God would excuse us because "we were just acting"?
Honestly in this case yes, naturally we can't know for sure but I'll hedge my bets on a yes.
God always knows your true intention and persona, it's why among other things there's no use in lying to Him or anything of that sort.
Now going off from that do you think God condemns people who's job is to act, aka be something that they in reality are not, to suffering?
Do you think practicing Christian actors and actresses of the past who's job was to play roles are condemned to Hell because of their job that ultimately, had no influence on their true self?
*even though it had no influence on their true self
Brother, any "persona" that blasphemes God will be judged, no Christian should be caught blaspheming Christ.
Every idle word will be judged, what are the "words of a persona" if not idle?
Yes! Is there any actor who has no power to defy the devil and not sin with his mouth?
No clue, but it is something they must have repented for.
It just seems like to me you have a trouble seperating fiction from reality.
I trust God to judge people based solely on their own self and not on something they aren't, which is exactly what the roles they would be playing are, it's not them the actor themselves but merely fictional personas.
As long as it doesn't effect the actor behind the role spiritually I see zero issue with it, I guess repentance is understandable in extreme cases that involve roles that are straight up rebellious characters against God basically.
But anything more would just be ridiculous, if an actor is playing a role, and says something that the character he's playing as would say, should he also repent even though it isn't blaspheming Christ necessarily?
After all the actor said something that he in reality didn't mean, which means he committed the sin of lying according to you.
Case in point say in Titanic, Leonardo professes his love for Kate Winslet, that's not what really happens it's really Jack Dawson professing his love for Rose Dewitt Bukater but according to your logic there's no line to seperate the two personas at play.
In reality it's Leonardo saying it, but he doesn't really mean it since he's playing a role that has nothing to do with him ultimately, however, it still came form his mouth and was directed at somebody, which means according to you he falsely professed love and lied.
Should he also repent for lying then?
You have to draw the line somewhere, or at least try to figure out where God has drawn the line between blasphemy worthy of repentance and playing out fiction that has nothing to do with real people, and I think the line is less strict than you think so.
Can I get a qrd on who the guy is, please?
George Miller or as he's better known, Filthy Frank or eve Joji by his musician nickname.
Aah, thank you. But the guy has no direct connection to this board or christianity in general, right? I just wondered about the OP and why he brought especially this guy up.
But I also want to respond to your post regarding the question on whether an actor is going to be judged for (pretentious) sins his character commits and where to draw the line.
I say yes, of course God will judge this but maybe a little different than you to think. (Just fyi, I dont have much time right now and will be offline for some time after this post and might answer late in case you respond to this. I'm really interested in your thoughts on this!)
IMO the key to answer this doesn't lie mainly in every word and action an actor does while playing a character but in the occupation of acting itself!
Please think about it. What is 'acting'? Pretending, which per definition is 'the act of make-believe' (!). I find this quite telling already. The viewer is made to 'believe' something which is of course unreal. In fact, a 'good' actor does himself 'believe' in his act for the time being.
You PRETEND to be someone you aren't. You SAY things you do not really mean. You might say and do a whole lot of sinful things that are completely against God's will and in 'real life' people will be condemned for doing so! Acting, to pretend to be someone else, is essentially lying and an especially sinful act/role is even worse! Just think about it, do you really think God approves when someone who claims to follow Christ, engages in a roleplay where he, for example, kills someone or commits adultery etc? And for what? To "entertain" people, who don't know God? To deliver to them some amusement on their way to hell?? Giving them something against the emptiness in their lives they call boredom?
Does this strike you as a good purpose or doesn't it actually sound awfully wrong? To me it sure does.
I have huge difficulties to imagine to be an actor and engage in these things, while maintaining a clean conscience before God and even enjoying what I do. How is this even possible?
Another angle: Someone who knows a thing or two won't ever deny the changes over the decades that came with television, movies etc and how it morally affected and altered people since the 60s when the TV began to widely enter private households (acting, in a much smaller scale than today, negatively influenced people in fact for thousands of years). There's a clear connection and parallel between television and how things went south since its introduction. An ever increasing depravity among the people peaking in what we've got today.
I am deeply convinced that the TV is one of the strongest and most dangerous tools of the devil since the last century, to corrupt/manipulate/control the masses. Maybe even his strongest tool to date.
On a sidenote, I am from Germany and picrelated is how many, many sattelite dishes here have been labeled as long as they exist. In german 'satellite system' means 'Satelliten Anlage', so I guess 'SatAn' is meant to be short for it. What an appropriate, little hint isn't it?
Also if you look into history, acting in form of theatrical performances is very old ofc. Did you know, that the early generations of christians in the first centuries also considered play-acting as evil and taught accordingly? I can't cite anything right now but I read about it a few years ago. In fact they taught that a christian can do any work but they named a few (3 or 4 I think) professions that they considered totally contradictory with serving Christ. Unfortunately I forgot what it was but acting was definately one of them! Don't you think they had good reasons for their view?
Btw, you surely know the biblical term of idolatry. It's a very critical thing often mentioned as the exact opposite of serving God, serving an idol. This can be a graven image, as it was often in the old testament but also any other object of a man's adoration or worship. Of course also a person! Anything/anyone basically that/who attracts a kind of attention, awe, reverance, even worship that rightfully belongs to God! In our time, nothing produces more idols/icons than the media, TV esp. Who grows up without having at least one kind of an idol, if it's an actor, a singer/musician or whatever? A 'Star'! And when you observe how literally 'obsessed', especially but not only, young people often become, how fanatic and hysterical they get, you can sense that there is way more to it than the eye can see! That there is definately a spiritual side to it, that is very dangerous.
I mean just think about it: We put a thing on our roofs that says 'Satan', so through a medium (!), the Tv, our idol can be delivered to be worshipped by us. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Finally, why in the world should a true follower of Christ get involved with all this and become/remain an actor and participate in this corruption? For the fame, his ego?? Oh it's just a job one might say. So you 'just' do it for money? But is it really only a job? Who do you sell yourself to? Who and what purpose do you really serve when 'make-believe'? Spiritually there is so much more to it. The whole thing is NOT neutral!
There is so much more that could be said but I hope I was able to at least shed a little light onto it from my understanding.
I'm totally sure, nothing about acting is good or even neutral. Neither for the actor nor the viewer. (It has not directly to do with acting and I won't get into this now but if interested, read up on the fact that the brain enters a hypnosis-like state when watching TV, which is definately nothing a christian does want.)
It's all fake, a lie, deception, a pretentious make-believing ACT! Very much evil but little to nothing good comes from this…
Sorry, I did not intend to write such a long post when I started :) Anyway, I hope it might have been a little bit helpful.
Off-topic directed at you. You may wish to drop that 'reddit spacing'. It shows like a beacon here, post like that anywhere but here like that and you may find your thread or anything you may say derailed to hell and back. Do not take anything too serious here (i.e. any paragraphs of arguments you wrote can simply be ignored) and you may find this place a better place than what the media run by pathological liars and the devils say.
I'm at work so this is way too much to address but I'm thankful for your comment regardless.
I do believe there's lots of truth in here overall, however you also seme to be very keen on hyperbolating to make a position friend, with a habit of lumping together moderates with extremes.
Case in point being Satelliten Anlage and that acting as a whole isn't a neutral profession at it's most basic, I may address this later on when I'm free on my own but for now I have to be going too.
What the heck is 'reddit spacing'? I've been using both 4chong and Zig Forums for over 2 years now, way before I even knew about Reddit.
Yet I've been consistently called out for "Reddit spacing" recently, does it have something to do with half proper grammar, punctuation and segmenting your post into paragraphs or something?
Not knowing this makes me feel way too old for my taste.
When posting about an e-celeb you should at least mention who it is. Not everybody knows who everybody is, you know, and not everybody obsesses over the lives of vloggers and youtube stars.
I agree on the sin part; however, I also think the way and “light” in which these sinful actions are portrayed matter: if the action of murder is seen and transmitted to the viewers so to make them understand why it’s a despicable action, then it’s a form of “moral lesson” and thus less “sinful” in nature, imho
T. Hamster
You don't actually believe that's real right?
The jump cut, the very heavy sound of the sock, c'mon now.
That’s the point. I’m saying OP is overreacting.
You've been posting here for two years and have only recently been attacked for typing like a ledditor?
Whoops my apologies then.
As far as I can tell this "Plebbit spacing" meme is fairly new on both imageboards, at least I certainly don't remember seeing it before 2018 that's for sure, and I've been typing like this since… I don't know, ages now.
Reddit didn't invent spaces between paragraphs mate.
The "reddit spacing" meme was originally called "phone spacing" as a way to call out phoneposters. Since a phone's screen isn't as wide as a PC screen, it looks like a full paragraph has been typed when it's merely a sentence. It can also happen to PC posters who use the "Quick Reply" box. It became "reddit spacing" when the vast majority of Reddit users started using the Reddit app instead of visiting the actual site. It tends to make people hit "enter" more often to break up what they perceive to be multiple paragraphs.
The "reddit spacing" meme is basically like the people who have no argument, so they call out a spelling error and declare victory. It's best to just ignore them.
No, but its
users are
guilty of
creating a
after every
two sentences.
Don't mind me,
just typing on
my 2x2 inch
smart phone
screen. This
isn't aggravating
to read at all,
is it? Certainly
it's healthy to
type like this.
Polite sage for off-topic.
I've been posting on imageboards since 2005, and have been accused of "reddit posting" for at least 5-6 years.
I will double-space until the end.